
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 28 March 2010

Earth Hour 2010

One, two, three, four, five..five tea candles. Should be enough gua..

3...2...1...lights off!

Wah...Mamarazzi gave me a piece of Cake. Got candle on it some more. Earth punya birthday ka?

Yay..blow candle and eat cake

After makan can play water pulak. Syoknya, this Earth Hour thingy.

Must wear "cap" just in case fall down in the bathroom.

Eh....censor censor.

Last year we "celebrated" Earth Hour too. Check out the posts here and here


  1. haha...the last one is so cute! Btw, I have an award for you. Please feel free to stop by. Thanks!
    Have a nice weekend.
    Cheers, KRisty

  2. Kristy

    Thanks a lot :D

    A happy weekend to you.Gosh..i love the look of the cake. Saliva drooling all over laptop already

  3. haha.. you really play with candles.. very nice.. and the kid is adorable, especially the last pic.. censor.. =P

  4. Ken

    Mid-Autumn festival play not enough candle mah.Now take chance to play kau-kau lor :P

  5. ooopsss.... i was outside having dinner at that time.. my house.. got on a bit of light.. if not, masuk pencuri.. hahahaa..

  6. fortunately it's Earth hour... too dark to see small kuching taking bath :p

    Aiyo... no birdie shots :p

  7. Claire

    another nice food post coming up ya? tengah hungry

  8. TZ

    birdie shots kena censor liao :P. Cut off at the bottom ..muhahahaha...

    how was Yuen? Got steal many chicken wings? got lights ka at Yuen

  9. cute! :) u very sexy lah joshua, no need to shy hehe :)

  10. Kristie

    Shy shy wor...later the whole world see nen nen :p

  11. Haha... so cute. No wonder TNB chief say we are cute to celebrate earth hour...

  12. Eyewww.....NAKED!!! *blush! blush!

  13. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE28 March 2010 at 10:11

    WAH really candle wor...Bravo to Kathy & joshua for supporting earth hour for ONLY 1 hour per year...LOL....LOL....

    Oklah small step will lead to giant leap....That's what ppl say.....On behalf of bumi, I tank kiu sama u...

  14. ha ha ha, cute....should have more earth days!

  15. hahaha. The last pic so cute :)

  16. Gus

    TNB wont loss much ler with the 1hr.

    Anyway, good to have celebration coz March and April are quiet months. Nice to have something to look forward to.

  17. MRC

    Take the opportunity to play with candles lor since Mid-autumn festival didnt get to play much :p

  18. Pete

    I wonder what next in April

  19. first time here... haha, didn't know Earth Hour Campaign can be this fun too =) we did switch off the light last night, my girl kept telling me it was her birthday and she sang birthday song in front of candle. lol.

  20. LOL... I didn;t celebrate Earth Hour... :( Sadly... was doing work! I celebrated by using electric kow kow! Boohoo!

  21. Serene

    Looks like kids enjoy it the most

  22. Cleff

    huh...busy working rest for those who work from home :p

  23. Ai-yah, no need to censor, Mamarazzi, Joshua got no big nen-nen to see mah! :P

  24. Fun hor, to light up candles? We did this last year too. This year, we did something different...

  25. Aahahahahaha!! Cheeky boy!! Earth hour must mandi one ar?

  26. Alice

    LOL...scare kena report as child porn wor

  27. uLi

    Good leh...looking forward to read how u celebrated

  28. Agnes

    Very hot wor no fan and air-cond. Thus throw him in the bathroom and let him play water lor

  29. Chloe

    Looking forward to read of your celebration :)

  30. Woww, so romantic yeah, bathed in the dark:-)

  31. Joanne

    Ya too hot so throw him in the bathtub lor :p


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