
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 5 May 2011

Makan and Jalan-Jalan At Bidor

If you are a reader of Auntie Claire's blog, you would have known that we headed up north last weekend. Supposed to go Penang  for a vacation this round when Papa came back but something came up. Last minute change of plans to Ipoh instead. bum bum also flat already. Hungry. Haven't had my breakfast. How many hours in the car ah?

Makan these Wu Kok (Fried Taro Dumpling?), while waiting for my bowl of noodle.

Yummylicious bowl of Duck Noodle. Mamarazzi just noticed, apart from goji, they also add dried longan.

Everyone enjoying the meal very much. Weird, nearly noon but how come no crowd? Usually it's very crowded.

 Mmmm.....tummy full full...happy...

 Wanna get some snack for the road? A lot of yummy cakes and pastry.

Browse around at the shops and stalls nearby. many types of fruit. The famous ones are the seedless guava and the Jambu air (Rose Apple?).
 Omigosh!!! Gigantic Ciku (sapodilla)! Mamarazzi never saw such big Ciku before.

Jeng~jeng~jeng~ durian lovers, did you noticed anything difference in the top photo?

Okay...let's compare and see the bottom photo. On the left is the regular durians while on the right is the very spiky durians. 

They are Durian Hutan. Not cheap. A pile of four cost RM25. We didn't buy any. Mamarazzi ate before. It's very bitter and have very strong smell.

Mamarazzi bought some lotus seed pods.You have to peel of the green skin and open the seed to take out the stem before you eat. 

It's real sweet. A healthy munch while we continue our journey.


  1. waaaa...durian hutan for sale one ah? here the locals called it 'sukang'...never seen anyone selling it, and even if they did, not that my uncle's kebun, we dont even bother to pungut...hhehehehe~

    never tasted lotus seeds before...hrm..maybe no one eats it here i think (tak pernah nampak ada jual)..kesian kan me....

  2. oh... is that Pun Chun that you went for makan? the durian was sold by an aunty? if is from the Aunty, don't buy coz I bought once and all soggy one.. no good...

  3. oh..i missed the lotus seeds..

  4. i didnt know there's durian hutan.. reminds me of ayam kampung and ayam bandar. XD

  5. haha, I read from reanaclaire that you were not lucky as many places you wanna go did not open.. but still that doesn't jeopardize mamarazzi's buying power, look!! see how much you've bought in just a short trip, hehe :)

  6. now we can have this duck noodle at Kota Kemuning :)

  7. Angel Bear

    Next round you come here ah..go and kutip those Sukang from your Uncle's Kebun. Sure can sell here hahaha..can become sukang tycoon bidor the man selling rm25 for 4 tiny sukang.

    this is 2nd time Mamarazzi saw this Sukang

  8. Cynthia

    the Durian sold by a malay/asli man. Rather grumpy looking one.

  9. Wenn

    Ipoh should have, right?

  10. Isaac you know la. But not sold nor found in KL

  11. Choi Yen

    Ya ka? Aiya...didnt know...Thanks wor

  12. ermm....the lotus root seeds look tempting

  13. Yeah, i've been here before. Nice stop for delicious duck noodle.

  14. Yee Ling

    Last time always see but nowadays susah jumpa

  15. Durian Hutan... I like it la... but in KL here not very common. The last time I have it was when I went to Cameron donkey years ago (way before getting married). LOL!

  16. Yup! Spiky wild durians...not nice and thorns very sharp. Will hurt yourself when opening. I don't like. Duck noodles... Yum! No such thing here.Would love to try that...

  17. The lotus seeds! Very hard to find them nowadays. I think they are almost non-existent in the Klang Valley?

  18. The spiky durian hutan is something new to me.

    And I didn't know we can eat the lotus seed just like that. Haha

  19. Chee yee

    Only saw it once at a durian stall in Kuchai

  20. STP

    ate durian hutan once . Taste too strong.

  21. Chloe's Mommy

    Saw it once at a Pasar Malam near our house

  22. Che-Cheh

    Yes, can eat lotus seed by itself

  23. Bitter durian hutan, my husband sure likes it!^^ Look at the spikes... it were like cactus and mines!

  24. Seems like you are having a good food venture at Bidor, really reasonable food here. Have fun.

  25. Alice Law

    Yes, it's very sharp but not much isi.

  26. Nava

    Yup :D Hope you having great food in Europe too :D


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