
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Lover Bridge Restaurant Tanjung Sepat

Papa say go cari Oh Chien to eat. Don't know why he bring me to this Padang Jarak Padang Terkukur place. Where got Oh Chien?

Got some boats la. And some people walking along a wooden bridge. Said it's Lover Bridge wor. No action geh.

Only saw two "Lam Jiao"(Blue Birds) standing on the wood and a lone dog looking for food.

Ooo...this is the famous Lover Bridge Restaurant ah.

Fast-fast wash hand. If not later Papa will wallop all the food 

Why so slow geh the service?. The people here really relax ah. Everything also slow motion. Maybe they are trying to catch the crabs below.

 Finally the food came. Top left is the Lala fried Bihun. DELICIOUS!.

Top right is the Kam Heong Sotong. Much too spicy to be able to taste the sotong properly. The Sambal was a bit sourish also. Weird. Doesn't feel like the Kam Heong Sotong that we used to eat.

Bottom left is the Fried Oh Chien. Simply yummylicious. Much better than the Baywatch Restaurant that we went the other time. This one was so good till after we walloped all, Papa ordered another plate of Oh Chien!

Bottom right. Steam crabs. Disappointing. Though the crabs are fresh and sweet, but the taste was over powered by the fried garlic. Don't understand why they add the fried garlic. They added Ginger too. Too bad.

 Gosh! I love the Lala Fried Bihun VERY much.

 It "melted" in my mouth. Like the Chips more advertisement "kejap ada, kejap tarak! habis! finish!"

 Very relaxing place to makan.

My Uncle Chai very cunning. He secretly went and paid the bill. Thank you very much, Uncle Chai.

Well, if you are headed this way, do drop by this restaurant for a meal. But let me warn you first. Everything is in slow motion here. The address :

Location:43B, Jalan Tepi Laut,
Tanjung Sepat, Kuala Langat,


  1. Wah, blue bird at lover bridge.....ha ha ha, gotta wash my brain liao.....LOL!

  2. Lala fried bihun must be yummy.

  3. Ooooo....the food looks so yummy. Sigh, no chance to go so far to eat lah. Btw, who's Uncle Chai? Introduce him to me, I'd like to be his friend. That kind of people, I like! Muahahahahha!!!!

  4. oh dear, i think my comment sudah lari.. did u rec it, Mama?

  5. last time this place doesn't have a restaurant, it's just a wooden bridge for the fisherman to go to their boat.. there's where we used to pick up shells when we visited grandma last time..

    the fried lala beehoon very nice leh, yummy yummy~~

  6. rgewow looked like a great place to have lunch, I like being just the seaside lovely breeze!

    Sorry for not been dropping by frequent, just got busy lately! :)

  7. Or chien again! Making me craving for some now....

  8. beautiful scenery lah!!! looks beautiful :)

    have a wonderful day!!
    jen @

  9. I have eaten in this restaurant before (but still haven't blog about it!) and I agree the o chien is very good! So far never ordered crab dish from this restaurant before becos Juan Or was around, takut take too long to eat, he may become fretful and cry and cry and cry! Yes, agree too, they took quite long to come up with the first dish, but then that time we were the first customer of the day and the time was like 11.30am, so we thought maybe the kedai baru bukak that's why so slow. The mini 'jeti' or platform I find quite dangerous becos constantly there are motorbikes travelling on it and the platform is too narrow to fit both walkers and moving motorbikes at the same time. And the motorbikes are driven quite recklessly also. Also, the next day after eating, I had bad food poisoning, but hubby didn't kena, so don't know whether it's the food there or some other place becos we ate the same food the whole day, yet he didn't kena, neither did Juan Or.

  10. again...I am so hungry now as going to be lunch time.

  11. Angel Bear

    Yup...Lovers Bridge but tak nampak lovers pun. Maybe day time tarak

  12. SK

    then how come call Lover's Bridge and not Fisherman Bridge? Night time really for love birds there ah?

    The bihun really good

  13. Nice place... so romantic... paparazzi and mamarazzi didn't go pak-tor, hold hands on the bridge meh? :p

  14. BBO

    It's okay. Saw your lovely post. know you very busy. Yup a lovely place to eat provided you are not rushing to anywhere coz the service a bit slow. But we didnt mind waiting as they scenery was good

  15. mNhL

    The Oh Chien there really nice.Finished one plate not enough. Ordered one more LOL

  16. Alice

    We went there around 1pm+ nearing 2pm. Coz we ordered the Pau again and they shop say will be done 3.30pm. Hence have the time to sit and enjoy the food.

    Food poisoning? Hmmm...Could be that your stomach weak? Mamarazzi's stomach is weak also. Senang kena food poisoning

  17. haha, home town is thr...

  18. wow!what a beautiful scene you catched for the first photos.

  19. The shot is nice... I like Lala fried Bihun, tried before in Staembot restaurant in Puchong.. Oh chien so nice kah, ordered two dish some more hehe. I wish to try out this place but got idea mana tempat ini :(

  20. Pete dont you ever say blue bird aloud in Hokkien..haha that is why you need a thorough wash. Heard of fight fire with fire so apply same tactic fight poison with poison get ready to drink poison starting tomorrow...kakakaka.

  21. Mery

    Hope you had a lovely lunch :D

  22. Anderson

    So what else is good to eat there? Wanna go cari makan there again :D

  23. Chloe's Mommy

    Kenot lo coz too many "spotlights" around LOL. Later the fisherman have heart attack leh

  24. Irene

    *here is the tissue paper* :p

  25. uLi

    Next time you go Tj Sepat, do try out the Ph Chien at this restaurant. Mamarazzi finds it better than those at Baywatch

  26. Mummy Moon

    Ohh the steamboat restaurant is also famous for the Crab fried bihun ones right? Opposite Giant Puchong

    This place is at Tanjung Sepat. When you arrive there if you ask around i think the kampung people will tell you where it is

  27. Wah..cantiknya the gambar.

    Lala fried bihun? Never heard before lah. Must be sedap.

  28. Mummy Gwen

    yup real sedap...really felt like going the and eat

    There is a shop that sells lala fried bihun and crabs fried bihun in Puchong. ALso very nice

  29. i don;t know why... i never like oh chien

  30. Wah you went to Tg Sepat for two consecutive weeks?

  31. A Mom's Diary

    Yup..Mamarazzi crazy one. Once like to eat something will go makan again and again till muak LOL

  32. Boey Joey

    Maybe coz of the texture?


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