
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 1 May 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-The Soldier and His Servant by Enid Byton/ Baskin Robbins

It's Sunday. A day for relaxing and family time? Wanna have some Baskin Robbins Ice Cream? Really syok to eat Baskin Robbins Ice Cream but the queue that day was quite long. Haiz...if only I can have the Ice Cream magically appear just like in the soldiers whose servant being cured by Jesus without even laying sight on him. heard it right. There was this soldier whose favourite servant fell sick. Then he heard about Jesus and thought to seek Jesus help. He sent his people to sought out Jesus.

Jesus was busy at that time but Jesus had pity on the servant and agreed to go and see the servant.

While his men had gone to seek Jesus, the soldier thought again. Great man like Jesus must be very busy. If he can heal his servant when he meet the servant, he could also surely heal the servant without setting eye on the servant. 

Thus, the Soldier send out more men to meet Jesus. The men met Jesus halfway and he told Jesus what the soldier had said. Jesus was impressed by the faith the Soldier had on him, as even his own people did not have such faith on him. 

After they have given Jesus the message, they went back to the Soldier. They were met by the Soldier. The Soldier was delighted as he was convinced that the men had indeed met Jesus for his favourite servant was cured.

Meantime, what's a nice day to enjoy a load of Ice Cream. Yum yum.

Hmm..Papa pulak love this minty taste Ice-Cream. Mamarazzi said yuck as it taste like toothpaste. Do you like Minty taste Ice-cream and chocolate?


  1. A faith of a little mustard seed will do wonders and more than enough! kucing!

  2. Aiks? Ur papa can kawan with auntie la... auntie like mint chocolate ice cream. Sedaappppp.

  3. I absolutely LOVE mint and chocolate chip ice-cream!! It's my all-time favorite. It doesn't taste like toothpaste to me but I don't know how to describe the taste :P

  4. Yum! Yum! I love Baskin Robbins. Prefer it to Haagen...

  5. yes love BB ice cream, like the one with liquor & berries :-)


  6. Today no appetite...but i can welcome ice cream anytime.. esp BR...

  7. Auntie Cleff that I give you ubat gigi enough la

  8. Yi Lin

    Eww..I like chocolate Ice Cream

  9. Claire

    What happen? Too much durian yesterday ka?

  10. Sharon

    Gud Evening to you too . Hope You have a nice weekend

  11. Lovely ice-cream although a bit pricey.

  12. beruang love ice cream, minty candy......yummy!

  13. Me me! I like mint chocolate ice cream! Eh it does not taste like ubat gigi la.

  14. Nava

    a bit pricey but once in awhile is alright

  15. Angel Bear

    Bet you like mint chocolates also?

  16. Chee Yee more ah


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