
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 26 May 2011

Picnic at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur

Want some 100 Plus? Half way riding, I beh tahan already. The sun was up and hot. I pulled Mamarazzi to buy 100 Plus for me.

Everyone adjourned for a picnic.

Terror! Spurn of the moment thing also managed to masak so much food.

Sausages, cocktail sausages, ham, big prawns, bread, tuna, scrambled eggs, bihun and Auntie Little Bird tapau-ed Nasi Lemak.

Mamarazzi said this is one of the best Nasi Lemak in KL which she have ever tasted *hint hint to auntie Little Bird*

Auntie Chee Yee's sausages are the most popular food on the picnic. more thing is there are a lot of "hamsup" ants around the picnic ground. One went into Mamarazzi's bra and bite her while another bite Auntie Little Bird at her ...ahem...ahem...*censored*.

I guess Taman Tasik Titiwangsa would be a great place to have Bollywood dancing. Vast area and a lot of trees. 

I sure had fun playing with Jie Jie Lynn, Kor Kor Adrian and Di Di Hao.

Then Papa and Mamarazzi saw something very sweet.

A red Dragon Fly circling a plant and finally settled one the tip of a bloom.

Then I play "I Spy" with Papa. 

I spied also spied boats. Boating! Here we come!

Very fast pack up and clean up the rubbish. Can't be a litterbug leh.

Poor Papa. He was not feeling well after my horse riding session. Felt like going to faint. Must be kena the sun too much and did not drink enough of water.

Papa stayed in the car while Mamarazzi and me went down with the gang for boating. disappointing. We have just "missed the boat". 

The rides ends at 12pm and only starts at 2.30pm to 5.30pm.

Hmmm.....How sad... Can see, cannot ride.

Must come here again next time. Have yet to explore the children playground, the go-kart or is it radio control car area, badminton court, tennis court and dunno what else they have here. Nice place.


  1. It looked like a lot of fun for the whole family. And you do have lots of stuffs for the picnic :P Pity about the ants though.. ><

  2. LOL... Joshua and Lynn's Bollywood pics so sweet! What a great moment to share!

  3. Ah! Titiwangsa! I was therein 1986...went to the Thai restaurant there - Nelayan. I guess no more there long ago.

  4. good idea... next time shd bring Princess go... :D

  5. Lake Titiwangsa long time didn't go liao...used to practice Chi Kung with my Shi Fu there....LOL!

    Poor ants....did they mati like the snake in my video blog? ha ha ha

  6. so this is Tasik Titi.. last time cleff suggested this place for bloggers' meet up.. tapi tak jadi..

  7. Wahhhh....nasi lemak!!! Next time must bodek Auntie Little Bird to buy nasi lemak jor...tsk tskk...tskk

  8. Nice outing.. Taman Tasik Titiwangsa is a hit now?? I saw a few bloggers blogging about this place recently..

  9. It's been ages didn't go to Titiwangsa. I'm planning to bring XJ to Lake Garden soon, hehehe :-)


  10. Isaac

    Fun for "pak-tor-ing" too :p

  11. Alice

    Lol fun time chasing after each other

  12. STP

    Restaurant Nelayan is still there.

  13. Sharon plenty of activities to keep whole family occupied

  14. Cynthia round a blogger gathering there

  15. Pete

    laa...soli ah...the ants kena piak till all silicon :p

  16. Claire

    she got suggest meh? ooo...hahaha her favourite haunting place la since got horse.

  17. Yee Ling

    Darn sedap la the nasi lemak....the rice one biji-biji one.

  18. Mummy Moon

    LOL....we went coz Auntie cleff say got horse riding and so cheap some more :p

  19. Good place to picnic! I've never been there though.

  20. Picnic in a park is always fun. Hamsup ants? Hahahaha! They really know "where" to bite ;)

  21. Nice pictures of the lake! Never been there myself.. I think..

  22. wow..The scenery at the tasik titiwangsa was spectacular. :)

  23. Oh too bad you missed the boat go back again and rock the boat next time.

  24. You are such a great parent, really take your son around to see places, keep up.

  25. Cindy

    Good place for kids to run around

  26. Chloe's Mummy

    Ya lo :( hamsup ants

  27. Lenglui Witch

    Yikes..never been to Titiwangsa??

  28. Jensem

    Nice place for boating too

  29. Bananaz

    Next round will go there row row row your boat


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