
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 8 May 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-Jesus Meets a Funeral / Mother's Day Gift

Mamarazzi read me bedtime story from Enid Blyton's The Children's Life of Christ book and this week the story was Jesus Meets a Funeral.

There was once a couple in Nain who have a son. They love the little boy very much. One day the old man pass away. Then left the old woman and the boy. The boy was a good boy. He told his mother not to worry and that he would work hard for her and take care of her. The old woman was very happy and proud of her son

One day the son fell sick and yet he told his mother not to worry for he  would get well soon. But he did not. His condition grew worse. All the people were worried as they like him a lot.

Too bad nobody knew that Jesus was nearby , not far from Nain. Nobody sent for him. Then the boy pass away. The old widow was heart broken . Her friends tried to comfort her

During the funeral procession, they meet Jesus and his disciples. They heard the crying and someone told Jesus about the good boy. Jesus saw the heart broken mother and he went up to her and said "Wept not!".

He then turn to the beir that carried the boy's body and said "Young man, I said unto you, arise". To everyone surprise, the young man sat up and begin to speak and search for his mother. everyone rejoiced. But the happiest was Jesus for there is nothing happier than to give joy to others.

I also have give joy to Mamarazzi ah...when it's makan time, I would always "kiap" food for her and everyone before I "kiap" any for myself.

But sometimes I forget to call "Papa makan, Mama makan, everyone makan".

I would also try to help around the house. I tried to sweep floor but kena Mamarazzi "shoo-ed away". 

Last Friday I tried to "help" in the kitchen when Mamarazzi was washing the dishes. That was when I was bullied by the hot kettle. It burnt my arm. 

(Wound Left-Friday, Wound Right-Sat)

I didn't cry at all. I only said "Ow". Again kena Mamarazzi scolding for playing in the kitchen. Said my skin thick like "Cow's hide". Kena till like that also did not cry.

Last Friday something else happen also. Mamarazzi received this wonderful book from Veronica of Quay Po Cooks. She joined Veronica's Mother's Day giveaway and won this. Thank you very much Veronica.

Hahaha...I found the dish I want liao...wanna get Mamarazzi to cook this!


  1. very thoughtful bedtime story thanks for sharing mamarazzi.

    Awhhh, so this small boy!!! =D

  2. aiyoh, look at the wound!! i see already also "heart pain" lor, but good that small kucing didn't cry at all, i guess because he was scared more than painful?? haha..

  3. Hi, hope the burn is not that bad and take care on it.

  4. Aiyor..... That's a bad burn. Must take care, nurse and do dressing carefully - will take a long time to heal...and may leave a scar. Happy Mother's Day, Kucing Mama!

  5. 0ammarazi

    Little Joshua still very the small to lavish you with gifts but may he did it with hugs & kisses (or at least compel him!! LOL)

  6. Hi SK, happy mother's day.
    Best regards.

  7. Hello Small Kucing! I passed on the Versatile Blogger Award to you. It's to recognize and appreciate fellow bloggers. You can see it here:
    God bless!

  8. Wow he can really tahan pain! Next time must be careful and never ever go near any kettles, pots and pans again ok!

  9. Ouch :( so sad he got burnt like that.. hope it heals soon and doesnt get infected. Kesian

  10. Oouch!! you didn't cry... Auntie Cynthia see the wound also want to cry.. you are a sweet boy ya, always win both your papa and mama's heart..

  11. SHaron

    on the right is a day old. it's drying

  12. Mars Mell-o

    Guai? Naught la baru kena the hot kettle:(

  13. SK

    Scared? Tarak scared. After put med still degil wanna play there

  14. STP

    Haiz...leave scar also what to do..nevermind la..boy...but got put Burno Plus. Did not put dressing. Just leave it dry like that

  15. Chloe's Mommy

    Haiz...degil la him...wont listen

  16. Auntie Cynthia

    No need cry la.I also tarak cry

  17. long time didn't visit. :D sorry misplaced the link. haha.

    ur boy's getting bigger dy! :D

    happy mother's day!

  18. that sure hurt! hope it's getting better. Happy Mum's Day!

  19. pengsan...tarak cry.if me, i sure yell like mad.

  20. that is a terrible burn! hope it is healing well for you

  21. Ramona

    Thanks. It's drying off. Mamarazzi kept putting antiseptic creme to prevent infection

  22. Aiyo...the burn look quite bad. Hope small kucing's arm fully recover now.

    Happy belated mother's day to you Kathy.

  23. Annie

    Still recovering. The wound drying

    Thanks :D

  24. Oh dear! The wound looks quite bad. Hope smallkucing is all healed up by now.

  25. Mom's Diary

    Not yet. Still healing. Thanks :D


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