
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 6 May 2011

Visiting Auntie Claire and Labbie Again

After the aborted Penang trip, Papa woke up suddenly at 4 a.m. and said let's go Ipoh.  Kena Mamarazzi scold say "go sleep la". Then when we woke up properly Mamarazzi asked me whether wanna go Pasar or go Ipoh. I answered go Ipoh. 

Mamarazzi asked the second time, I said neither wanna go Pasar nor Ipoh but I wanna go Funfair.

Well, somehow we end up in Ipoh later of the day.

Hello Labbie. Nice to see you again. Hope you don't mind I came without advance notice. Bad Mamarazzi la. Say wanna drop some books to Auntie Claire wor since we are in Ipoh. 

Bad of her la. Some more did not tell Auntie Claire what time to expect our arrival. Ish...really expect Auntie Claire to wait at home whole day ka?

Auntie Claire was real nice. Haiyo...paiseh la...she dropped everything to entertain us..errr....not really everything lah. She still had on her clothes la.

Even brought us around for food hunting. Quite a number of shops didn't open that weekend.

 We had these Yam Cake.

 Then this fried kuih.

 Ohh...this Bubur Cacar realllllly tasty. Not overtly creamy nor too sweet. Just nice.

 I had fried Bihun and noodle.

 Wah...Auntie Claire went all the way to buy this delicious Taufu Fa for us. The Syrup is ginger syrup. It was Auntie Florence first time tasting this and she praise it no end. She asked me to thank Auntie Claire very much.

Knowing Mamarazzi craze for Durian, Auntie Claire also went to all the trouble to "tapau" this durian for us. Wow...the pulp was really thick and taste bitter. 

Haiyo...If Mamarazzi stay in Ipoh with Auntie Claire, her weight would go up in no time. It's amazing how Auntie Claire can keep her weight down with good food at every corner.

Thank you very much Auntie Claire


  1. durian again...and the bubur caca!! the yam cake!!!! *cry louder*

  2. Wow, can I get some durians too if I were to pass by Ipoh. XD

  3. Didn't you have a post on this already? Or did I see it in Auntie Claire's blog?

  4. Ouch...bomb lagi!! Yesterday i went to SS2durian n sapu one biji for RM35...pocket koyak..LOL!!

  5. i super duper like fried beehoon and tong shui together.. wow, that bubur-caca really got many treasures inside lor, nice..

  6. I like the dog, hehe...

    Durians, durians, my favourite!!!

  7. Ipoh has some lovely food and I like the Yam Cake as shown.

    I am currently at Europe,that's why unable to keep in touch that often.
    Will do so more often when I come back next week.

  8. a "FRUITFUL" TRIP for everyone :-D

    Nice to be guest as always

  9. Nick

    You can say that again :D. Thanks to Auntie Claire.

  10. Angel Bear

    Adei....kena beruang again..okay sayang sayang...dont cry

  11. Isaac

    You go find AUntie Claire la :p

  12. STP

    That one is Claire's blog. Mamarazzi slow

  13. Yee Ling

    wa...durian lagi??? terror

  14. SK

    The thong sui sedao leh. Biasa I never seen so many things inside, unless it's home cooked

  15. Sharon

    Labbie is a very friendly dog :D

  16. Nava

    Enjoy yourself in Europe. Looking forward to your posts :D

  17. MRC

    Indeed and Auntie Claire is such a guest friendly person.

  18. No luck for me. Last sunday went to Penang,all night rain,so da bao and eat at hotel's room only. Then went to Ipoh next day, even worst find not thing to eat, just eat curry mee only :(

  19. Tsk tsk tsk, shame on ur mamarazzi. Mana boleh expect auntie claire to wait for mamarazzi whole day. At least tell her what time u will go there ma . Moreover, her son aaron balik rumah that weekend leh. Sure nak celebrate with the mummy wan one mah. Ish ish ish.... lamp post betul ur mamarazzi.

  20. Wow..I want durian also. It looks so tasty.

  21. Wah, Joshua has became so friend with Labbie liao!! Nice food... drooling over the bubur cha cha!

  22. Wai Kitt "Dei Kau" wor...also cannot find food to eat ah? should cari Claire hehehe

  23. Auntie Cleff

    Lamp post pun lamp post la. :p

  24. Alice

    hehehe ya lo...Labbie still remember me. The Bubur ca ca really nice. A lot of liu

  25. actually i never tasted the bubur chacha there before.. seldom go to that shop pun... too bad the other shops all closed.. .next time better luck hopefully.. hahaha... hope u had a good time, no lamp post la. .if not festive season, then ok one..

  26. We also just came back from foodieland, Ipoh. Really ate non-stop from morning til night! So thankful that we are not staying there, else mummy sure becomes a "dai fei por"! :D

  27. Claire

    The thong sui sedap . I dont know what she call it there coz i ask what is it, she said something i cant catch. But i e=see is bubur ca ca la. a lot of liu

  28. Chloe's Mommy

    You and Mamarazzi can use with more meat LOL...both so skinny if wind blow both also fly up the coconut tree.

    Really salute Claire and Elin for keeping slim while staying in Ipoh

  29. ya lor, auntie claire very hak hei wan... but the durian.. I am falling for it..

  30. Auntie Cynthia

    Too late. All in tummy already


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