
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Crabs On A Thursday

Last Thursday we went to McD for lunch coz Mamarazzi and Auntie Florence went nuts and wanted to collect the McD Mugs.

On our way home, Mamarazzi spotted the Crab Stall was open.*Must remember to jot down the phone number so that can call her next time.*

Apa lagi! asked Uncle Patrick to F1 and make U-turn head towards this stall la. 

The friendly Lady Boss greeted us. If you happens to stop by here to buy crabs, don't worry about communication as she speaks very good English.

This stall is located along Jalan Sg Buloh, from Shah Alam direction going towards Sg Buloh direction. You have to slow down after you pass the main entrance to the Rubber Research Institute. Stall is slightly further up from there and before the traffic light leading to Kota Damansara. 

Got 3 prices that day, RM26, RM28 and RM34. We bought 1.5kg of the RM28 type of crabs. 

Mamarazzi asked the man to "kill" the crabs for her as she was scared to do it. Haiz...makan aje tau!

I saw the man did it like it's very easy. Slit the knife into the head of the crab.

 Gave it a twist.

 Then "peel" the crabs open like peeling Orange.

 Ta! Da! It's split in two and the crab gone to Crabs Heaven.


Came home and they cleaned the crabs. Chopped some garlic, ginger, vegetable, carrots and add in a packet of Bihun.

 Ta! Da! Two dishes kau tim....Crab Fried Bihun and Steam Crabs.

Ngap! Ngap! Ngap!...mmmm.....not bad. Got some improvement as compared to last round.

This one is reserved for someone special who loves and helped me a lot. 

Hmm...looks  a bit like the Lala in the "Journey To The West" drama pulak.

This one pulak is what I call "Crab in a Basket". The reason? You'll have to ask Mommy Ling and Auntie Chee Yee.

This special container is also reserved for a very special person.

She is the one who bombed me with Durian Kunyit and Durian Udang Merah the night before. Yum Yum . *Chamz...going to be banned by Angel Bear already*

She is none other than Mommy Ling. Thank you very much for the Bombs.


  1. *sulk in the corner* geez...why la no durian season heeereeeeeeee~

  2. I always saw this crab stall when I go visit you... I like the 'egg' crab one.. next time must stop since they 'kill' the crab also.. :p Auntie Cynthia also tau makan saja, no berani to kill...

  3. Have to agree that it looks so easy to de-shell and break the life crabs but its not, I can't do it myself either.

    Crabs with meehoon is lovely but for us it is spicy curried crabs and rasam to banjir over.

  4. For once, i thought what that was, "Crab on a Thursday" i even thought it was another book title hahahahha.

    not a fan of crab but my lovely wife she would drool over it,, here expensive,, pan friend 4 ekor, will cost about 58 to 60 +++.

  5. Mmmm.... I LOVE crabs! How did they taste? Were they meaty and fresh?

    Hope you're having a fantastic week.



  6. Go join Angel Bear in the corner to sulk. Sobs... dah tau auntie gila bihun... purposely punya put here. SOBS.

  7. wow..i hvn't tried fried bihun with crabs before.

  8. mamarazzi you also collecting the McD Coke Glass?? hehe, no wonder Thursday die die want to eat McD, hahahaha!! i am also collecting~~ :p

  9. LOL***this time you pronounce my name correctly wor...ahahha.not Mommy Yen mer?

    I just finished all the bombs last night....going to recuperate first else going to toilet susah la...ahahhahaha

  10. Ta! Da! It's split in two and the crab gone to Crabs Heaven.

    LOL - It's amazing that Joshua witness the "murder"

  11. Crab? Sob sob.... I want to eat both crab and durian... :(

  12. Oh.. I didn't eat crab for very long d...

  13. The crab bihun looks yummy. Mamarazzi pandai masak. I don't know whether I berani to kill the crabs or not..hehe.

  14. drooling over crab. That day was craving for it...till now not yet eat and saw your crab photos.

  15. So this is the stall that you told me last time?I also dare not to kill but dare to masak only.
    Very very nice foods you cooked!

  16. Mamarazzi.. for sure you have improved a lot a lot in cooking crabs.

    So..when are you going to be the host and I'm for sure to come.

  17. Now you remind me, so long i didn't go for crabbing already. :(
    Must find some kakis to go with me already.

  18. Wah, what a "crabby" day! The beehoon looks yummy :-)


  19. Crabs!! I want ... i want!!


  20. I think I saw this lady selling crabs by the roadside before...but didn't stop....going real fast! LOL!

  21. So thoughtful of Ling, yum yum... I hv yet had any durian ths year, lol!

    Wow, the crabby meehoon looks great, got special title some more! Drool~!

  22. What a crabby post! Hehehe, I'm not a big fan of crabs, but my partner is. So I do get to have my fair share of crabs once in a while. Great that you know how to cook them !

  23. Angel Bear

    here got durian season ah...ari tu apa pasal tak mau go SS2Durian LOL

  24. Cynthia

    yes, but dnt think they have the roe type of crabs there

  25. Nava

    Mamarazzi not good at cooking curry. The only thing she knows is to eat curry. That's why most dishes is either steam or stir fried

  26. Eugene

    wa..those must be very big size crabs.

  27. Wenn

    Must try. I think Ipoh should have if you order in seafood restaurant

  28. SK

    ya have the grey and the purple. I wonder tmw is what color

  29. Yee Ling

    wa...the bombs can stand so long ah

  30. Chee Yee

    Haiz...see what day we pot luck lo

  31. Prince & Princess mum

    How come?

  32. Mummy Gwen

    Mamarazzi dare not kill the crabs la. Scare before we eat them, they "eat" us 1st.

  33. mNhL

    weekend is just two days away. Can go makan crabs la weekend

  34. Wai Kitt

    Yes...this is the one. That day we pass by but tarak open. Wei, next time you come here buy flowers/plants, you call up the number and see open or not la. Can kill two birds with one stone

  35. Jenny

    Paiseh...still L-Licence

  36. Annie worries many crabs kakis here

  37. Dora

    you can say that again :p

  38. Sharon

    Dare to kill and cook crabs or not?

  39. Pete

    Next time "Brekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" :D

  40. Alice

    Ya lo...haiyo...this Mommy Ling really terror

  41. Isaac

    Hahaha....Mamarazzi L Licence la. Taste still have to go and copy some more from restaurants

  42. Eh, "makan aje tau" describes me more hehe. At least you know how to cook it. Summore cook so much until can give to so many people! Amazing la u :)

  43. Chloe's Mommy

    Mamarazzi also half past 6 ler.


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