
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Mama Crap...oppss...Crabs

Saw the Indian Lady selling crabs at the roadside again. We also went and buy some la. Not bad la. RM28/kg for medium size one. Got like 6 crabs. many what to do ah...

Then Mamarazzi thought okay la...some use to make Crab Fried bihun. Saw the shop put some garlic and ginger and fry aje mah.

Some just plain steam la

About half an hour later...jeng jeng jeng...looks like Pondam Steamed Crabs or not? Papa said it taste like Pondan Crabs wor.. Guess not pondan la since all the 6 crabs have a lot of eggy one.

Jeng Jeng Jeng.....Crab fried bihun...or rather crabs legs fried bihun coz Mamarazzi throw in all the crabs legs. crab taste geh...hmmm...maybe have to boil the crab then use the water to fry the bihun ah? Wonder how Auntie Elin would do it.

Meantime ..AAAAAAaaHHHHhh.....

Yummy Crabs...want or not? See next time can spot the Indian Lady again or not


  1. wow, envy ur little kid. So young already can enjoy crabs XD

    Oh btw smallkucing, I have put your link on my blog, do link me back in your blogroll if possible. If possible.. ^^

  2. Wah, crabs! Me can see cannot eat. Allergy.. ish..

  3. Is the stall on the way to Sg Buloh? the fat indian lady?

    Looks big wor..kinda of worth it. i wanted to buy but duno how to clean and murder it...LOL!!

  4. nice looking crabs.....luckily angelbear not really a fan of ketam~~ =p

  5. It is a good try, Mamarazzi. Looks yummy though.

  6. mm, that looks yummy! I must try it some time.

  7. Wah..Mamarazzi cooked herself ah. Looks delicious leh. Thumbs up. :)

  8. *GASP* Crab again??!!! Hey high cholesterol ler!

    Anyway the crab looks very fresh and yummy!

  9. Your mama cooking? seldom hear of her doing that, always eating out. Must go and buy 4D numbers lor. LOL!!!

  10. Wah! both dishes looks yummy to me!Frankly speaking,sometimes i thought wanna cook crab,but no crab sell around here lah! so ask the Indian lady open another branch here lah!

  11. I never see crab meehoon ler O.O

  12. homemade one ya mamarazzi??looks like crabs bihun from the restoran on so yummy la nom noom..

  13. Wah cheap crabs! But then I wouldn't dare to cook crabs lah.. rather go and eat out lah. Hehe

  14. Crab bee hoon also very popular here. Your bee hoon looks very delicious :)

  15. wow, fried beehoon with crab!! nice nice, i like~~ :)

  16. Ur mamarazzi's bihun is the best in the world. Come, help auntie bodek her for some, can?

  17. He he he, my favourite food....gonna eat a lot when I go back hometown for CNY! LOL!

  18. Isaac

    Thanks. Added you in my blogroll already :D

  19. Inspired Momx1

    Got medicine to take for the allergy mah...Auntie CC also alergic but she also ate.

  20. Mommy Ling

    yes yes that's the one.

    No worry wor..they will sembelih for you. Come home us just need to rinse again and throw away the "bulu-bulu on the chest" ..then can masak alreaddy

  21. Angel Bear...

    Aisey...kenot tempt you already la

  22. Shenny's Mom

    The crabs yummy la but the bihun tarak crab taste lo

  23. Mummy Gwen look but the taste still "char" a bit

  24. Chee Yee

    Gotta die sooner or later mah LOL

  25. STP

    haiyo...Mamarazzi got cook la...but tarak post her cooking everyday lor...Only post those falure and hope got tips from readers on how to make it right lo

  26. Wai Kitt

    sometimes pasar malam got sell crabs leh. Live ones.

  27. Choi Yen

    Never??? surprising. Thought now many restaurant sell this

  28. Mars Mell-o

    Got the look but doesnt have the taste. Need improvement in the taste

  29. LengLui Witch

    why not? Scared kena kiap ah? Can ask the seller to "kill" the crab first mah

  30. Anncoo

    got the look but no crab taste in the bihun. Wondering how to do it.

  31. SK

    May look nice but needs more improvement

  32. Expertnya this mamarazzi! The mihun looks so good! I've never cooked crabs before. Don't even dare to attempt haha. You are very sai lei!

  33. LOL, trial and error mar... next time when mamarazzi masters the recipe remember to belanja auntie makan tau!^-^

  34. Chloe's Mommy

    why? Easy what. Just wash and steam. No need to add salt or anything

  35. Alice Law

    LOL...can can...but make sure you standby Poh Chai Yin wor


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