
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Horse Riding at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur

It was a spurn of the moment thingy. Mamarazzi was chatting with Auntie Little Bird then some how this horse riding thingy came up. 

Then Mamarazzi had an idea. Let's go horse riding at Titiwangsa and maybe picnic later. Kebetulan Auntie Chee Yee came online. Roped her in. Yeehar!!!. 

We arrived Taman Tasik Titiwangsa around 8.30am. Wow..many people there doing morning exercise. Finally found a parking lot.

No parking near the stables. Had to walk quite a bit to the stables but since it's still early it was not that hot.

Looks like I am on the correct path. Saw some carriages being washed and clean.

Horses just "woke up" . Some are being bath and groomed. 

Wah Lau early so many "paparazzi" already? 

 Hmm....where are you going?

Ooo...getting ready to "start work" ah?

Papa bought some tickets for us.

Bye we go. First round, the horse must have had V-Power Hay coz it went very fast. Didn't get to enjoy much of the ride before it ended.

The second round was better. The horse was on a slower pace. The Indian Uncle offer me to sit next to him and hold the rein but I was rather scared. I want to sit with Mamarazzi.

I saw Auntie Little Bird drove a carriage. Fuiyo!....must run far far away. Scary man! If she was a male in the old days, surely she was a Cowboy. Ganas!

 I rather roam around instead of carriage riding la.

Then Auntie Little Bird brought us to feed the horses. 

She brought along some carrots. The people there know her. Hence they don't mind us feeding the horses.

Patches oh Patches(real name Meranti)...are you full full already? Can I have a ride on you back?

Errrrr...rather scare scare lah....Mamarazzi, you'll be riding with me, right? Ehhhh....where you going? ....

Me riding alone ah? Rather scary at first.

This is the 1st round.

By the second round, I was no longer afraid. I can even send a "Senyum Kambing" to Papa who is holding the camera. This is fun.


  1. how's the feeling riding on horse?

  2. Joshua so brave and clever, me so old liao still never ride any horsie yet, tsk tsk!

  3. Been almost 10 years plus i never go there, now even got horse riding!

  4. so young already get to enjoy horse ride. lucky him ;) but need to be really careful though

  5. Oh yes, my boy is much better now(can play and run around liao)! Still purging but no as serious as before, doc said it probably takes a week or so for him to fully recover! Thanks for your concern, appreciate it!

    How's Joshua, hope his cough getting bettr now, keep well and take care ya!

  6. Come, come...letsgo again, letsgo again... 2 round only mana enuff... come, auntie belanja u ride ... next round we go evening lah... not so hot and not much ppl... summore got more time to go boating. *grinz*

    Ur alien kor kor keep bising still wanna ride... cham liao... follow auntie's footstep...2 times not enuff wan til 5 round baru puas hati. =.=

  7. Wah...7 early, 8 early...your mama already teaching you horse-riding! Muahahahahaha!!!!

  8. wow, my girl would love it!

  9. Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments on my blog!!! I love them!!!!

  10. this is fun!!!! Never been to that park before....

  11. Syiok!! Dun think i can wake up that!! **used to stay at KL, and i went there once only...hehehhe..but didnt go for the horse riding.

  12. Alice

    Jom la go ride horsey at Titiwangsa. so cheap some more

  13. ChrisAu

    LOL....mamarazzi lagi teruk...havent been there since school days

  14. DP many activities to be had there

  15. Isaac

    No worries. The man was very careful and the horse well trained

  16. Alice

    Good to hear that.

    Cough is better than yesterday. Not as bad already. At least no more coughing very few minutes

  17. Auntie Cleff

    ya must arrange one more time. Boating

  18. STP

    ya lo...that auntie cleff la...say syok ride horse at titiwangsa

  19. mNhL

    if you come down KL do take time to go there. A lot of things there.

  20. Wenn

    Bring her there the next time you are in town

  21. Yee Ling

    next round we go in the evening la

  22. Fun, eh? Wah, you had the privilege to feed the horses tim. Did he ask to go again? Chloe has been pestering us to go again... but that place is so far away from our place, malas lah haha.

  23. good that you enjoy yourself.. nice..

  24. It sounds like a great day out! He is so brave to ride the horse, I never even ride a horse before >.< so I guess he is a very lucky kid :)

  25. Can't stop admiring your son on the horse, you looks so cute.

  26. wah, must go there, my girl sure loves tis :)

  27. Tasik Titiwangsa, been there once many many years ago!

    Looks like it had change a lot.

    Is that Cleff in the picture carry small kucing feed the horse? Aiya..should put bigger picture of her la, so small.

  28. @Smallkucing- okay, we arrange again during school hols next time...that time horsie overtime leh. =D Everyday they kerja. =D

    @Annie =.= Annie, that's not me... the one carrying Smallkucing is Mamarazzi. *pengsan* Gosh... this is not the first time ppl mistook me and Mamarazzi. ROFLOL~

  29. AIYE...i never been on a horse.. scary for auntie here too!

  30. Alice

    LOL...wait till the kids recovers 1st. Maybe school hols?

  31. Chloe's Mommy

    Yes...say wanna go again :D

  32. Mommy Angel

    Was scared at 1st but later got used to it.

  33. Luciana

    Apart from horse riding there are plenty of other activities too..boating, tennis, badminton and even a huge play ground

  34. Annie

    That was Mamarazzi. But the tiny hand patting the horse was Auntie Cleff's

  35. Auntie Cleff

    See la...coz School hols you are working OT also. Very busy. Must find time

  36. Claire

    no worry...very tame horses

  37. Yeah, we can ask Alice P together, Juan Or will love the carriage! No Sat though, unless morning cause she gonna rush for piano lesson in the afternoon.;D

  38. Alice

    If Sunday evening will it be too tiring for the kids? See if can arrange during school hols it will be great.

    School hols daily have horse riding

  39. No problem in the evening, lol... hope we can make it ths holiday! Elizabeth and anak are going? Can't wait to meet her!^^

  40. Ahem next week is school holiday lor. :P

  41. wah... so fast roundup!

    but come to think of it, so fast!!! i don wanna end so soon... i still wanna holiday!!!!

  42. Medie

    one week 4 months ngum ngum lo..wont overload reders


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