
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 18 March 2010

Double Everywhere

This is a very late post. It seems that out of twelve months in a year, February is the most romantic month of all. I see double everywhere.

Went to Vicchuda Kota Damansara and ordered Kerabu Mangga and found that the Chef was in a romantic mood. See! Love can turn two "Har Mai" into a heart join in two. MRC, this one is for you. No matter how poor or ugly, there is somebody out there for everyone.

Went to market buy egg. Come back to make telur goreng for breakfast, found double yolk in the egg. Must be from a young hen as per uncle Pete's explanation here.

Went to buy vegetable....aiks...Old Cucumber also got "double" ah? Guess nobody is too young or old to love ler.

I wonder what's next.


  1. Wow..double egg yolk!! The Kerabu mangga look cute also with two prawn or har mai and with deco in a heart shape! LOL

    Love Joshua's picture, look cheeky.

  2. Such good coincidence to get 'double things'! Double gaji, got ah? :P

  3. i always managed to buy double yolk egg leh... funny hoh....

  4. Eh, the boy and the mirror, so familiar geh? Cute! Hehe. The old cucumber looks kinda... err... scary.

  5. you mean the pictures were taken in Feb, and you baru post them up here, i thought you superwoman very very fast one

  6. Annie

    Ya wor, Annie. Valentine day seems to be everywhere

  7. Steph

    so far this is my 2nd time get double yolk. Kinda like bonus kakaka double the collestrol

  8. Alice

    Gaji tarak double but work usually got double la..and at time triple

  9. Chloe Mommy

    hahaha...1st time i see this double old cucumber.

  10. Eugene

    ya lor..all taken in feb...but after i kumpul all...found so many double..thus decided to post about this lor

  11. lol.. gua manyak suka itu old cucumber :P

  12. Merryn

    not as another "educational" tools for Ethan gua??? The elephants not enough ah :p

  13. err...i like that double cucumber!

  14. when i see the old give impression of boobs....oh shucks...dirty minded daddy here...kekeke

  15. I've never seen double egg yolks before. And the old cucumber...errr..weird lor..hehe.

    Your boy is very cute leh. :)

  16. Eyew...the cucumber looks so obscene! Hahahahahaha!!!

  17. How bout getting a pair soon?...Hint**hint**

  18. Ha ha ha, everything double, sign of getting twins! Goodlah, sekali got two babies......then can tutp kedai aledy, LOL!

  19. wow, looks like something auspicious!! must go and buy lottery already~~ :D

  20. Chris

    Hope you like the old cucumber to cook soup and not other wise :p

  21. Mummy Gwen

    This is my 2nd time seeing double yolked eggs. Pete lagi whole tray of them

    As for the old cucumber...kinda weird :p

  22. Mommy Ling

    ya hor...a pair of specticles...:p

  23. SK

    Ya ya lottery 8888 kekeke

  24. Pete

    No way man! Want me to go to the grave faster meh.My BIL have a daughter and followed by twins daughters again. If this one follow by twin boys...mati aku


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