
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Nyonya Color @ MidValley

Many have visited Nyonya Colors at MidValley and have recommended to Mamarazzi

That day we were at MidValley and didn't know what to makan so decided to drop by the place to have a go.

I had the Nasi Lemak Set. Aiks! The rice green color geh? Taste...hmm...normal. I didn't eat the chicken as it's spicy.

Mamarazzi had Asam Laksa. The noodle was good. The soup was so-so. The fish was "fishy".  Okay, fish supposed to taste fishy but this one got a funny taste. 

Well, this just shows that what suits a person may not suits another. Guess it's up to individual taste.


  1. nyonya colors...I lalu only whenever I'm in midvalley...never singgah....hrm...if mamarazi said like dat, perhaps I will pass lah...

  2. Looks like one of those cafe places - usually not bad, good but not great...and more the one I went to at Tropicana.

  3. one day i must visit it..

  4. Hmm.... guess this place is not for auntie too.

  5. I just blogged about how much we spent on food this month,now i realized one thing, it is because i will read stuff like eating at good good restaurants like this one,, so kena,,,jampi already lol,,hahhahahaha

    anyway,i miss nyonya food a lot,,,,,,,,

  6. Nice name....All commercialized already.

  7. A bit sayang larr the food so-so ajer. But oh well, I guess it can't please everybody! Different people different taste lorr.. :)

  8. Hi Small Kucing, dropped by to ur blog..

    ehmm "fishy" ?? i guess i won`t go,hehehe..

  9. i've been there once but i think it's just normal and not to the extent that we need to recommend, but maybe just a suggestion, haha~~ :p

  10. Love asam laksa,so must visit there one day. Like your last sentence,it is true.

  11. I love nyonya color!! YOu should try their rojak, very nice!! Yum!! I quite like their food.

  12. I thought I was following you the whole time, but I just barely had to sign up. Was that another Blogger mistake? Anyway, your little boy has to be the cutest thing, ever.

    We used to raise goats and Dad always said, see how those kids jump and play? That is what goat's milk will do for you. I believed him. Maybe that is why you get so tired afterwards.

    Be back soon!

  13. I find it so-so too. Dunno why it's so popular... besides Midvalley, you can also find it in 1U, The Curve, Empire Gallery Subang etc.

  14. hey Kathy, i been there for many times already.. hahaaa. my SIL likes to take us there for kueh and tong sui.. well, to her, it is one of the best.. ok lar.. not too bad actually..

  15. I quite like the Asam Laksa here and the roselle drink.

  16. Hey, we went there too last Sunday and yesterday!! I should hv plier open my eyes, who knows if you and your anak were in the restaurant too! I like their rojak, next time I belanja ya!^^

  17. It looks delicious to me, and something I don't get to eat very often. I tend to go for a cheeseburger, but love all foods, really.
    Nice to meet you on voiceboks:)

  18. seldom makan their rice or noodle. normally settle for cendol or ruby.

  19. ANgel Bear

    Entah depend on your taste. SOme like it some might not

  20. Auntie Cleff

    I know you can cook better that them..ahem ahem...when going to cook for me ah?

  21. Eugene

    Looks like we gotta learn cooking from STP and Pete

  22. mNhL

    ya...some people love it la. Must be different taste

  23. Kim

    True..different people different taste

  24. Luciana

    Ya a bit fishie ...:(

    Thanks for dropping by

  25. SK

    LOL...maybe for drink tea la

  26. Wai Kitt

    Go for the Jusco Asam laksa la

  27. ANnie

    Next time will try their rojak since the asam laksa and nasi lemak was so-so only

  28. Melanie

    Thanks. Ya, Blogger having some problem :(

    Thanks for dropping by

  29. Disney Fan

    Thanks for dropping by

    Love your book review blog

  30. Chloe's Mommy

    Maybe there are other food that that is great but we have not find out yet

  31. CLaire

    Thong sui in the ipoh shop nicer leh

  32. ALice are the 2nd one that recommend their rojak.Must try it then next round

  33. Courtney and Betina

    Thanks for dropping by. Am now following your blog too

  34. Nava

    That day the asam laksa was so-so only


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