
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 5 March 2010

Roast Duck at Restaurant Loong Foong

Pass by this Restaurant many time and it's always seems to be full of people. Something must be nice here.

Seems there is always a long queue for the Roast Duck.

Hmmm...must be very hot weather. All the ducks are naked with fan blowing full blast at them.

Mamarazzi decided to buy a duck. RM45 per duck.Half is RM23. A bit more expensive than the Petaling Street Roast Duck. Mamarazzi come into the car aje, we can smell it. Very strong herbs smell.

Is it time to makan yet? *sulking* Why the rice takes so long to cook one? My stomach playing drums liao.


Alamak...reminded by Mommy Ling. Sorry ah..i forgot to publish the address of the restaurant. Here goes :

1 Jalan 20/13, Paramount Garden,
46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor


  1. I think I been to this restaurant before. Very nice duck :D

  2. Yummy!.. U r so lucky, mummy always bring you go mum mum..

  3. Its our favourite restoran. Food is reasonably price n taste good also. If u want the roast duck, better be there b4 7pm. otherwise bo liao..

  4. I love roasted duck too! Slurp

  5. So sien lah, everytime you post nice nice makan, i got no chance to go try,,,,,,,

    i think i must tempt you with nice nice makan place from Penang too, hahahah.

    you have a great weekend

  6. The Loong Foong duck is nice but a little pricey and long queue! The other dishes there so so only!

  7. Prince & princess Mum

    hahaha...ya loh he always ask for "Gai-gai"

  8. uLi

    Not bad la the duck. I still prefer the Petaling Street punya.

  9. Rose

    Yay! one more that love Roast Duck. Quite many people dont like roastduck coz say "smelly".

  10. Little Lamb 5pm and habis by 7pm? so laku ah? I always sees many ppl makan at this restaurant

  11. Eugene

    You should post nice Penang food and location la. Next time I will go makan at Penang pulak.

    Last time only managed to eat the Oh Chien and some hawkers food at one of the Restaurant

  12. Pete

    Other dishes so-so only ah? But I wonder why so many people makan there. Every time pass by there sure full house. Have you tried the small hawkers by the road side in front of Giant? Any good? Thought wanna try makan there.

  13. eii..where is this place. Duno ler. I also love roast duck.

    aijor, weather is extreme hot now, better naked first, later need to roast roast edy.

  14. Mommy Ling

    Aiyak...sorry ah...too excited with the post and forgotten to post the address...

    here it is :

    1 Jalan 20/13, Paramount Garden,
    46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

  15. Thanks for sharing the food idea. Now I know where can try good roast duck.

  16. The fan blowing to dry the when roasted, the skin will be nice and crispy. People usually just dry outside in the need to use fan. Maybe pollution...not so healthy to hang outside anymore...

  17. publish address also i dont know.. *hinting* one day hope i will be brought there.. :p

  18. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE5 March 2010 at 17:14

    **Drooling** ~

  19. so how the duck taste?? nice??

    i guess the fan is to let the skin more crispy??

  20. Alice

    there is another good one at Salak South Garden, by the hill slope near Hong Leong Bank.

    3 stalls there. two seeling roast duck and 1 selling goreng pisang

    I usually buy from the middle stall, jaga by a lady.

    The goreng pisang next to it also very nice. Rather expensive at rm0-80/pc

  21. STP

    Ooo...that's the reason ah? place to put the duck under the sun as the area is a well developed area.

  22. MRC

    should be nearby your area lo

  23. SK

    Not bad la. Like the strong herbal smell. Well marinated. But I still prefer the Petaling St Sze Ngan Chye duck.

  24. Think I have been there before,
    or maybe passed by there? lol

    I love roast duck though.

    Have a great weekend.


  25. Was it good or not the roast duck? Lots of ppl eat there means the food should be good.

  26. Mummy Gwen

    I was not bad la. Love the herb taste.

  27. Shakira

    Another that love Roast Duck..yummm

  28. Wahhh... the duck very expensive lehhhh....very nice to eat wan ah?

  29. walaooooooooooooooooooooeh! i love ducky le. omg, im so hungry now! all yr fault laaaaaaaaaaar!

  30. Cleff

    Roast duck nowadays are around that price loh. Taste not bad la.

  31. Irene

    Wei...your place also many place with good ducky le.

  32. Paramount. Roughly no where edy.

    Thanks for the infor..yea..get HIGH when c de naked duck..hehhee

  33. Mommy Ling


  34. Wow..RM45 is sure very expensive but if the taste is good, than worth it. haha...I love roasted duck too. So yummy and I like the ducky smell.


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