
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 7 March 2010

Restaurant Sri Melur Jaya, Setia Alam

About three weeks ago we went to do some shopping at a hypermarket at Setia Alam. Decided to have breakfast at one of the shops nearby. Saw this banner.

Wow...this restaurant really pandai do P.R. Big banner to wish their customers a Happy Chinese New Year.

Mamarazzi wanted to try their Nasi Briyani and share with me.

You really expect me to eat that? How la? It's for adults but not for kids like me leh.

Okay lo..Papa ordered Maggi Goreng and told the man many times "Tak mau Cili, Tak Mau Pedas".

Haiz...end up...pedas also. Seems that Papa didn't say "Tak mau curry powder". To them, curry powder is not spicy. Haizz... Mamarazzi and Papa had to ngap finish the Nasi Briyani and the Maggi Goreng loh. The Briyani not as good as Salma's but the Maggi Goreng was nice, according to Mamarazzi.A lot of ingredient in the Maggi Goreng.

Well, for me...I drink Orange Juice only loh.Good Orange Juice and the Baby Chair here is very nice to sit. Very comfortable.


  1. poor joshua.. ended up drinking only ye! never time come IPoh.. auntie claire take u eat until puas puas... ok?

  2. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE7 March 2010 at 16:45

    I think the whole family try at least 2 new restaurant per week??

  3. Joshua and I are the same,
    we do not take chilli curry powder.
    Mamak restaurants are like that.

    Joshua looks really cute ler.


  4. Claire

    Yalor...drank orange juice only.

    Seems these Mamak stall/restaurant have a "lingo" of their own.

    Like if don't want the drink to be too sweet, it's not enough if you were to say "Kopi O KURANG MANIS".

    Must say, "Kurang kurang manis".

  5. Shakira

    I also dont like too much Curry Powder.

    Some don't know how to cook and can taste the curry powder. Really yuck.

  6. The Maggi goreng turn out with no colour? Is the Maggi goreng spicy stil?

  7. Wow...the nasi briyani looks good. If we bring Gwen to Indian or Mamak restaurant is sure a headache ordering food for her.

  8. Hahhaha...kesian smallkucing time bring biscuits out ya :P

  9. wow... ur son very cute ler. so behave. hahahah

  10. Hi SK, love that mee goreng. I guess you all eat out often too.
    And love the way your kid looks, so innocent and cutr.
    Have always loved his hairstyle, aircond, ha ha.
    Have fun and keep well, Lee.

  11. *make cross sign* Thank you God...for letting me eat nasi briyani yesterday, else I would have drool over this! LMAO...Hallelujah, God is great!

  12. Horlic

    The texture was just right but it was still spicy. Due to the curry powder i think

  13. Mummy Gwen

    Sometimes this kid eat Thosai with the Papa lo. Ask them to make it garing :D

  14. uLi

    Always bring along his biscuits. But maybe he is getting bored with this brand liao :(

  15. Uncle Lee

    Had to keep his hair short coz the hot weather here. Sweats a lot :(

  16. Medie007

    Thank you thank you :P

  17. Cleff

    Uiks? This Cleff getting smarter by the day:p

  18. @Claire... wud Auntie? Joshua call me Auntie wan worr... i call you Mama Claire... you must upgrade... become Grandma Claire! LOL...


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