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Wednesday 31 March 2010

Sidney Sheldon's Mistress Of The Game by Tilly Bagshawe

Wanna know why Mamarazzi didn't sleep last night?It was due to this evil evil book. Kept her awake all night. Very "scary" book. Its like this book have put a "charm" on Mamarazzi. Once she lay her hand on it, there is no stopping till she has finish and done with it.

Mamarazzi said it was very delicious, devilish cunning....It felt like Sidney Sheldon rise from the grave(Is it grave or did they have him cremated?) .

Mamarazzi didn't really like Sidney Sheldon's latest two or three books coz she felt they were lack of "feeling". Felt like he was just presenting the plots instead of telling the story and bringing the readers to the world that he had created in his imagination. Oh...if you are an avid reader, you will know that kind of feeling.

Check out this new book by Tilly Bagshawe. She got that from BookXcess. It really brings back the "feel"of Sidney Sheldon's earlier works. Full of suspense, uncertainties, glamour, betrayal, love and unexpected ending.

Now, Mamarazzi is hitting her head against the wall pulak. Something about should have bought other titles of Tilly Bagshawe's books as well when she saw them at BookXcess the other day.


  1. hey kathy!!!!!! sidney sheldon is my favorite author of all times.. so this tilly gets after him? u know how much i miss him or not when he passed on.. i read all his books already.. can never put down one..his books all simple and yet so thrilling one..

  2. oh.. so dat's what transpired between 2am-6am lah? cakaplah!!!!!!!!!

  3. uLi

    Got panda eyes liao...cham liao

  4. Merryn

    Abuthen what u think ah....*yellow*yellow*yellow* :p

  5. me love love love sidney sheldon too! His books are really 'once u start, u can't stop!'

    what are the latest titles from him ah?

  6. Kristie

    The most recent were "The Sky Are Falling" and "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

    Not that good. Lack of the old Umph!

  7. I think you have a mini library now at home..hehe. Sidney Sheldon is a great author. I tell you ah..I'm not a reader..bad to learn from you lah.

  8. Mummy Gwen

    Dont have mini library wor.No space to display all the book.All had to "Tapau" into plastic bags. :(

  9. i got it from Bookxcess liao~~~ ehehehhee....

  10. Woi, sure didn't sleep last night because of the book ar?.....or maybe hubby 'kacau' u leh? ha ha ha!
    Don't sleep too late....nanti got panda eyes baru tau!

  11. Pete

    Unless he is Captain Flash..I don't think it's possible currently :P

  12. Angel Bear

    welcome home

    How was your from to KL? Spend a lot at BX? Managed to go sight seeing in KL? looking forward to your posts.

  13. You know... I really would love to hate you sometimes. But gua tarak berapa berani read his books when alone. Like berhantu. Eeee... creepy lah!

  14. Hey...I saw this book when I went to Bookxcess too! it's really so good ?

    I only got the Ken Follet one.

  15. Sidney sheldon !! Used to read his books when I was still in high school .. ah, this brings back nostalgic memories ... ( saya cakap macam I sudah lapan puluh tahun :P :P :P) but seriously, he was really the master of suspense ...

  16. Should have some reviews for the book... now can only judge the book by its cover, huhuhu... have a nice day!^-^

  17. Yeah, I've had my share of sidney sheldon's sting. his early works are always about the human strength derived from years of discrimination and cruel treatment, resulting in a very satisfying and successful plot of vengeance. or was it just featured in a few of his works...

  18. Oh, I envy Mamarazzi being able to make time to read fiction! I still hve lots of fiction books lying around, either read halfway or not even started yet. After coming back from work, some more have to layan Juan Or, I already doze off before I can even take out a book to read! :P

  19. Cleff

    *pengsan* not berhantu ler. But so syok till kenot put down one ..

  20. Joanna

    You might like to try this book :) Very nice.Kan Cheong

  21. Alice

    Nowadays I seldom have time to browse leisurely during books sales. I just grab and grab only. Grab based on book cover :p.

    Happen to grab this one coz saw the name Sidney Sheldon :p

  22. Alice

    Maybe when Juan Or is bigger then you'll have a bit more time to yourself

  23. I read this recently too. Only my second Sidney Sheldon since "If tomorrow comes". Would love your opinion on the next SS I should try and read. Any suggestions?

  24. Hidayah

    Thanks for visiting my blog :)

    You can try "The Other Side of Midnight", "memories of Midnight" fact all his works.

    I love all his old works. It's the recents one which I dont quite like. Many people love his recent work. I guess it's personal taste. You might love them:)

    Happy reading :D

  25. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE1 April 2010 at 17:13

    Happy reading Kathy & indulged in your housewife's activity....- Housewife is the best job in the world - Yes very busy but flexible as well, rite??

  26. so it is good after all! must get that one...:-)

  27. thanks will check them out ;)

  28. HI There, I've read some of Sidney Sheldon's books ---so I can imagine how 'scary' this new one was... Hubby and I love TV shows full of drama and suspense ---but I haven't read one of those kinds of books in a long time. I need my sleep at nights!!!!! ha


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