
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 21 October 2010

Aftermath of Passport and Money Laundering

 La~la~la~tak kena jail. Papa will be around for long long long time. And best of all......

 I get to go McDonald Playland. Yup...I can say "Mac Donald" correctly now. Though sometimes I still lapse and call it Dan Neh Noh.

 Mamarazzi...don't want read book la. Come play with me and Tiger.



Then when I came home, this little kitty followed me home.


 You wanna eat "keropok"?

 Papa, can I keep him please?

 Mamarazzi...can I keep him pleeeeease..pleeease.....

Sayang~sayang~ Mamarazzi said you have to go home wor. Later your Mama will worry. Little kitty guai guai ah..tomorrow come and play with me some more okay?


  1. Cuteee..kitty...but aunty does not dare to carry...LOL.

  2. wahhh..small kucing with real kucing... both chui kai pak tong!

  3. Joshua not afraid of cat. I won't even dare to cuddle the little kitty.

  4. Suka pet ya?....I scared of kitten...too soft for me.

  5. Hey,last time my eldest son also didn't speak "Mac Donald", he only said "I Don know"...pengsan! Luckly now he can speak correctly liao.

  6. first come mamakucing, then come small come baby kucing.....can we have video of small kucing said mcdonald please

  7. One thing for sure,Kathy,small kuching will grow up to be a man with good heart,,,,that's so true.

    i will come back to this post still another 20 to see if i was right.hahahahahahha.

  8. LG

    No need video be coming home soon what

  9. Here kitty kitty... mamarazzi is so kind to bring the kitten home. If me, sure won't let (scared dirty la, this la, that la...) haha.

  10. yeah..i also think u got a lot of books. can open shop already. must play with ur son.

  11. Wah, he already show his liking for pets, ya? So far Juan Or has not shown such interest yet.

  12. mamarazzi...can keep the kitty pleassseeeeeeeeeeee~

  13. You must go into show business...or at least, go and appear in ads - your facial expressions are classic - simply awesome. Btw, stay away from cats - old people say the fur can cause asthma!

  14. adorable kitten.
    i would be tempted to keep it too. but ya, the mom might be looking. hope they are reunited.

  15. A kid who loves cats will be a gentleman when he grows up.

  16. Papa is not travelling for a long time..that's good news. :)

    I love dogs more than cats. But the kitty is very cute.

  17. Close encounter of the real kucing and smallkucing..

  18. Chloe's Mommy

    Hahaha...this one quite clean. Maybe belongs to a neighbour

  19. Alice

    ya he likes cats and dogs

  20. Angel Bear

    The kitty have to go home lo

  21. Tuti

    Maybe belongs to neighbour also since the fur clean

  22. STP

    Ya ka? LOL...Last time Mamarazzi oi oi with cat wor

  23. Wyson

    Nah this little kitty wont scratch one

  24. ewww, so heartwarming seeing J cuddling the little kitty... but hor, aunty scared of kitty miaw ler..they tend to scratch ...

  25. he's so brave..i wouldn't dare to hold even a kitty.

  26. You like cats kah... lol... see you so sayang the cat... hug hug kitty cat til so tight. Kekekekeke... come, pinjam you auntie's Meow Meow to play wif, wan?

  27. Cool tat J loves animals!

    Ryan won';t even touch the cat with a ten foot pole!

  28. I won bring the kitty home.... dirty my home! LOL!

  29. Cindy

    Cats are usually very clean :D

  30. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE22 October 2010 at 16:38

    kIDS LIKE PETS - GIVE HIM a chance of experience if that's ok with household's rules :)

  31. MRC

    tHat's why let him play with the kitten. As for pet....maybe when he is older. Then can teach him responsibility

  32. small kucing and real kucing! Let him have it la.. cute!

  33. Chris

    Mamarazzi said nt now wor coz sometimes I play too rough.

  34. small kucing and baby kucing... hahahaha! SK has very good heart. :)


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