
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 23 January 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-Mary And The Angel

 Last week the story stopped at Mary was hoping that the King would be born soon.

Mary had also often heard story about angel appearing and she loves the tales.

One day when she was up the hill, an Angel appeared to her. She was scared at first and surprised as she did not expect to ever have an Angel appear to her.

Gosh...lets hope the Angel didn't look like this mannequin.

Anyway the Angel came to tell her a wonderful news. Mary will have a son and she is to name him Jesus. He shall a King . A great King who will reign over his people forever. Even greater than King David.

Mary was surprised. She asked how can that be as she is still a girl and not married yet.

The Angel told her that it shall be the Son of God, a holy child. He further told her that her cousin Elizabeth who is an old woman shall have a baby son too.(Gosh..I can hear someone laughing)

Mary was very happy and could hardly believe it that she, a village girl has been selected to have this honour.

During spring time, Mary went to see her cousin, Elizabeth. Elizabeth greeted her with joy for she also knew that Mary is to be the mother of Jesus. Elizabeth then told her that she is pregnant and shall have a son of her own. The baby name is to be John.

When Mary got back to her village, Joseph asked for her hand in marriage. Joseph knew her secret for an Angel had told him so. Hence Mary married Joseph and they patiently waited for the arrival of the Son of God.


  1. did smallkucing asked u what's a virgin ? :P

  2. Your auntie Elizabeth pregnant? Your mum also? Muahahaha!!!

  3. Your auntie Elizabeth pregnant? Your mum also? Muahahaha!!!

  4. @Cikgu.... no... i am not pregnant... not that I know of la... ish ish ish...

    @Smallkucing... but kesian Mary u kno... last time when she pregnant wif Jesus... ppl tok so many bad things about her!

  5. nice biblical story for the kid.

  6. STP

    Mamarazzi pregnant anak cacing. Kept feeling hungry

  7. Auntie Cleff

    Huh... Mana u tau? That time she kahwin with Joseph already mah


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