
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 3 May 2011

I Met Shamini Flint, The Author of Inspector Singh Series.

Last Thursday, we on a choo choo train ride to meet a special person.

It is the same person who sent Mamarazzi a book.

 Are we there yet? No?

 Are we there yet? near already ka?

Alamak! Started already. What's the news? Faster update me lah, Auntie Little Bird. 

What!? Inspector Singh is going to India next and it might be the final book of the series?? Oh nooooo.....please don't let it end here..Inspector Singh haven't gone to many other countries yet. What about Hong Kong? China? Japan? Please don't "kill" the adorable Inspector Singh.

The Q & A session was really funny. Shamini Flint was really friendly and witty. She have nature talent to make people feel good and welcomed. Everyone were laughing at her jokes. Aisay, Mamarazzi pulak shy to ask question.

Time to queue up to ask for autograph. All four books nicely wrapped and preserved.

 Can autograph for Mamarazzi, please? Eh ..what's that?

Shamini's name card. It features her next Children book. Wow, she also writes books for kids.
Hmm...must get Mamarazzi to buy her Children books for me. Tak aci only Mamarazzi gets to enjoy her books. I should have some also.

This book is coming out soon. Check out her website at for her books.

Hah? Got makan-makan also? How she know I haven't makan lunch ah? ah. many types of cakes. 

 Mmmm...I love chocolate.

 Ngap! While I was busy eating, I spied a Jie Jie reading Inspector Singh book at the Cafe. Read till not blinking some more leh. Must be very "Kan Cheong".

 Coffee or tea?

Yipee!!! Mamarazzi got all the books autographed. Cannot sleep already.
Mamarazzi said will keep it nicely and wait for me to grow up a bit before giving it to me. These are treasure.


  1. wow so nice getting autographs from authors!! i've never did that, not even from any celebs.. hey, why didn't take photo with Shamini Flint?? :p

  2. Ms. Flint was very generous to give auntie and your mamarazzi an ARC of her book to review. Tell u the truth horr... Msian publishers hardly ever let bloggers like auntie and mamarazzi review books from them. Agaknya not a custom for them to do blog tour. Hmmm.... auntie hope this will be the first of many reviews your mamarazzi and auntie will do for local publishers and local authors.

    Anyway, auntie is a tea person. Cannot stomach coffee... so kasi auntie angmoh tea anytime. (no Chinese tea, thank you.)

  3. Wah! Got makan kah? Like that I also want to go. Btw, you seem very fair these days - like siao paiu thoo (white rabbit). LOL!!!

    P.S. click the link to go over to my blog and comment!!! >.<

  4. Eh... I dunno about this author le, but then I'm not a book worm. Haha...

  5. wahh..happy jor Mamarazzi!!

  6. I've never actually got a chance to get author's autographs before. Maybe the books that I used to read the authors are not around Malaysia I guess.

    Anyway Nice sharing. Thanks

  7. nice train rides ah... some more got food to eat.. not bad ah... :D

  8. I heard about this ISS and Shamini but have not really taken a look at her books..............probably will read some reviews first.

    seriously speaking,local authors are as good as the mat salleh one lah, it is just that, not many local publishers are willing to publish for them, may be you and i can also publish one or two books juga,kan?

  9. I don't read very often, so i do not know about this author, hehe...

  10. Yummy, so many cakes to choose from :)

  11. Wah wah wah!!! Mamarazzi sure super happy getting the autograph! And you have to keep the books nicely! They worth a lots with the author's signature. LOL!

  12. good thing i returned those books in time for you to collect and get her to autograph them. :P from rm8 you bought at bbw now can become rm88 on ebay... more eights when she is more famous hehehe.

  13. SK

    Paiseh la...paiseh to ask for photo :P

  14. Auntie Cleff

    eh that day they have serve Tea mah. You didnt take meh? Mine was ice tea while Mamarazzi's was coffee

  15. STP

    haiyo,,,your blog got contest is it?

    These days I very fair coz get to eat Taufu fa from Auntie Claire ma. Check out next few days post and you will know

  16. Yee Ling

    grinning from ear to ear

  17. Isaac

    Dont know why not much support for Msian author. To get a book publish also very hard. See people Like Shamini Flint and Tash Aw. Their books published in overseas, baru somehow get exposure.Their writing is good.

  18. Eugene

    That's why la. When local author made it big in overseas, Msian publisher baru sibuk wanna woo them back. Why cant they recognised good author?

  19. Sharon

    She is staying in Singapore.

    You might bump into her one day. Do try out her books. They are really good

  20. Thristan

    Dont know which one to choose

  21. travelling and food are good combination to have. fun and delicious

  22. Tanakwagu

    Yup and meeting such a friendly lady

  23. gosh..i havent read the book yet! i will read it in a week's time..

  24. Claire

    Sure you will burn midnite oil

  25. Finally you got to meet her ah? must been a great moment plus all the makan-makan after that.

  26. Nava

    Yes, it's great to finally met the lady behind Inspector Singh


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