
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 29 May 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-The Tale of The Mustard Seed by Enid Byton/Doctor Gave Me An UFO

This week, Mamarazzi told me the story of the Mustard Seed from Enid Blyton's story book. It was said that told the story of the Mustard Seed to show people how his Kingdom of love could grow.

There was once a man who took a mustard seed, the smallest seed of all and planted it in his field. Passerby thought it would grow into a small plant only. But this seed grew and grew into a tall tree where birds come and perch on it

This is how Jesus taught his Kingdom would grew from a small beginning into a great Kingdom which can fit everyone in.

Hmm... I wonder how many pots of Asam Vege Mamarazzi can make out of the big big mustard tree. But even if she make, I also cannot eat now. 

On medication.

My nose ran away for more than 2 weeks and kept coughing. Mamarazzi brought me to see doctor. Naughty her. She frighten me say bring me go jab jab. I happily went. Had good time playing "masak-masak" at the waiting room and chattering away with Mamarazzi.

When it was my turn,  I was very cautious. Reluctant to go in. Doctor gave me "Vitamin C" to tempt me sit next to her. I replied from the door "at home got".

Then she tempt me with a pressie. I didn't take. Cannot simply accept gifts from strangers.

Amazingly she got Pocoyo video in her computer. I was swayed a bit but I still stood by the door till Mamarazzi came and took me to sit on her lap next to the doctor.

Doctor lend me her Stick-A-Scoop to play with and I can hear my heart beating dup-dak-up-dak very fast.

 Soon it was over and doctor gave me this "pressie" . A colourful U.F.O. I took it cautiously and "cabut" out the door very fast till I forgot to say "thank you".

See! It can turn turn turn. When I came home, I baru remembered I never said "Thank you" to the doctor.

Mamarazzi cooked some porridge for me . I ate some before I took my medicine. Doctor gave me something for my "Ahhh Choooo nose", something for my cough and "enter-buy-ler-tic". Now my nose is home again but still cough cough a bit. Cannot eat Ice-cream.


  1. I hope the baby is feeling better. I hated when mine got sick. Thank you for being so sweet and stopping by my blog and commenting. Have a great weekend.

    Visiting from VoiceBoks!~Lisa
    I am all a twitter about life

  2. Kakakaka... Mamarazzi jahat horr? She got jab jab ur nose anot, cuz ur nose nottie and ran away?

  3. Remember ya.. don't eat ice cream until you get well Small Kucing :)

  4. Oh dear!!! So kesian....hugzzzz! Hope you get well soon. Pray to God that He may heal you faster.

  5. No worry -Joshua always in good hand

  6. So cant do purr-fect meowing temporary. Hope you get well soon.

  7. Jesus will heal you... not to worry..
    this mama ah.. made me drool over the chap choy..gosh!!

  8. Have a great weekend to mamarazzi and family.. :)

  9. Poor kucing....don't take ice cream, cold drinks and fried food. Get well soon!

  10. Hah, weather real hot...many kids...have flu these few weeks...

  11. Hope Small Kucing has recovered by now. Take care ya.

  12. Hope your son is feeling better but saw his runny nose in your earlier post, esp when having the roti panjang and mushroom soup.

  13. Lisa

    Much better already :D

    Thanks for stopping by

  14. Claire

    hahaha...can make chap choy

  15. Pete

    Ya lor...going to cure then come back again :(

  16. Mummy Gwen

    Thanks Hope your rashes ok already

  17. Nava

    been having runny nose for two week :(


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