
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 1 March 2010

BookXcess Throw Out, I Kutip-ed

Yesterday morning we arrived at Amcorp Mall "Seven early eight early". Why? Still remember Mamarazzi's post on BookXcess Spring Cleaning? That's why loh. BookXcess Spring Cleaning, we kutip loh. Win-win situation.

Still early. BookXcess no open yet. Still time for breakfast. Ate at the "Mamak shop"at Lower Ground. I heard that there is a Flea Market at Amcorp Mall every weekend. Hope no fleas will attach itself to me. So far, I didn't see and Fleas. Only many people opening stall like at Pasar Malam selling all sorts of things.

Finally it's time to start "digging" at Bookxcess. Many books on sale. Can't see much of RM3 books. Must've been "sapu-ed" by the early birds. Still many RM5 and RM9.90 books to choose from. Quite a lot of Romance selling at RM5, RM6.90 and RM9-90. Mamarazzi saw a Barbara Taylor Bradford (large print) going for RM9-90 only!

Here are the books that Mamarazzi bought. RM5 each only.

Mamarazzi managed to grab 3 only of this hardcover Fifi and The Flower Tots Stories and Activities Book. Another Malay lady sapu-ed a whole bunch of them. None left.

These 3 pulak are Mamarazzi's. RM9-90 each

Check out the John Irving. It's Hardcover some more! Alamak! should have grab one for Uncle Newton. Mana nak dapat brand new hardcover John Irving book at RM9-90?

All these are new authors to Mamarazzi except for Meg Hutchinson. Love stories. Usually Mamarrazi hardly buy any love stories but beh tahan la. All selling at RM5 each wor!. And the Meg Hutchinson and Joan Jonker books are Hardcover. How to tahan?

Don't ask me why Mamarazzi grab two of this Sindbad book. Kiasu kot? Coz so cheap leh. Only RM3 each. *Pengsan*.

Total damages to the pocket : RM81-40.

Lucky Papa sakit perut and had to find place to do some business or else the damage incurred would have been much worse.


  1. ya..amcorp mall there got alot of stalls selling capalang things one... quite fun to explore... :)

    btw, wat time those stalls open in the weekend ar?

  2. Kathy, *salivating* i should have asked u to buy books for me... eh, if u dont mind, after reading, sell them to me .. so cheap.. i want to buy all the love dovey books.. OK? please can? u read the time i go KL, u should have finished reading. hahaha...

  3. WOW....BOOKS, I am so jealous!

    Darling, I really want to thank you ,
    from the very bottom of my heart,
    for coming over to wish William for his birthday tribute.

    He was so thrilled and this cannot be done without YOU!

    You ROCK!

    Have you a great week.


  4. I bought some books at MPH book fair at One U since i didnt get the chance to go Amcorp Mall..somehow MPH has limited books lor.

  5. Darling, I really want to thank you ,
    from the very bottom of my heart,
    for coming over to wish William for his birthday tribute.

    He was so thrilled and this cannot be done without YOU!

    You ROCK!

    Have you a great week.


  6. RM5 can get a hardcopy book, cheap wor...good "kutip" seems :)

  7. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE1 March 2010 at 16:25

    Hebat the mammarAZI - membaca menambah ilmu...Good Goody for whole family..Joshua will have positive influence on this :-)

  8. oh, kutip books!! still available now?? looking at how many books you bought, RM81.40 is not a lot of money, so worth it!!

  9. Aww... when I went it was the first day of the sale so they haven't spring clean everything :( Didn't see anything interesting at all..only managed to grab one by Lee Child and Sitting Practice which looked interesting. Barbara Taylor Bradford is DELICIOUS !! Her language is awesome. I used to curi curi read her books under my desk in school :P hehe.

    Joshua looks so happy with his books. So kiut !

  10. *SULK* *SULK* Kiasu until buy TWO sinbad! *pengsan* Sobsob,next time ajak me go along lah!!!

  11. wahlao eh, i din see the Forget Me Not also, chic lit le, hmmm... impulsive buying. i know, hahaahaha!

  12. Steph

    I used to go looking for 2nd hand books from the Flea Market there on Sunday a long time ago. Saturday not many stall will be open.I think it opens 10am same as the shopping complex. As for closing time, am not sure.

  13. Claire

    LOL...I hope I can finish them before you come to KL :p. I kiasu. Buy buy buy...practically buying the book based on it's cover. Didn't really read the synopsis. You know la...with the smallkucing around. Hard to browse at a leisure pace. Had to just grab and pay.

  14. Shakira

    You are the one who ROCK! You made it happen with your very loving and caring big heart :D

    May you have a nice week ahead

  15. Cheap sales must buy. Hehe. You really did a lot of readings. I just can't get myself to finish a book in a short time. too bad for me.

  16. Mommy Ling

    Nowadays I seldom go to this big bookstores. Only went for their warehouse sale which the price would be a lot cheaper.

  17. MRC

    Ilmu yang baik never long as not ajaran sesat...kakakaka

  18. uLi

    Yup RM5 only...but have not read the contents yet...kekeke...just grabbed and run...after paying of course :p

  19. Little Prince Mummy

    Yup and it's on till 10 of March. But truly have to dig for the RM3 and RM5 books.

  20. SK

    It's on till 10 March.

    Price wise a bit higher than the BBWBS, but this is just a Moving Out sale. Not a warehouse sale.

    But am still happy la since can grab some real nice books...especially the Hardcover Flower Tots books.

  21. Joanna

    Aiks...didnt get anything nice on the first day ah? aiyo...and here i was thinking that people have grabbed all the nice books when I went there so late :p

    Hey! I have also grabbed the Lee Child book last round. Was it Bad Luck & Trouble. RM5. Sad to say that it's still in my store room pending to be read :p

  22. Irene

    Maybe they have just put it out gua.

  23. Cleff

    Okie la...pass u 1 sinbad. Dun sulk la....+ 1 ice cream ok :p

  24. Superman

    Orang miskin lor...have to chase after these cheap sale or else will go bankrupt if to buy books on normal price.

  25. Mamarazzi, you buy so many books, got time to read meh? I see most of the time you are either eating out or posting blogs only hehe :p

    The books are really cheap. If I'm there, I can't resist buying too... except that I'll just buy and keep haha... no time to read lah

  26. chloe

    Me not time to read also have to make time loh. Reading is one of my passion leh :D

  27. Wah, really good buy! YMamarazzi still can find time to read those thick fiction books meh?

  28. Alice

    where there is a will..... :D

    Reading is my passion lor


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