
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 31 January 2011

Restaurant Yin Her, Sg Buloh (Jan 2011)

Earlier this month we went to Yin Her again. Neh..that Auntie Little Bird kepunan sotong again la

My Dear sit here is it? Dear no mood today. Lekat at mummy. Maybe coz she was not feeling well.

Maybe this Seong Thong Lala would make her fell better? Hmm but then the portion a bit too small. Not enough to distribute for all.

Auntie Cynthia likes to eat Pucuk Paku with Belacan.

Meantime, this dish is for me. Taufu .

You see got Sotong photo here, you know its for who punya la. Hmm..this round sotong taste not that fresh.

Hahaha...this one is Mamarazzi's cholestrol filled Crabs. I love to eat the crunchy "hair". Yummy....

Complimentary Thong Sui. 


NOTE : We went Yin Her again last Tuesday after Mamarazzi's and Auntie Florence's frying marathon. Food seems to be more expensive than normal. Maybe CNY price? And tarak complimentary Thong Sui. Anyway, they closed on the 3rd February 2011 for CNY


  1. Chris

    Me too but the portion too small....end up not enough for everyone. Papa didnt drink...:(

  2. "crunchy hair" is delicious! i ate with friend chicken. haha

  3. aiksss...smj is lefthanded ka..everything red red worrrr

  4. The sotong looks really good! I miss sotong so much :(

  5. Yin Her? Sounds like the title of a very old Chinese song. Oooo...the paku looks yummy!

  6. I thought no complimentary tong sui? they charged instead? yes, take me there next time if you can .. hehehe..

  7. Eyeing for the lala soup!^-^

    Wishing you and your lovely family a prosperous CNY!

  8. Ya, went out for dinner yesterday & all the prices increased RM 1 or 2 >.<

  9. Nice lala soup wor.. and the crabs! Yum!!

  10. come the standard jatuh one.

  11. i love fried sotong and hair on the crab as well! Happy Chinese New Year!

  12. Love the ohhhh-lala and the crunchy hair too..~;).

  13. oh, seong tong lala, nice nice, i like that very much!! :)

  14. Haihh... lately auntie got alot cravings leh...sotong... bihun lala... ish ish ish... next round we go lou sang, auntie wan order lala fried bihun oso lah! Bwhahaha... or can ask mamarazzi make bihun goreng for auntie... trade with kikisi... or coke chicken, or curry chic+taufu pok and potatoes oso can... or mebbe... if got fresh sweet corn... auntie can make cucur jagung oso. :P

  15. Jenn

    Ya lor...duno how they make it

  16. Yi Lin

    Then come back soon lo. :D

  17. Wenn

    How come? I thought can get it in Ipoh

  18. Claire

    No la tarak Thong sui langsung.

  19. Alice

    Lala was good but portion not enough. Next time must order larger portion

  20. Choi Yen

    the sad thing is that once the price increased, there will be no reducing lo

  21. Lenglui Witch

    Love this type of Seong thong Lala

  22. Mummy Gwen

    Maybe too many people lo.

  23. Beii

    Gong Xi Fatt Chai! Yum yum ho the "hair"

  24. Bananaz

    Ya love Seong Thong lala too and the "hair"

    Gong Xi Fatt Chai

  25. SK

    Ya love the Seong Thong Lala too. Next time must order larger portion. Love this type of Seong Thong Lala

  26. Auntie Cleff

    I told mamarazzi already. She says to tell you she pengsan already

  27. Hi Small Kucing,

    So now its my turn to leave comment on your blog :)

    I just visited Yin Her last week, and I really like the food here..


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