
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Going Up The Hill With Two Dinosaurs

 Fill up the petrol! Going some ulu place. Might not have petrol station.
 Stopped halfway to see this beautiful Reservoir. Blue skies and cool air.

 Even the monkeys comes out to play.

 Up the hill we went. 

Left ah...right ah... swaying here and there. going to get car sick already. I miss my Car Seat. It's in the Green Car. Green Car still hospitalised waiting for spare parts. The seat belt in this car not syok geh. I still sway left and right .

 Pening already. Pucat. But no vomit.

 Mamarazzi...I don't wanna eat can or not? When will we arrive there? I wanna play water already.

Mamarazzi got me this Ribena with Lemon. Said will help to settle my tummy wor. The nice lady at the stall even gave me this asamboi candy. But Mamarazzi won't let me eat coz she said got asamboi seed inside. Worried that I might choke.

 Then the Nasi Lemak came. Surprisingly I felt like eating pulak. Yummy..this Nasi Lemak very tasty. Mamarazzi walloped a lot. Said the Sambal very tasty. Just sweet and spicy enough.

This was Papa's plate of chicken rice. He said tasted okay. But then he saw Mamarazzi and me happily walloping the Nasi Lemak, he also want. He ordered a plate of Nasi Lemak for himself. He said very tasty too.

When we came down the hill, we stopped by this stall again. Wanted to have another go at the Nasi Lemak. But too bad. All sold off already.

After makan-ed, I sucked on a piece of lemon. And then I felt much better already. More energised. Even better than the Duracell Bunny.

Wokay...let's go and continue our journey.


  1. WHAT? Papa Kucing ate TWO plates of rice? wonder so fat...and everybody else so thin. Muahahahaha!!!! Your nasi lemak looks a bit like like mine - see my post day after tomorrow. LOL!!!

  2. oh where did mamarazzi bring smallkucing?? looks nice woh that place.. but then too bad smallkucing got nausea, next time must bring along some asamboi together.. :p

  3. wah..where is this place? so papa is grounded for one month?? hahaa.. so nice for both of u..
    does lemon help? next time i can also go suck lemon cos i also very weak when it comes to turning round and round..

  4. i would love the nasi lemak too.

  5. Where is this water dam place? About the car seat, isn't it possible to transfer the baby car seat from one car to another? Wah, Papa is very kuat makan....can wallop two portions one after another!

  6. I love that asamboi candy.

    Wah...the nasi lemak must be real good till you all craving for it.

  7. wooo...nasi lemak. really looks good. Ei..this place very familiar, i cant recall the name.

  8. Dinosour telah bertukar menjadi kera..

  9. Pete

    A very winding and twisty hill. Worse than Cameron

  10. SK

    hahaha...all will be reveal tomorrow :p

  11. STP

    LOL...the pot calling the kettle black ah ...but really wor..the nasi lemak VERY sedap

  12. uLi

    Dinosaur...tu...dua orang tua tu...

  13. mNhL

    Ya very sedap. The sambal also sedap.

  14. Alice Phua

    Ya but did not think of that when the green car was towed to the workshop lo

  15. Wah winding hill... I cannot tahan that too.. sure vomit!

  16. looks like an interesting outing with free-ride of roller coaster or merry-go-round. And small kucing caught some butterfly in his stomach.
    Is it Fraser Hill?

  17. I thought which is the 2 dinasaurs.. haha!

  18. oh,I missed the asamboi candy. Sudah long long time no eat.

  19. Eh, how come nothing about the dinosaurs one?

  20. Hmm, I can't hep it if i see nasi lemak! So is the sauce? sedap?

  21. The dam area is very scenic. You all went to Fraser's Hill? Or is it the old trunk road to Genting? Luckily smallkucing no motion-sickness. Giddy-giddy still can eat. Good boy!

  22. what are the 2 dinosaurs? :)

  23. Kesian smallkucing getting carsick already. What hill ah? Cameron or Genting? are very bad tempting me with the nasi lemak.

  24. hahahhaha that two dinasour! lol!

  25. Shenny's Mom

    Yup! It's Fraser Hill. Veryyy winding road

  26. Wai Kitt

    hahahaha...Mamarazzi didn't give me to eat :( say scared i choke wor

  27. Prince and Princess Mum

    That two dinosaur lor...walk and climb a bit already out of breath

  28. Angeline

    Hahahaha...Papa and Mamarazzi were the dinosaurs lor...Nasib lemak was great :D

  29. Ken

    the two dinosaur were Papa and Mamarazzi lor

  30. Chloe's Mommy

    Yes! Fraser Hill. Many cars stopped at the Dam. Not far off there is a Fishing place but we didnt stop

  31. Mummy Gwen

    Neither. It's Fraser Hill. :D

  32. BBO

    ya..THOSE two dinosaurs. LOL


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