
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Kau Yok Fried Bihun at Pan Heong, Batu Caves

I can hear someone groaning already..what? Pan Heong again??? What to do? We have only just so many mouth and our tummy can only take so much only. Can't test every food they have there one short.
Once again we order the delicious fried Fu Chuk.
 And the yummy Fish porridge. 

I can't get enough of the porridge. Left hand one spoon..right hand one spoon. Sumbat all into my mouth.

 Then comes the "VIP" ..Kau Yok Fried Bihun. Very generous amount of Kau Yok. Taste...really good wor. Wish they would give more Bihun instead of the Kau Yok coz we nearly cannot finish all the Kau Yok.

Total bill comes up to RM40 something. Meal for four adults and a kid. Not bad ya.


  1. The fu chuk looks so yummy leh... aiyo... auntie mau makan oso!

  2. Small kuching looks so cute with porridge all over his mouth (: The fried bihun looks so tempting but too far to taste it )):

  3. porridge is my favorites specially fish one le.. really yuumy la the foods my stomach is asking for foods now =D

  4. Bila u pergi? I was there last weekend too :P

  5. I would want the meat...not so much the mihun. Wah...going all the way to Batu Caves to eat!

  6. Yes, the price is very reasonable in Pan heong.. wanna go there la!!

  7. RM40 quite reasonable for 4 adults and kids! I would like to try its fish porridge!

  8. Kau Yuk Beehoon? Will it be too salty? But looks good

  9. all the food look nice. i think the pan heong chef must really be good cook to make you come back again and again.

  10. a very special dish..kau yok fried mee hoon. Look so yummy....

  11. it's abit jelak when eating too much of the kau yok meehoon, a bit oily actually :P

  12. yor, the fu chuk yummmmmmmmy! hungry la wei!

  13. Small kucing *shake head* left hand got spoon right hand got spoon left leg leh? Love the porridge & the VIP real big serving of Kau Yok.

  14. yeah, definitely a good choice at Pan Heong.. the KYMF is nice but i agree they should give more beehoon and less meat..

  15. wow..the fried bihun looks yummy!

  16. Aiya, eat at Pan Heong again lah! Never ajak me dey?

  17. AUntie Cleff

    But u tak maka pork wor

  18. Mars Mell-o

    hahaha...then its time to eat

  19. Baby Sumo

    week days. Not weekend. Weekend sure many people

  20. Claire

    when coming down KL again?

  21. gold flower

    service quite fast too coz they have a few chef

  22. Choi Yen

    The bihun was Ok but the Kau Yok portion rather big


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