
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 30 May 2011

Marche', The Curve Mutiara Damansara.

Moooooo....been wanting to visit this restaurant since before I was born. Nah...Mamarazzi..not me. Finally managed to makan here on Teacher's Day.

Happy Teacher's Day Auntie Little Bird. Errr...going to give me free creative writing lesson or not when I grow up?

 WOW! There is a small Play Land here!


 Hmm...this place is really like a big market. Lotsa greens, fish and meat here.

We were given these two cards to order or food. Must not loose it or else would be charged RM200 for each card.

 Freshly brewed Ice Lemon Tea RM6.50. Mmm....not bad la.

 Mushroom soup and "Roti panjang" 

Wah lau eh...this mushroom soup is the BEST ! and the "roti panjang too.

 What else to eat ah?

 Eee....I spied something nice!

 Pizza....yum yum...taste good.

 What else? Bring it on!

Wedges and "roti sireh"? haiz...dunno why eat roti with sireh but the look not roti geh. 

Auntie Little Bird say it's not Roti with Sireh but it's called 'rosti', a Swiss language for shredded potatoes. Hentam aje la...

 Moo can guess whose one is it. Taste ordinary. 

 This is Chicken Chop. Also tasted ordinary.

 Caesar Salad with Beef Bacon. Mamarazzi said delicious. Auntie Little Bird said too much vinegar.

 Mr Smiley . Ordered by Papa

I got a free "Bayoon" from the girl at the door. Thankiu Jie Jie

Mamarazzi said will definitely come back for their "Roti Panjang" and Mushroom soup. Other choice of food does not suit her much coz mostly have cheese. Not much choice left for her.


  1. drooling..huhu i never saw this place before curve dekat sebelah mana ni

  2. *blush blush* Thank you to both paparazzi and mamarazzi for the teacher's day treat. All those things so sedap, especially the mushroom soup and the pizza. Too bad that day auntie sakit gigi... makan the salad liao terus the gigi feel sakit kena the vinegar. T___T pls tell ur mamarazzi dun nag liao. Auntie sked her. This Wed got appointment wif dentist. Tell her dun nag liaoooo. *HORRIFIED*

  3. First saw it in Singapore long ago and I've read about this one here and there...but see the photos, macam not really worth going. Better go someplace cheaper and nicer. But if Aunty Bird belanja, ok lah...not nice also I go. LOL!!!

  4. hey..what is the black "pap" on the plate?? moomoooo...gosh, it looks gross... and the long sausage is really "long" hor... oh dear, reminded me of the gruesome find post again.. hahaha.. nowadays see sausage brings back the gross memory..

  5. i actually love the idea of Marche, it's like food shopping everything done fresh.. have been there only once however, and the overall experience was - OK lor~~ :)

  6. Kids sure love this place...

  7. Was thinking while reading your post kids are so lucky nowadays. During our time where got chance to eat in snack bars or coffee houses. Smallkucing is one lucky kid to go places with great and good food. Treasure them. tQ.

  8. Oh yes, their mushroom soup is GOOD! The rest are just so so.. I had the mushroom soup with wrap last time. NICE!

  9. wanted to try this place too... how does the system work, is it like food court? price wise, how was it?

  10. I love this place very much! The food and serving preparations are so different from others ~ really European style la... Before you were born, you wanted to go there? Sure Boh? LOL...

  11. My choice will be the roti panjang and mushroom soup.

    Love the way your son was enjoying this, cute boy and nice smile.

  12. Food here is a bit pricey for me >.<

  13. *High five to Mamarazzi* as auntie also don't eat cheese. :D

    Been to this place once not too long after it was opened. Forgot how the food taste like. Hehehe.

  14. I can only kids nowadays "tumpang" the great life of parents- eating nice food everywhere

  15. Normally i go Marche, will order Pizza or sausage. as for chicken chop, to me normal onie.

  16. Mars Mell-o

    Dekat TGIF there..from The Curve U walk to E-curve. It's one of the restaurant along there

  17. Auntie Cleff

    You are welcomed. Mamarazzi dreaming of the mushroom soup la....

  18. STP

    It's worth going for the mushroom soup

  19. Claire

    which black pap...u mean the steak ah LOL

  20. Wenn

    If you do go, do try their mushroom soup

  21. SK

    Same like you. Choice of food normal aje. But the mushroom soup real sedap lo

  22. Pete

    ya...can run around and play

  23. Bananaz

    Last time mana got these type of place? got playground only mah. The largest shopping complex that time was the Batu Road one. Where got KLCC..etc..Coffeebean..starbuck non existence in KL

  24. Lenglui witch

    ya ya mushroom soup...sedap

  25. nylusmilk

    Price wise pricey like western restaurant.

    as u go in, they will give u a card. Then u walk around. Each counter have different type of food. and price written there. Let say u want steak, just point to the piece u want, they will cook for u and chop your card.

    Habis makan bring the card to counter and pay.

    You remember Enid Blyton Faraway Tree? One on the Land there was Magic dessert Land? The kids walk around ate and ate. Similar like that lo

  26. Twillight

    Love the mushroom soup and the pizza

  27. Choi yen

    Ang moh price lo. But The price for the mushroom soup is worth it

  28. Chee Yee

    Jie Jie Lynn and Hao got play in the playland ka?

  29. Yee Ling

    We will do that next time also

  30. LOL that time Lynn and Hao not even exist yet.

  31. Chee Yee

    LOL...itu macam ka...

  32. It's a very nice restaurant, the mushroom soup is a must try there! There was a Ramadhan Buffet promotion (1/2 price if not mistaken) 2 years ago, do anyone know if there is any this year?

  33. Ttutorial3

    not sure about this year. Yet to go for any ramadan buffet


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