
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 21 January 2011

I walked Lover Bridge and I Borong-ed Goodies.

After makan, I discovered this plant just outside the restaurant wor...Snap photo with my imaginary camera first.

Didn't know that Ladies Finger plant have yellow flower and the "Lady Finger" is pointing upwards punya.  Interesting.

 Click ! Click! some more Nong Nang. many "Tak Boleh" when walking on the "Lovers Bridge". Eh eh eh...can hold hands wor...too bad my Dear not around or else....

 Ah Yee say take I also "pose" la....

 My M.J. (Ming Juan) pose. Must grab "birdie" one.

Got Jie Jie Yen to hold my hands. I was not afraid. I wanna go there!

 Saw many things...tiang lampu (hahaha), tonggol kayu, a boat, fishes and a crab. Wow...saw a type of fish that can "walk" on land too...and its not "water fish".

 Finally came to the end of the bridge. Eee...scary...can feel the bridge swaying one. Mamarazzi too chicken. Stand far far away and zoom zoom zoom the camera to snap our photo.

Came back on "land". Saw a shop selling chapalang goodies. Very festive also. Ooo...they also sell pau. this supposed to the the God of Fortune? Looks more like Opera Ghost pulak. Scary. A girl mannequin dress with God of Fortune baju.

 I can see a lot of Lolipop outside the house and seashells too.

 Mamarazzi bought one for me a lolipop while Papa drove us to buy Pau from the famous Hai Yew Heng Pau shop.

Alamak...price naik already ah? Looks like naik 20sen as compared to last round. The Sang Yuk Pau used to be become RM2.20. that I am better off by eating Dai Pau in KL. Only cost around RM3 to RM3.50.

I wanted to have Tau Sar Pau but then it was all sold off. Mamarazzi went to the opposite stall to get some for me. Haiz...the man jaga the pau stall was quite "particular". Asked Mamarazzi want for what? If wanna tapau back, have to buy from the kilang.

Wah lau eh...kasi him business also have terms and conditions ones ah?

Mamarazzi read in a blog that the goreng goreng and kuih there are nice. She bought two dumplings. Inside have "sengkuang" . Mahal lor...RM1 each. Papa ate. Said nothing special pun.

Papa also walloped a Mui Chai Pau but found it very oily this round.

Upon hearing this, Mamarazzi was not satisfied. She pestered Papa to drive back to the Lover Bridge to get some Mr Black Pao.

This one is Mr Black Pao. Mui Chai Pao. Size bigger than the HYH Pau. Less oily. Price was RM1.80 or RM2. Mamarazzi forgot already coz she bought a few type of Pau from this stall.
Not bad. She loves the Curry Chicken Pau.

But the Char Siew Pau was not that good. The Char Siew was too hancur. I think next round we go Tg Sepat, will go look for this Mr Black Pao instead. Less crowds.


  1. morning! where's this lover's bridge?

  2. Bridge can tahan papa kucing walking on it kah? Muahahahaha!!!

  3. Lover bridge, good for fishing when the tides comes in! LOL!

  4. oooh..must be tourist centred already..that is why the prices increased.. 1rm for one kok chai?? very pricey! boycott.. hahaha..

  5. Love the mui choy nice. If u go next time, i tumpang u to borong back...LOL!!!

  6. Is your camera for sale? MJ pose? MJ used only one hand his left hand so Ming Juan used two hands haha..who is Ming Juan ah..?

  7. haha...his imaginary cute!

  8. Tanjung Sepat again? Last round when we are there, it's already night time, so cannot see the far end of the Lover Bridge.

  9. now you are showing the real nong nang....not the look like nongnang but not nongnang version.....che che yen is sooo tall already!

  10. @Banana... Ming Juan is smallkucing's real name. Nice, simple and no-nonsense name, dun u tink?

  11. wow lil boy is very cute..!!!

  12. i heard about the pau there being very famous and yummy, mamarazzi really knows where to get good food huh~~

  13. Hey mammarazi

    Take care; read in other blog -not feeling well? Speedy recovery :-D

  14. Wah, you went to Tg Sepat? Look like a nice place with good food.

  15. SK, next time bring your dear to Lover Bridge. :)

  16. Isaac

    It'sin Tanjung Sepat. Just behind the Restaurant Ocen

  17. Prince and Princess Mum

    Yup it was

  18. STP

    But if you + Papa....then....

  19. Pete

    Is it? Dont know they allow fishing or not

  20. Claire

    Memang wanna boycott that stall already LOL

  21. Bananaz

    This camera not for sale :p

  22. Annie

    Night time would be a bit frightening coz the end of the bridge are made of wood. Can feel it swaying a bit

  23. LG

    La...the vendor say nongnang also mah LOL...

    woi..Jie Jie Yen makan nasi one mah..of course la grow up..

  24. SK

    Now a lot of Pau shop open jor. Tasted the Mr Black Pau. Seems nicer than the famous one wor

  25. Autumn

    yup..nice place and a lot of good food

  26. Chee Yee

    wait till I grow up first :D


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