
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 2 January 2011

Bedtime Stories And Prayers - The Story Of Good Friday

Now comes to the saddest story in the Enid Blyton's Bedtime Stories and Prayers.

Jesus was taken prisoner because he had enemy who accused him of declaring himself King among people and causing unrest among the people.

His punishment? To be nailed on a cross made of wood and be left there till he die. Cruel.
With him was two robbers who are also condemned to the same punishment.

His enemy were cruel. Put a crown made of thorns on his head. Unlike the hat on this clown. 

He was made to carry the heavy wooden cross.

 Each time Jesus fell down, the guards would beat him and make him get up again. The guards were very fierce. More fierce than this one.

At last he can no longer get up and carry the cross. The guards caught a man called Simon of Cyrene and forced him to carry for Jesus.

 Finally they came to the place. Jesus was nailed to the cross. The robbers were nailed to theirs too. They mocked him. One said "You said you are the King of Jews, Saviour of all men. Then why don't you save yourself and us too"

The other robber looked at Jesus face and felt ashamed. He said to the first robber " you and I have done wrong and should be punished. But this man have done no wrong"

 Jesus saw Mary was weeping bitterly and John, one of his disciple was trying to comfort her. Even in his pain, he think of others first.

He said to John " Behold! your mother" and to Mary "Behold,your son". They thus understood that they are to be like mother and son to each other.

With this Jesus  gave a loud cry " Father, into your hand I entrust my spirit" and he said no more.


  1. happy new year 2011 mama kucing..

  2. Wrong time of year - it's Christmas... And see! All those soldiers in the malls - so bad one, beat poor helpless people like Jesus. Muahahahahaha!!!

  3. That's in MidValley right? :) Blessed New Year 2011 :D

  4. Good Friday... is kind of sad hor.. but come Easter, it is happier..

  5. Jemsen

    You are right :D

    Happy New Year!

  6. Claire

    That would be next week :D


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