
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends : A Bug Collection Vol 3

 I am so happy today! Why? Coz I've received "BUGS". I waited for this DVD for so long.

Back in February 2011, Mamarazzi saw that Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends : A Bug Collection Vol 3 was being offered for review by Mamarazzi of course grabbed the chance to review this DVDs.

We waited and waited...till my saliva also drooling. 

Finally it came. Sent out by on 18 February 2011 5:21pm. Cleared Malaysian Kastam 4th May 2011. It took nearly 3 months. I wonder what happen.

Well, better late than never.

 Jeng~jeng~jeng~ The DVDs

Inside the box there are 3 DVDs. The stories :-

1) Milo The Mantis Who Wouldn't Pray. It's about the power of prayers

2) Buzby and the Grumble Bees. It's about behaving.

3) Hailey & Bailey's Silly Fight. It's about toleration and getting along

I love the DVD especially the one about Milo. He is so silly. He have been praying but when God did not seem to be answering his prayer in the way he wanted, Milo thought up all sorts of scheme to get God to notice him.

Yes, sometimes it's not how loud we pray. No matter how we pray, God hears us. Sometimes He don't give us the things we pray for immediately is because He had something better planned for us.

I love the songs in the DVDs and the cartoons. It's so vivid and inspiring. 

This DVD Box sets is surely a wonderful gift for kids.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. funny la this pic some more got saliva!! haha cute lil boy..

  2. Wow! What a nice collection!~

  3. Oh? I thought it was some computer game - I think that's "Worms". LOL!!!

  4. wahh.. i didnt know got dvd and stuff for kids too.. mine are all christian materials.. :)

  5. Mars Mell-o

    actually Mamarazzi is the one who was drooling for the DVDs :p

  6. Claire

    Got. Their Kids and children DVD and books are terrific!

  7. I have problem playing Hailey & Bailey's Silly Fight... but my anak(the girl) loves the other 2! Glad tht request for this DVD!

    Yay for the delivery finally reach our home!^^

  8. Wah, very heavy drool there haha. Wonder what did he see/eat? The DVDs look interesting :)

  9. Ermm even biblical cartoon got "held up" as well?? ..hmmm..

  10. The saliva says on the joy.

    Yep, just got back this afternoon and back to work tomorrow.

  11. Your boy looks cute with the drool. How much does the set cost? Can only get it online?

  12. I'm going to watch it this weekend with the kids. :)

  13. ALice

    Maybe you can try reporting the problem back to Booksneeze and they might send you a replacement

  14. Chloe's Mummy

    Milk ...Just finished milk

  15. Nava

    welcome soon back to work? Drink more water. Very bad weather.

  16. mom2kiddos

    FOC in exchange for an honest review. Given by

  17. Chee Yee

    Nice DVDs. Love the song


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