
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Oriental Pearl Restaurant, Bukit Jalil Golf &Country Resort

To continue yesterday's story, Khai Yeh's wedding banquet was held at Oriental Pearl Restaurant at Bukit Jalil Golf and country Resort. Uiks? This restaurant is under Tai Thong Group?

Very impressive "Choy Tan". I wonder what is Mandarin Fish. Uncle Newton suggested that it's a fish that can speak Mandarin. Alamak! I can't speak Mandarin wor. How ah?

Wow...each got a cute pack of Beryl's chocolate!

Two in a pack. Two hearts in one? But how come tinggal one only geh? You wanna know the reason? Coz by the time Mamarazzi took out the camera, I have already done this.

Quickly unwrapped a piece of chocolate....

And pop it into my mouth. Kejap ada, kejap tarak. My hands have to be very fast leh or else I won't get to eat the chocolate at all.I was having cough at that time. Someone said coughing not allowed to eat chocolate. I love this chocolate coz it's not that sweet.

Free flow of Chinese Tea and soft drink.And the waitress kept topping up Mamarazzi's glass with Red Wine. Geee...I hope Mamarazzi won't mabuk and fell on her face like what I nearly did last week.

Good thing about this restaurant is thatthe waitress very "seng muk". Without having to be told, they automatically bring a set of baby bowl and cutleries for me. Mamarazzi simply adore the staffs here. Kacang habis liao and they are very happy to refill. And they also give us a lot of serviette.

Tra~Ta~Da~Dummmmmm~ The first dish. Five Hot & Cold Combination. Delicious especially the sotong, seaweed and the yellow round thingy.

Braised sharkfin soup with Crab Meat and Crab Roe. Can see very large pieces of crab meat in the soup. Alamak..Mamarazzi ter-put kicap instead of vinegar. Thus the soup was a bit too salty. However, the second bowl was yummy!

Eee...the dishes comes out so fast geh. Very good.

Fried Tiger Prawns with Sweet Corn and Salad Sauce. Prawns were very fresh and sweet. Nearly as sweet as my Khai Ma. Kecian Papa. Mamarazzi busy snapping away photos of the happy couple and Papa busy peeling prawns for Mamarazzi so that she don't her fingers dirty.

Jeng~jeng~jeng~ This is the Steamed Mandarin Fish. By the time it arrived at the table, it can't speak Mandarin anymore. However, we did had a good meal out of it.

Crispy Roast Chicken and Roast Duck Combination. the time this tummy was pretty full liao.Mamarazzi thought it's Roast Chicken only but later discovered the Roast Duck. Had a piece though tummy was very full. Aiyo...the duck was real delicious. Papa puji the sweet sauce, plum sauce and don't know what else sauce for the duck and chicken to no end.

One more?

Sauteed Assorted Mushroom with Seafood Treasure & Broccoli. I love the mushroom very much. Mamarazzi bluff me said it's noodle. Thus I ate a lot thinking that it's special type of noodle.

Hmm...very wangi wor...I wonder what is it...

Steamed rice wrapped in Lotus Leaves

Yummy...My favourite. I ate TWO bowls. Very special leh...Got the Lotus Flower Seed leh. Hmm...hope Khai Yeh and Khai Ma after eat this will "Lin Sang Kwai Ji".

The Crispy Peah and Mochi. Taste average la.

But what I love is this.Mixed Fruits Sago. Aiyo...taste a bit like Mango, Honey Dew and something else that I can't recognise. Another TWO bowls of this.

Aiyoyo...I don't think I should meet Khai Yeh often. Each time I see him, I sure end up to be stuffed to the max.

Happy Honey Moon, Khai Yeh & Khai Ma.


  1. Very impressive food presentation out there...em, yummy.

  2. your son is so cute and he is quite independant in serving himself at the dinner.

  3. Yes this restaurant is under Tai Thong Group. But they are pork free. So it is different from other Tai Thong restaurant. Hehe I had my wedding dinner held here too at the Grand Ballroom. :D

  4. Ohhhh, myyy Gawwddd!!! Food and I haven't had lunch. Gua cabut dulu... come back see later, ur post made my stomach snarled liao. LOL...

  5. has been a long time since I go for chinese wedding dinner. I kinda miss it..hehe...I mean the food. Mandarin fish? What a unique name for a fish..haha.

    Your boy is so quick to wallop the little fella.

