
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Restaurant Loong Yuen, Happy Garden

This is a very late post. In fact it should have been up last year. Somehow it kena timbun by the rests of the events.

We went to makan at Restaurant Loong Yuen in Happy Garden. Located in the middle of residential area.

Ordered this Honey something something Pork. * See! I told you already. Late post till forgot the name of the dish*

Taste good. Yum yum. The meat was fried till very crunchy.

Then this Stir-fried Kai Lan with Prawn. Alamak! Wanna cry liao looking at this portion. Enough for me to eat or enough for Mamarazzi?

Taste good but the portion to say ah? No need to say anything look at the photo, you already know la...Hey..for your information, we haven't even "kiap" any of it before the photograph was taken.

Next was Sizzling Taufu with Mince Meat. A bit too salty.
Then comes the "V.I.C"(Very Important Crab). Salted Egg Crab. Generous portion of Salted Egg and the crabs were big and meaty. Taste very sweet too.

Total bill comes up to around RM150. Pricey? Hmmmnot... really la considering the crabs were good.

Here is the address just in case you are interested to have a go at the crabs no 79, Jalan Rukun 4, Happy Garden, Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, 58200 K.L.


  1. Ooooo...I love the crabs! Yum! Yum!

  2. Ohhh... this one is near ur dear's house, isn't it? Looks like not bad, but abit expensive la... Yin Her cheaper?

  3. Yes, the crabs looked yummy! i think u and i have something in common.. crabs!! hahaha..

  4. Yalor... pity the portion of kai lan they gave, so kedekut!=_=

    Yup, the crabs look great and definitely worth trying for!^-^

  5. STP

    These are very meaty crabs. Yum

  6. Auntie Cleff

    Of course YH is cheaper. But this one more meat. Bigger size crabs

  7. Claire

    Next time come KL we go piggy out crabs, mau?

  8. Alice Law

    Ya lo...suppose to be portion for 3 adults and 2 la...

  9. Hmmm, the salted egg crabs is tempting lar..looks yummy.
    Do you know how much they sell crab per kg?

  10. Wah..the carb looked so yummy. I think it's mahal ler.

  11. Tempting lor..yummy! I wonder what's the name of that dish called "Honey something something Pork"?

  12. Crabs...Nom Nom!!! Next friday will be having a seafood feast. Hopefully will get a good one..

  13. Rm 150 considered quite expensive ler.. =.="

  14. Shenny's Mommy

    Yes..but the problem was Mamarazzi forgot the price per kg LOL. Last year punya post.

  15. Mummy Gwen

    Got meat wor...the something something honey meat...that one must be at least RM15, Then the prawn Kai Lan also leh..entah least the crabs tasty la..

  16. Angeline

    LOL...the name too long for old Mamarazzi to remember lo...she know got honey and got pork in it so it become honey something something pork lo

  17. Mommy Ling

    Hapy Feasting more eat more.

  18. Crabs are nice. Portions.. not so nice. hehe.

  19. I am going to repeat what others are saying.... I love the crab! haha... The crab is making salivate. How dare you seducing us like that!

  20. Seems like they use quite alot of black sauce in their cooking.

    Yummy...doesnt everyone love crabs?

  21. Oh dear! Yesterday i cooked the kai lan also far far more than this dish liao! so kedekutlah tauke.However the crabs really looks delicious!

  22. oh the kailan can be counted how many how many stalks and leaves haha. Price on the high side but depending on the kg of crab cooked.

  23. love crabs..... but the vege a bit pathetic.

  24. Leona

    The pork was really crunchy la despite it look so black

  25. Wai Kitt

    I dont think it's one bundle of Kai Lan

  26. Bananaz

    The Kai Lan chop up already la. Yes, the Crabs were per Kg. It was 1Kg plus. forgotten the price

  27. *Drooling at the crab* And I'm hungry now! :(

  28. I love vege!!! =D specially kailan oyster sauce

  29. Chee Yee

    Come ...we go makan crabs

  30. Mars Mell-o

    This one I think just enough for you :(


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