
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 15 January 2011

Mak Uda Selera Timur, Subang Two.

Argh...where is my food. Hungry..

Mak Uda is one of the nice Malay restaurant located in Subang 2. Food is good.

Ikan bakar is one of their Speciality. Very tasty especially the "sambal" Cukup UMPH!

Papa took some moo moo. Some part were tender but some parts tough. 

Guess whose rice is it? Mamarazzi, mine or Papa?

and this one leh?


  1. wow...i love the ikan bakar!

  2. Small Kucing, You are willing to try many different types of food, even the pedas-pedas one.

  3. Mamarazzi, hope you are feeling better now after taking the medicine. I read from your blogspot that you are sick for 2 days. Get well soon, yeah.

  4. Nasi campur? MasakanMelayu? I also have that in my post today...and mine looks nicer. Hehehehehe!!!!

  5. Those food look so yummy! I love spicy food but can't take too spicy la.. Subang 2, is it somewhere near Sg Buloh?

  6. me think the first pic is mamarazi, the second is paparazi. hehehe

  7. I wanna eat the ikan bakar!

  8. The one wif sayur onli is Papa punya, while the one wif chicken is ur mamarazzi la... auntie kno she abit carnivore wan!

  9. wow, looks yummy!

    been a while since i last had malay fare :P

  10. the 2 dishes one belonged to your mum, right Joshua?

  11. Chris

    The Ikan Bakar here are very good

  12. Autumn

    Cikit cikit la...kenot really take pedas food

  13. Inspired Mom1X

    yes, that is the place

  14. Mars Mell-o

    the sambal cukup meletup

  15. Auntie Cleff

    so pandai prize for you LOL

  16. Jeremy

    WHy? Cant stand the spicy food? Nice leh

  17. The ikan bakar looks good to me! Slurp!

  18. Wah... I'm drooling now... it's not a good idea to view food post in the middle of the night! Now where to find makan?!!!=_=

  19. Alice Law

    That's why Claire clever already. She will eat first before come here

  20. Arief

    Memang sedap. You ambik banyak or sikit they also charge the same. Bossnya generous.


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