  6. Oooo...Tai Thong! Must be nice! How much per table? Bet it must have cost a bomb!!!

  7. Lil Bulb

    yup the food was yummy that day.

  8. Jessica

    This boy pasal makan, he tak kalah one :p. Tengah sleeping also can jump up and ask for makan ...kakaka

  9. Chee Yee

    Uiks? Ya ka? I didnt know it's pork free. My former company also used to held function there too.

  10. Cleff

    I warned you already that today post is about FOOD FOOD FOOD.

    Tomorrow's one will be safe. Not about food :p

  11. Mummy Gwen

    As usual Chinese dinner will always begin 1 hour late but there'll be lotsa food :p

    Yah loh...the hands very fast. By the time i start to snap photos, he already sumbat one in the mouth and starting to peel the wrapper from the 2nd piece. Haiz....

  12. STP

    I didnt ask wor. Paiseh to ask..kekeke. My guess is RM800 to RM900 gua. Moreover it's Chap Goh Mei day

  13. Wuahaha! Everytime read your post sure laugh like crazy. Everything looked very yummy! Suddenly I feel hungry...

  14. Your hubs so good peel prawns for you!! Thumbs up!

    The food looks delicious leh!

    The mandarin speaking fish is Kwai Fah fish as per written in the menu... :P

  15. Chloe

    Good la that you laugh every time you come to my blog.If you cry ah...I very cham loh.Later your hubi come look for me with Parang say i make his wife cry..kekeke

  16. Me got an award for you!

    come over to


  17. Awaiting for the foods pic...Restaurants under Tai Thong Group not bad...

    Love the sharkfin...very gao..hehheh

  18. All the food looks very very yummy from the 1st till the last. I especially love the chicken and duck and the prawn crackers. cousin did the same as you too-adding soy sauce into the shark fin soup instead of vinegar.

  19. The food looks good! Eh...didn't know you went to Bukit near yet so far!

  20. ur son so cute ler...

    i attend dinner here before..without pork oil, the food taste so so nia...

  21. tai tong ah? hahaha so de expensive one wor. :P

  22. The food all looks delicious. Drooling now. Haha, the mandarin fish come from China eh? :P

  23. the food all make me drooling
    I want to ask your small kucing can sit still while dining outside. Lately Heng Heng really making us headache while makan at restaurant. He just can not sit on the high chair for more than 10 mins

  24. Shakira

    Uiks? Again? Thank you wor :D

  25. Agnes

    Paiseh la...what is Kwai Fah Fish I also duno.I only know talapia, garapu, patin, ikan ayam and ikan taufu. The rest tarak "yin Kau" kakaka

  26. Mommy Ling

    Huh awaiting the food pic? slow at downloading ah?

    at 1st he dun like the sharkfin. After that okay jor

  27. Little Prince Mummy

    Uiks change nick ady ah? And congratulations on your new blog :)

  28. mNhL

    Ya lo..i mong char char go and add kicap instead of vinegar..kakaka...think back also can laugh

  29. Alice

    It was at the Bukit Jalil Golf. Food was good

  30. Medie007

    Once in a lifetime...thus should be okay lo...wait till you kahwin then you will know :p

  31. Vialentino

    Most wedding nowadays are at pork free restaurant to cater for the muslim friends lo. Thus so far, the food here are good la.

  32. Superman

    Don't think the fish comes from china.It was not wearing any Mandarin Costume :p

  33. Mummy Moon

    it depends.If he is sleepy or makan like Hi-tea, then he cant sit still for long. Must run around then come back continue part 2.

    If makan like this with a lot of entertainment...waitress playing with him..the khai yeah singing songs..then got food presentation show..then the yum seng...heis quite okay lo.

    I was scared he would made a fuss to initially...but lucky though pass his bedtime, he still didnt make a fuss.

  34. the steamed rice must be delicious!

  35. im very hungry NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. I have tried the food there once and I will give 1 out of 5...not nice!

  37. Wenn

    Yup it was :D.Ngap two bowls

  38. Sarah Daddy & Mummy

    You ate there recently? Guess we were lucky since the food on that night was good. :D Changed chef kot :p

  39. Wow... the food looks so good... now i'm hungry :-D

  40. Boey Joey

    Hope you are full by now. That is the danger of coming to this blog when you are hungry.

  41. I was there last 2 years.
    Yea, maybe now changed chef already.

  42. Joanne

    Last time the food not nice ah?


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