
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Strawberry and BookXcess Again.

 Mamarazzi got this Book Voucher from BookXcess during our 3rd time there in conjunction to their Malaysia Day celebration. Yup...Mamarazzi gone crazy. Went there 3 times! Didn't blog about the 3rd time coz sure someone out there would think we are ambassador of BX pulak.

 Then Auntie Cleff gave me this cute strawberry pulak.

 It unfolds into a shopping bag. Cute ah? Can shop for more books.

 Suppose to spend RM10 only but don't know how the thing seems to "beranak".

Mamarazzi got this lovely Inspector Singh book. Then she saw this Terracotta Warriors books pulak. It's none fiction. Seems interesting. Bought it lo. Hope it's good.

Then saw this "apple-tising" book titled "The Stepmother". Haven't read any of this author books before. Does she have other books? Entah-lah. Just grabbed.

Saw two Vikram Seth books titled "Two Lives". One was priced at RM24-90 and another was REM19-90. Needless to say which one Mamarazzi grabbed.

As Mamarazzi walking towards the counter, something caught her eyes. A lovely set of Pooh Bear books. RM24-90 only. She grabbed one set for me.

Hey! BOX have some new bookmarks. RM2-90 each only. Lovely eh? Auntie Cleff, which one you want? Give you one. Thank you very much for the Strawberry bag.


  1. Hahahaha... auntie forgot got give you the strawberry bag liao. LOL... see next time when auntie can get a hand on those cute 'fruit' bags, will give summore. LOL...

    Eh, go tell your Mamarazzi... auntie wanna pinjam the China's First Emperor and His Terracotta Warrior, can ah? Auntie want.

    ps: Thx for the bookmark. Cantik... makes auntie tink of ketupat. LOL... each time see, will tink of ketupat... hmm... mebbe next time Auntie's mummy come for visit... Auntie ask auntie's mummy make some for for your papa. Kekekeke... biar dia jadi ular again. LMAO!

  2. That's a nice strawberry.... Aunty Cleff, I also want!!!!!

  3. I wanted to add up the total of books and money you bought and spent then half way, the figures ran away!! really Kathy, i m asking u again, when is your mini library going to open?

  4. wow..i would be crazy if bookXcess is nearby..

  5. LOL, once got cheap books, I knew Mamarazzi sure will go crazy one! THat's a cute strawberry. If you didn't say anything about the strawberry, one look at it and I still won't know it opens up into a bag. :-) Wah....the book on China's First Emperor and His Terracotta Soldiers pricks my interest too - I like old Chinese history. I think I better make time to go to Book Xcess this few days. Like the Pooh book set too.

  6. Mamarazzi should organize a book club. I wanna join :) We also went BX last Sunday... sapu a big load of books again hehe. Hey, we go there very often too, how come no book voucher reward geh? :(

  7. Btw, I have a BIG book problem at home lah... books everywhere with no place to put. All the shelves are stuffed to the brim already. Buy new shelves oso dunno where to put! Don't you have this problem? Hehehe...

  8. LOL! Don't worry, do blog more about your trip to BX, I love it and will definitely stop by for it!;)

    Aiyor, I wonder where will be the Big Bad Wolf venue, I heard it will be hold by middle of next month! Do you have any idea?

    have a great day!
    p/s: Joshua soo strong, can carry such heavy book loads! Wow~!

  9. STP

    Very easy to bring around. Not bulky at all

  10. Auntie Cleff

    Very useful strawberry :D Got orange or not LOL

    wokay..I will go and korek Mamarazzi's horde for that book

    ish ish ish....pasal makan aje tau

  11. Wenn
    Am sure you will. Especially their Octoboer shipment. So many new books

  12. Claire

    LOLmini librabry? soon to be the National Library la

  13. ALice Phua

    You had better go there soon coz their October shipment had came in. Mamarazzi went and borong again. SSSSSOOOOOOO many nice book especially for kids. Mamarazzi have yet to have time to sort out the photo and blog about it.

  14. Chloe's Mommy

    Tapau thosen book that have been read in big plastic lo :p

  15. Chloe's Mummy

    Sunday?...aiyak missed by one day. Else sure to meet you there again.

    This book voucher was from my dip dip during Msia Day

  16. Alice Law

    The BBWS will be at South City Plaza, Seri Kembangan 12 to 17 Nov 2010.

    Too bad we cant go :( Gotta balik kampung for wedding. Not mine wedding lah kakakaka...later my Dear saw sure cekik me

  17. Thanks a bundle for the notice! Wow... near my place, how convenient!^-^

  18. ALice Law

    You are welcome. Lucky you and Alice Phua . Staying nearby

    You can follow the update of the sale in Facebook. look for them at Big Bad Wolf Books in FB

  19. haha, books again!!! no wonder mamarazzi says "Books can kill" in FB~~ :D

  20. SK

    LOL was reading a depressing book

  21. Nice cute
    You can start open up mini library at home since you have alot of books at home....

  22. I want to go to this place again. Wait for Jo to come back before I can go again. All the recipe books can load back to Ipoh :p

    You know something, she shipped back 30 Nora Roberts books from UK and many more! Put her in a book warehouse she won't want to come out :p

  23. Wah, i just wonder how you manage to blog and read those books when jaga anak. I even don't have much time to read newspaper for week. Your son must be very guai.

  24. Very nice strawberry bag.....

  25. Wow really impressed! Shopping for books again.. if only I had the same patience on reading books...

  26. Elin

    come la during the Big Bad Wolf sale. You will really go crazy one. Drag Claire to come along la

  27. mNhL

    ya lo...useful especially when need extra bag

  28. Wai Kitt

    Multui tasking mah...last time we also do that mah LOL

  29. Lenglui Witch

    LOL...each have its own poison :P

  30. Awww...the BBWSale on 12-17th Nov? Too bad on the first few days itself I have to miss it becos my faculty is holding an off-site meeting at a resort in Kuantan (3D2N). DOn't know by the time I'm back in Selangor whether there will still be some more good books or not.

  31. Alice Phua

    We too had to give it a miss :( Balik Kampung :( sobs


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