
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 5 March 2010

Restaurant Khee Way DimSum Blog

Hi! Still remember Mamarazzi raving about this very good Dim Sum at Kampung Baru Sg Buloh? If don't remember, click here to refresh your memory.

Wow...Mamarazzi just discovered that they have a blog. Check out their blog for details and map to the place. Click here. Ahemmm... a caution though....make sure your tummy if full before you click or else I guarantee you will dream of their Dim Sum whole day long.


  1. i stay safe.. i m very full now.. dim sum, here i come.. fully prepared!

  2. wah i think i come back & click tomorrow the link. hungry la now. haha!

  3. Irene

    Your free meh? I thought you have a big party going on :p

  4. Claire

    LOL...hope your PC aren't wet with saliva now. kekeke

  5. oh.. the Chinese name seems to be the same as the one near my place.. must go there and ask if the same supplier mou.. heheh. coz the one here also damn nice..

  6. Cyn

    Your place got Khee Waymeh? Where? I know there is one good punya near the 7-11 and the BKT stall la that is called Phang Kee

  7. Gosh!!! They are so hi-tech these days... Even A1 Mountain Globe curry paste (better than Mak Nyonya) has their own website! LOL!!!

  8. STP

    Now they discover the power of blog. if advertise in newspaper, most likely only Malaysian know about it. With a blog, even people from North Pole will know about them...though i don't think it would be much help to their biz lah :p

  9. wah... dim sum restaurant also got blog ah... wonder if they do online delivery or not? kakaka

  10. Boey Joey

    All going hi-tech nowadays :D

  11. Cis, I knnow thie entry is meant for me wan, that's why purposely come here when I'm not hungry! LOL... nawww.... tonite apa lu masak? =P

  12. Cleff

    Dim Sum Dim Sum...muahahaa

  13. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE6 March 2010 at 20:53

    Hmm nowadays eateries are getting smart to promote online as well....It's time for mammarazi to make alliance with those etablishments by reviewing their foods

  14. MRC

    I dont think free makan is suitable for me la. Then i would be obliged to say the food is good although it's not.

    Like it better this way..go eat and review without them knowing. Then if tak sedap i can say so. :p

  15. uLi

    if only they have e-eat too...or special delivery like pizza or McD :p

  16. This restaurant is so far from my place... Erm..their own blog, trying to do hard sales? LoL

  17. PeckWM

    Now even Mamak stall are going hi-tech loh


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