
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 7 May 2011

Light Shopping In Ipoh

After makan, Mamarazzi said wanna get some of those delicious JJ Swiss Rolls.

 Fearing that we might "sesat" Auntie Claire leads the way to the shop. Very fast they "borong" so many packets of swiss rolls.

Mamarazzi bought the normal mix fruit swiss rolls and tried out the mini swiss rolls. The mini swiss rolls very delicious. I love the chocolate swiss rolls .

Then we said bye bye to Auntie Claire. Thank you very much for everything and for this colourful mat .

Then we head on to Yee Hup in the town to buy some biscuits.

Bought a big plastic of biscuits. Mamarazzi was delighted to find this Nyonya Sambal Tumis. She bought a packet last round and it was very tasty. 

Alamak! naik harga already. Used to be RM5-90. Now increased to RM6-90 because of the new packaging?

Then we head on to the opposite shop to buy some "piggy" biscuits. RM2 a piece.

And also the Famous Aun Kheng Lim Salted Chicken. Hmm...price increased to RM17 a bird. This round the chicken tasted very salty. 

The Pun Chun "wedding Biscuit" survived the journey. Mamarazzi ate 3/4 of a biscuit. While Papa walloped 2 1/4 of the biscuit.

Where the the balance 1 piece gone? Into my tummy lor! While Papa and Mamarazzi was busy, I "ngap-ed" a whole biscuit by myself. Papa said "Ada tikus".

Last but not least, must go and look for Ah Moi

That one?

Enough or not ah? How many to buy?

This one is mine!

Looks like Pomelo price dropped this round. They have the RM10 for 2 Pomelo. Some people would buy the expensive Pomelo but Mamarazzi like to buy the RM10 for two types coz can finish eating it at one or two sitting. Moreover the skin of the Pomelo are not thick. It's quite thin. 

Uncle Patrick bought two cempedak from Bidor. He gave one to us. WOw...the cempedak was really sweet and ripe. Have a very strong sweet smell.

Do you know what durian + Cempedak + Salted Chicken smell like if all these were put into the car? I know. ..hehehehe..It smell like instant noodle.


  1. wow..u bought so much of Ipoh goodies!

  2. cempedak..havent eaten it for quite sometime...*sigh*

  3. Hahaha! You made me laugh on the Durian + Cempedak + Salted Chicken smell. I won't mind the combination of its smell as long as it taste good but I have an interesting food trivia that your blog reader might find it distasteful but these are the facts; china have many food safety problem , Some Chinese eat dirt as a "famine food." and that most Chinese people drink polluted water. yuck!

  4. The Salted Chicken is very popular at Ipoh although I have not tried it.

    Surely you will get a great combination of smells in the car. Chempedak goreng is yummy.

  5. Nothing that turns me on...

  6. Wow, colorful popiahs!! XD

  7. Wenn

    many shops not open but still managed to borong

  8. Angel Bear

    very strong smell. Hey it's the season now.

  9. Jane O

    Thanks :D

    Everywhere there is food safety problem. Not only in China. When there is nothing to eat or drink, people would eat people and drink body fluid.

  10. Nava

    Must try coz they put quite a lot of the chinese herbs in it. Hmm...but not everyone will like the smell/taste of the herbs

  11. STP

    LOL....wait Mamarazzi put oink oink post :p

  12. that is not called Light Shopping lor, you bought so many things, should called Heavy Light-Snacks Shopping lor.. errr, those are spring rolls?? not swiss rolls meh??

  13. wah, like that also called light shopping ah?? i would say this can be called heavy light-snacks shopping lor, hahahaha.. those are spring rolls?? i thot they are swiss rolls instead?? :D

  14. Isaac

    Opppsss....Mamarazzi english error. Should be SWISS rolls, Mamarazzi ter-name it as SPRING Rolls pulak. Thanks for the highlight.

  15. SK

    ya rolls lo. Padan muka Mamarazzi for writing post when tengah mengantuk. Swiss rolls turned into spring rolls pulak. Haiyo..paiseh

  16. Hi Smallkucing!

    What does a cempedak look like inside? I mean what color is it? Looks like you had a lot of shopping fun!

    Hope you have a great weekend!


  17. So many goodies..the swissroll looks yummy. I also bought swissroll from my hometown Medan...that is my favo goodies.

  18. Jauhnya mamarazzi shopping sampai kat ipoh tu , hehehe ney key si fan nei? mai ipoh cendol pei ngo.. !! hahaha

  19. wow.. nice shopping trip.. :D

  20. happy mothers day to mamarazzi =)

  21. OMG! That toddler is so cute. He looks like my son's twin. My son also got an ekor like him before :P

  22. I want to try the salted chicken....

  23. Lexi

    The chempedak looks like this inside Taste very sweet.

  24. Mery

    Hubi bought back Kek Lapis and the Yellow ccake with santan before. Also taste great

  25. Mars

    Cendol cannot tahan la..come back melted already lo. Jom go Ipoh together la

  26. Cynthia

    Yup...and nice meeting up with Claire

  27. Justin

    Just hope will be a good as Elijah :D

  28. Sharon

    Go Ipoh not only eat the Salted Chickn. Ipoh have a lot of good food. Yum

  29. This JJ Swiss Roll very famous in Ipoh one ah?


  30. gosh..u really borong a lot.. if u stay more than 24 hours, i wonder whether you need a lorry or not...

  31. Instant noodles? Hahaha, not bad la, at least it's not something stinky. We finally found the JJ swissrolls and tasted it for the 1st time... delish! :)

  32. Chloe's Mommy

    ya wor...smell like instant noodle chicken flavour lOL...

    ho sik leh the JJ Cake

  33. Claire

    that's why tarak overnight hahaha...overnight sure go up Cameron already

  34. During my trip to ipoh, i kelam kabut and forgot bout the JJ cakes. Only back to the hotel, only I rememeber. So sad.

    The Aung Kheng Lim salted chicken was sold out ;( Tried another stall and it was very delicious !!!!!

  35. mNhL

    Next round la . Now they have those mini rolls. I like the mini rolls better

    Tarak cari Claire ke?


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