
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 11 March 2010

Carrefour, Kota Damansara

Heard there is a new Hypermarket in town. Actually opened since February but Mamarazzi just got to know about it recently.

Well, nothing better to do...go jalan-jalan lor.

Very spacious

Shall I open a stall here? Sell what ah?

Hmm...indeed very new and wide space for me to run around. It's wheel chair and pram/stroller friendly too. Very good!

But one thing never change in Malaysia....wet and dirty toilet. Mamarazzi got so geram. Just imagine going into the toilet cubicle with that what-you-call-it "wind machine" blowing full blast. Cubicle is with 3 walls and a door, right?. Imagine, all the wind blowing in from under the door and no place to go but up...The smell..YUCK!!! *pengsan*


  1. oh i've seen this new hypermart. actually was very surprised to see it cos near it is a Giant hypermarket eh? are there many other shops inside this one? i hate the wet toilets too. guess we will never have dry ones in msia.

  2. I still prefer Giant, Kota Damansara.

  3. We've been there twice but twice oso didn't buy anything or spend a single sen (mummy dun like C4 after countless bad experiences)... no makan place also there. Not nice :-(

  4. hehehe...Ja I understand how it feel, sometimes I do encounter such thing in the public comfort room.
    Your child is really cute and I think he enjoy shopping...

    have a good thursday afternoon...

  5. There is a new one opened in Seremban days before CNY.

  6. I try to avoid going to toilets in hypermarkets at all cost..hehe.

  7. Cannot dun go dirty toilet also.. sigh!~

  8. Mommy Ling

    among Giant, Carrefour and Tesco, I preferred Tesco though price is slightly higher than Giant.

  9. Mommy To Chumsy

    Good also to have two hypermarket next nearby to each other. They compete, we "untung"

    Not many shops opened yet. A small food court, some handphone stall, somebaju stall, a shoe shop, a KFC and a few others

  10. Chloe Mommy

    Mamarazzi preferred Tesco. Got special parking for family and customer service is better

  11. Khim

    Very uncomfortable if go to yucky ladies room.

  12. Mummy Gwen,

    Not much choice there :(

  13. mNhL

    How was the one at Seremban? ANy better?

  14. Shakira

    Easy...if fall down then can sue them as there is not sign says wet floor :P.

  15. Prince & princess Mum

    Sometimes "emergency" have to go loh :(

  16. I've seen worst.... =.=||| I wonder la why the management never ensure the toilet is clean for everyone to use???? =/

  17. Hah, quite long didn't pass through that area, don't know that there is a new carrefour! LOL!

  18. Pete

    baru in Feb something

  19. Angel Bear

    This Management did try to make the toilet clean and dry. But just too bad they use the wind blowing machine and it blow into the cubicle. Yuck....

  20. in tropicana mall and another in KD? Wow...these hypermarts really so much competition!

    Will check it out if not for a place to jalan jalan!

  21. so cute lar ur son....i oso like to read leh....can spend whole day in my room without stepping outside at all = = siao hor...= =

  22. toilets betray the habits of users.
    here toilets are super dirty too, and if they're not, it's because the malls pay more for service people to clean up. hehehe.

  23. The toilet smell so terrible hor? That's why I only go when really tak boleh tahan.

  24. hahaha...yeah, agree with u, msia toilets is dirty and smelly...clean toilets can be found in 5 - 6 stars hotel only...

  25. Wah, didn't know Kota Damansara got Carrefour already! Thanks for sharing the great info! :-)

  26. So far, have not visit their toilet yet. haha...anyway, I only went their once.

  27. Manglish

    Not "siao" coz mamarazzi also love reading

  28. Ann

    yup many new hypermarket sprung up around this area

  29. Vialentino

    Agree with you there.

  30. mNhL

    LOL...once is enough huh..


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