
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 3 January 2011

Kedai Kopi Sin Yoon Loong at Old Town Ipoh

Those who read Auntie Claire's blog would know that we went to Ipoh on Christmas day.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Cari makan all the way. Auntie Claire punya pasal la...always post up delicious looking food in her blogs.

Mamarazzi recalled Auntie Josephine brought them to this Kedai Kopi Sin Yoon Loong to have the famous Ipoh White Coffee before. Lucky Papa still remember the way.After a few wrong turning we found the shop. fully of people.

The first order of business of course la order the White Coffee and the roti bakar. first time having this White Coffee. Memang ada UMPH!.

Papa ordered Chee Cheong Fun while Mamarazzi ordered Yong Taufu Noodle soup for me. The CCF was not bad la..

I love my bowl of noodle. The fishball very sedap. Boing boing one...but the "Sengkuang YTF" was not to my taste. Mamarazzi said the soup a bit too salty. Hmm....maybe boil long already gua that's why salty.

 For me, I hentam aje...don't know which one to eat first? Roti? Noodle? CCF? Kuih muih? many things to little time. See! so many things being sold in front of the shop. I wanted to taste everything but Mamarazzi said have to save some room for later wor.

Guess what did we had after this?


  1. Small kucing loves the boing boing fishball can play squash with em. Guess kids would always settle for fishball, fish & chips and fast sure about small kucing's taste.

  2. What you did after this? You ate lor...what else? LOL!!!

  3. so the ipoh mali posts are on from today onwards!! :))

  4. Ooh SK take White Coffee? My gal likes it too. But I don't dare let her take so much. Just for her to taste only.

  5. Oh! I really miss my hometown "Ipoh"!Long long....time no go back liao...don't know how the rumah papan look like now.
    I miss the foods that you posted here too!

  6. When i look at the toasted bread, i must also see kopi o kaw kaw, sadly could not find it here,kekekkeke.

    hey have a great week ahead ya

  7. Christmas in food heaven! Very good planning :) Aunty Claire made you drool, now it's your turn to make us drool lor...

  8. Oh, many ppl love Sin Yuen Loong at old town, especially their coffee. But we seldom visit there, hard to find parking!

  9. I love the white coffee here too.. and the toast! Super crispy and light!!

  10. yummmmms! if me, also hentam eat all, not need save room for later, because my stomach is bottomless pit. hahaha
    small kucing like coffee a?

  11. Bananaz

    More or less then same lo...with additional ice cream and ice..

  12. Claire

    ya some more photo yet to sort...Mamarazzi too busy leh...whole day frying ngaku. Thanks for the mask

  13. Chee Yee

    Take everything but in moderation lor

  14. Wai Kitt

    nevermind. CNY coming soon. can balik kampung lor

  15. Wai Kitt heard or not...Jo promoted la.. Biz Mgr.You balik kampung go cari her and ask her to belanja makan

  16. Eugene Mamarazzi baru she know why I didnt wanna nap that afternoon...must be because of drinking the white coffee LOL

  17. all these restaurants should thank you for blogging bout their food.. XP


  18. Chloe's Mommy

    If you ever in Ipoh must go cari Claire leh ..She will stuff you with food till u kenot walk LOL

  19. Cindy

    we waited quite long for parking also :(

  20. Lenglui Witch

    have to agree with you on that :D

  21. Goldflower

    kenot so many thing yet to eat wor

  22. aiyoh!! really so many things to eat, especially the nyonya kuih stall!!! i will be undecisive on what to buy if i were there, haha~~

  23. Sin Yoon Loong...oh...very famous. I want to go there!!! After seeing the picture u post, i make sure i will go there if i am in Ipoh!

  24. SK

    ya many thing wor...the kuih muih all looks delicious. Got pasembur there too...thought wanna buy but have to leave some room

  25. Annie

    Parking there is very hard to find :(

  26. aiyooooooooooo all the fooooooood!

  27. Irene

    why? u kebuluran ah? Jom go ipoh and serang Claire :D


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