
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Restaurant Sri Nirwana Maju, Bangsar

Saw in Annie Q's blog last year about this Sri Nirwana Maju Restaurant. Finally got the chance to go and makan there. and white stated there...or rather Red and White...what you will get when you order Banana Leaf Rice.

Hmmm...let see

Papa's set of rice. Rasum mana?

Mamarazzi's Nasi Briyani. She said manyak sedap wor.Pricey at RM11 but worth it.

My Mango Lassi RM6 and Mamarazzi's Teh O Ice Limau RM1.80. They don't have soft drinks nor coconut.

Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt.....don't eat first. I snap photo first.
Overall, the food here taste good. The only two down side is the parking and the space. Hard to find parking around this area. When we arrived, it was nearly 3pm. The restaurant was still very crowed. Very cramp.

Papa loves the curry here. Say taste better than Kanna's


  1. Ohhhh!!!Love banana leaf rice better eaten with our hands. Is this at the corner lot near to the Supermarket aiya cant remember the name of the shopping complex..haha. tQ

  2. Yummy food! Seems like your son likes to 'use' his imaginary camera quite often lately ya? :P

  3. Tarak coke kah? den auntie go there no coke, how? Sobs... have to drink limau ais ah?

  4. Ah!!! Banana leaf! Yum! Yum! Just don't like the name...sounds like Nirvana - the "resting place". LOL!!!

  5. Bananaz

    It's not a corner shop. I also forgot what the shopping complax name was...bangsar shopping village two or something like that

  6. Auntie Cleff you can bring you own coke lor :P

  7. Hmmm .... LIMITED word there some more. The one I regularly patronize do not limit any refills on the banana leaf.

  8. We always have banana leaf rice when we are back in KL. Sedap.

  9. Yummy! I love banana leaf rice too. Just had it a few days ago. Baru RM4.50 (vegetarian) with unlimited "refills". I think we went to this Nirwana Maju some time back too... stood there waiting for seats for so long, in the end we just left.

  10. The nasi briyani looks very sedap.

  11. wow nasi briyani in banana leaf..sedapnya..=D

  12. favourite. But cannot afford to eat too much. Hahha! Fattening lah

  13. I love rassom, don't know why but i just love it,,,,,, i am like STP, don't like the name of the restaurant,, sorry k

  14. I ate banana leaf rice once only, it seems "dirty" to me.

  15. at rm11 macam expensive wor. furthermore you said the place is crowded one kan.
    but if the food is good. worth it also.
    ahaha, small kucing, your camera invisible one ka? lend me? i can use it to take handsome guy picture without being caught.!

  16. Banana leaf restaurants! They always taste good but are abit on the pricey side

  17. I went there once with a friend - got a table rightaway because there were only two of us, hahaha.

    But seriously - that place is packed everytime I walk past, and I'm not about to go there by myself again anytime soon.

  18. I love Banana leaf rice and Briyani, good recommendation! I'll definitely give it a try next time!

  19. Prince and Princess Mum

    Memang yummy

  20. Mummy Gwen

    hahaha...really ah? Good Good next time we can go makan together

  21. Chloe's Mommy

    That day also we kena wait quite long. But at least the food was good la. If wait long and food no good then cham

  22. Ken

    Not sure they impose this rule strictly or not coz we didnt ask to add more. But the food was good la

  23. Chee Yee

    The Briyani memang sedap...yumm

  24. Rose

    Once or twice a month can la

  25. Rugene

    hahaha not I named the shop punya..

  26. Isaac

    Pricey if you take their side dishes la. If you take the rice and vege only, normally it's around RM5

  27. Synical

    wah so lucky ah? we had to wait for table.

  28. Alice

    But must prepare to wait lah. This restaurant always very full.

  29. wah! Go there and never ajak? tsk tsk tsk.

    Ya, parking always is a problem. Usually we will park inside Bangsar Village and walk over.

  30. Annie

    last minute decision to go there leh.


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