
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 30 January 2011

The Children's Life of Christ-The Journey to Bethlehem

In the story book, this story was much longer and nicer to read.

The one winter some men came to town and put up posters. It states that the people will have to pay taxes and they are to go register their name in their respective own town.

Joseph and Mary are of the House of David and therefore their hometown is in Bethlehem and not Nazareth.

Poor them, the journey "balik kampung" was not easy as nowadays. ...can take plane, car or bus which takes just a few hours to arrive. Plane lagi faster. But in the old days they would have to walk or ride on a donkey, horse or carriage.

Poor Mary was heavily pregnant.Haiz..what to do? Have to go lor.

They walk and walk and walk... Mary was exhausted when the came to Bethlehem. Joseph met an Innkeeper and tried to secured a room for themselves but the Inn keeper informed him that everywhere were fully booked. No more rooms. 

The Inn Keeper had a good heart and saw that Mary was very pale. He offered them the cave behind the inn where he kept his ox as he felt pity for Mary. Joseph took the offer.

They went to the stable and Joseph tried to make Mary as comfortable as it is possible.

That night, Mary gave birth to Baby Jesus.


  1. Aiyor...Qong Xi Fa Cai lor...still Christmas kah u? Muahahahahaha!!!!

  2. happy new year!
    wish you plenty good food and more bloggings!

  3. STP

    Still Christmas mood lo. Too many festival stick next too each other...belum habis deepavali already say Christmas...belum Christmas eve, shopping complex playing CNY song pulak...

  4. Tuti

    Same to you..Gong Xi Fatt chai oso


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