
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Going Banana?

Mmmm...Secret Recipe Cake. Yum-yum...I remember when I was in Mamarazzi's tummy,I was crazy about Secret Recipe Cake.I wonder if Mamarazzi have bought my favourite.

Yup! Banana Chocolate Cake! Mamarazzi said this cake is fresh. How did she know it's fresh? Coz there was only 1 slice cut out from that cake. Her friend who work in a bakery before told her not to buy cake if saw many slice have been taken coz it shows the cake have been there a few days.

Meantime, I am going Banana on this Chocolate Banana Cake. Delicious!


  1. THanks for sharing the tip about not buying cakes that have been sliced a lot already. It's an eye-opener! :-D

  2. hehehee.. i m also like u, i look out for the full whole cake.. those already cut a lot, i no want.. but then those cut ones, are much demanded?? :p benefit of the doubt..

  3. Yummmm...I love Secret Recipe!!! Drooool!!!!

  4. He finished the whole piece ah? I like it too..hehe. But eat too much can be jelak. :P

  5. Wah... so clever eat ha?

    Psst, can share share with Auntie or not?

  6. This banana choc used to be our fav too! Now, our tastebuds have "migrated" to Chocolate Indulgence ;-)

  7. Alice

    I didnt know till my friend told me :p

  8. Claire

    Can ask the staffs whether fresh or not. But have to depend on their honesty lor :p

  9. Agnes

    pasal makan this boy tak kalah one :p. He tidur also will climb up and eat :p

  10. Mummy Gwen

    Nah...he ate half. The rest i ngap! kekeke

  11. Chloe

    wow you have a very "Rich" chocolate taste ya. Chocolate Indulgence is also very sedap de.

  12. i used to eat this too, like ALL the TIME hehe... now i like chocolate indulgence, classic cheesecake, white chocolate macadamia :)

  13. aiyo.. cannot judge the cake like that ge la.. what if that day business very good lei... then the cake ma sell a lot lor.. BTW, the easiest way to judge the Choc banana is to see the banana if it's black liao..

  14. Kristie

    Wow..tabik :p. You really know your cake :)

  15. This Banana Choc usually tasted delicious one =)

  16. Cyn

    Other cake how to judge leh?

  17. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE31 March 2010 at 17:31

    "Se jia che you ma ma hau" - The ibu song.....Mother;s the best...I cry coz terharu on behalf of Joshua

  18. uLi

    J also love to eat this cake

  19. Prince and Princess Mum

    Yes..definitely yum yum

  20. MRC

    Dont sing dont sing...later rain...kenot go pasar malam :p

  21. wah, i think this bananan choc cake is everyone fav...even the taste of the cake...

  22. now you make me crave. there is a shop selling this upstairs. but i must resist. maybe reward myself one day. not now hehehe

  23. Joshua is a lucky boy.. gets to eat many varieties of food.. :D

  24. Tuti

    wait...wait till Friday. Tomorrow is your big day

  25. Vialentino

    I guess he love Banana Chocolate cake coz got banana.He love banana

  26. oh...I didnt know about the one more slice thing! :)

    But yeah...the banana one is really good!

  27. Ann

    I didnt know too till my friend told me

  28. i love the choc banana cake too!! if you buy the whole cakem make sure you finished it fast. or else, you see all the bananas turning black :(

  29. 2Ma

    Wont buy whole cake coz sure kenot finish it so fast :p


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