
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 6 January 2011

Hytex Warehouse Sale & SOGO Sale

It was a rainy morning. So syok to sleep. But then my sleep was disturbed by Mamarazzi. Sibuk say wanna go Warehouse Sale wor. Say wanna get some cheap baju and shoes for me.

Oh? For Me? Of course lah I cepat-cepat wake up.

We went for Hytex Warehouse Sale at Dewan Serbaguna, MPS Taman Ehsan, Jalan E3/13, Selayang, Kuala Lumpur

The sale is on from now till 16 January 2011.

The first thing Mamarazzi did when we arrived was to dragged me to the shoes section. From previous experience, this sale normally offer very good selections of shoes.

Memang this round they have a large selection of shoes but the the size are pretty limited. Mamarazzi managed to grab these two pairs of Disney Shoes for me. A bit large but no worries as my feet grow very fast. Inherited BIG FOOT from Papa.

The pair on the left cost RM20 while the one on the right cost RM30. Not bad lar considering the original price tag from Jusco was RM69-90.

Sad to say, this round there wasn't much baju for kids year 3 to 5 years old. Mamarazzi only managed to grab a few pieces.

The Grey baju on the top is for 4 years old kid priced RM10 while the velvet pant was priced RM15.

The blue long sleeve shirt was price RM15. Not bad.

Only managed to get 3 T-Shirt for me. All priced RM8. Two are size 4 while the other one was size L. The short was RM5.

However, there are good selection for Babies and toddler clothing. Price ranges from RM5 to RM8.

There are a wide selection for older kids and teens too.

Stocks are moving fast. Saw some aunties sorting their large hoards of clothing.

 After going to the Hytex warehouse sale, Mamarazzi was not satisfied. Coz only managed to get one pant for me. Even that pant also not that nice.

Papa asked wanna go SOGO or not. SOGO also having sale till 16 January 2011. Of course lah Mamarazzi jumped at the opportunity.

This round we got a better hoard. Managed to get 3 pants for me at RM25 and RM20 each. Also managed to get 3 more baju from KIKO and KIKILALA brand for me. Price RM16 and below. Not bad ya?

But best of all is that I've got free cookies. Not from Hytex nor from SOGO but from my Dear's mommy. She is planning to do Chinese New Year Cookies wor. And I "volunteer" to be the White Mice lo. Taste? Goooooooood.

Hmmm...maybe I'll ask Mamarazzi to order from Auntie Cynthia to bring back for Ah Kong and AH Mah to eat on Chinese New Year.


  1. Wahhh... so many nice baju for you... can go dating with your dear dear liao. =D

  2. wei, so kiasu meh?? hahaha...grab so many... but I also grab from Sogo last mth, cannot resist lah, like u said so cheap..

  3. Stocking up for CNY already? That SOGO...I thought they have a sale all year long? On the ground floor at least... Haven't been to Tunku Abdul Rahman for ages...

  4. much cheap stuff.. u must have borong a lot!!

  5. Wah, can use for one whole year liao!

    Baju, aunty Cleff can also wear....ha ha ha!

  6. Wow..Mamarazzi is really geng to grap so many nice clothing plus shoes for small kucing. Small kucing can wear new clothes everyday throughout CNY (from 1st day to 15th day)liao!

  7. Good prices lah! I love the shoes, they look good leh :D

  8. Wow smart loots from mamarazzi for u meow meow

  9. Waaaah... so many CNY bajus... can wear from 1st day till chap goh mei lor :)

  10. so many loots!! And what a good bargain you've got there!

    Salute you that you can bring your son to a warehouse sale! For me sure cannot coz if dragging my girl along, either I will lost her she will fuss and fuss wanna leave :( :( :(

    Your hubby so nice la ... will suggest SOGO to bring you shopping lagi. If my hubby sure said 'enuff lo enuff lo, I can't feel my leg anymore lo!" *shake head!*

  11. Very nice shoe. I like both pairs. So far, if not I sure go to grab some shoes for Hao. :)

  12. the shoe is cool he must be looking handsome on all the new clothes n shoe's awwhhhh the cute boy look so happy got all those from ma kucing =D

  13. Very tempted to go to SOGO sales, thanks for sharing! Cynthia always amazed us with fragrant and delicious cookies! You are lucky to be her Guinea pig, lol!

    Happy weekend mamarazzi, paparazzi and Joshua!

  14. I missed SOGO. Used to shop there when still single and free. haha... Now, even go to the pasar malam also have to grab and go in a flash.

  15. aww i am sure mama kucing got buy for herself too, where her loot?

  16. This yr a bit chamz..bringing 2 monsters out to shop is so much hassle jor. Most of their clothing, i shopped thru online.

  17. Wyson

    Grab for 1 years stock lo. Lazy to go SOGO so often

  18. STP

    Stock up for CNY and the whole year lor

  19. Pete

    Memang intend for the whole year. Ya lor...Auntie Cleff so tiny...sure can wear LOL

  20. SHenny's Mommy

    Coz Mamarazzi seldom go buy clothes ma

  21. Angeline

    Kau Tim for whole year LOL

  22. Chleo's Mommy

    and hope can wear for the whole year too :P

  23. Wenn

    everywhere got sallllleeeeee

  24. Mommy Angel

    who says Mamarazzi bring me along...she drag me buy the shoes only then throw me into the car with Papa...I play with Papa in the car while Mamarazzi went grabbing

  25. Chee Yee

    The shoes worth it la but the Man there never really search and he say tarak tarak..

  26. Mars Mell-o

    Mamarazzi very bad...I wanted to wear my new shoes but she wont let ...say wait for CNY wor

  27. Alice

    Sogo sale worth going la..once a year.

    wanna be Auntie Cynthia's white mice or not? Can sign up LOL

  28. mNhL

    Now Mamarazz only do it once a year :p

  29. Those pants that u got are a good bargain! I really find pants for kids now so overpriced...been scouting around...all around Rm45-RM50 and that is after discount 50% somemore!!!

  30. Mommy Ling

    Mamarazzi thinks the same too. Bring kids sure cant shop.

  31. Leona

    If you are not worry about crowds then try SOGO. Not bad la the offer


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