
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 30 October 2010

Potluck at My Dear's Place

Last weekend we had a delightful time at my dear's house. Potluck. 

Fuiyo...Mamarazzi really tak malu. Yau sik yau tapau-ed (Eat and tapau-ed)

We had Nasi Lemak "potluck". Before the "party", Auntie Cynthia did a Menu Check in Facebook. A friend saw. Kesian him. He hinted that he will be removing some of his friends for torturing him with food.

Don't merajuk ya... Next round you come to K.L we will feed you good food lah

Wah...all very spicy punya leh. Auntie Cynthia make the Lemak Ikan and Sotong. She said "No cili..only have Cili padi". Aiyoyo.....this one really cukup "kick".

Then Auntie Little Bird made Curry Chicken. Lucky not that spicy. Even my dear can eat that. In fact my dear love the potato very much. I see her eating the potatoes I also scared. She can really take spicy stuffs.

Mamarazzi paling "cheh kai" Make Sambal Petai with Prawn. Kira okay lah since it's her first time making. The Petai a bit over-cooked.

Lucky Auntie Cynthia clever. Got ready 3 biji of cucumbers. Nice nice cooling cucumbers.

This fried sotong dish VERY laku. Put on the table within 2 minutes all gone already. I didn't even have time to taste. Major "DBKL" were Auntie Little Bird and Papa lor.

 Ah....Acar. Again...I didn't get to eat. Looks lovely though.

What is Nasi Lemak without the Nasi? Brown rice Nasi Lemak. Wanna try? Yumm..

Auntie Cynthia really pandai. Maybe she knows I can't take much of spicy food. She made ABC soup. I syok syok ate rice with ABC soup.

For dessert we had Mamarazzi's Rocky Cucur Pisang. Why rocky? Coz hard as rock lor....too much flour and not enough banana.

But at least the Ondeh-ondeh not bad la. Just too bad tarak pandan water. Had to use colouring instead of natural colouring from Pandan Leaves.

 This is the BEST! Cream Puffs! Auntie Cynthia left it to the last moment to do the filling coz she wanna know what flavour we wanted. Auntie Little Bird said Chocolate. These puffs really yummy leh. Not too sweet. Just nice.

Not only that! Auntie Cynthia baked a batch of cookies too. I get to take a box of these delicious cookies home. I love them Thank you very much, Auntie Cynthia for the cookies and for having us at your home.


  1. wow..potluck is the best..lots of food to eat. :)

  2. come come more often so I don't have to go out.. muahaha..

  3. wah, shyioknya!! so many aunties with so many food~~ :p

  4. LOL... ur Mamarazzi muka tembok ah? Your Auntie Little Bird lagi muka tembok. Before go back, she not only tapau cookies and cream puff, but that masak lemak cili padi back oso she sapu. Say malas masak for next day's lunch and dinner worrr. Horrible la that Auntie Little Bird. Her muka really macam Great Wall of China. Very thick punya. Ya, everything was really spicy during the last potluck. LOL. Ur Mamarazzi's sambal petai really banyak kick. Auntie Little Bird like that one very much. Busy ngapped that sambal and also hemtam that fried sotong til lupa wanna eat the acar. So u help auntie go bodek ur Mamarazzi wokey? Next time meet auntie, ask her to feed auntie that acar from the pasar again. LOLOL! Auntie will feed u Dan Neh Noh, ok?

  5. wow look at the spread!!!! you all are great cooks ladies! :)

  6. Bluff!!! Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! Next time I go quickly run off to KT liao lor.... *I think I go kill myself now* Muahahahahahaha!!!!

  7. Wah so much food. Goreng pisang use rice flour and a little wheat flour.....garing!

  8. wahhh.. got potluck also never send invitation to ipoh ah... made me come down one week much too late! i very huffing mad.. that is why i didnt go cari u all this time.. !! hehehee... no la.. on 2nd thoughts, i wanna wait till cynthia master everything first then only i go down sapu puas puas!! hopefully got invitation then...

  9. Wah! A lot of tasty foods! So next time if i need to held party, could you cook the sambal petai with prawn deliver here too?

  10. looking at all the photo really making aunty hungry already... i think i cant check in ur site so regular, later byk kempunan, can see but cannot EAT...kekeke

  11. Cyn

    Will doo will do..have to do this again soon

  12. Wenn

    Yup...each one cook some...easier

  13. Auntie Little Bird

    Ish ish ish.....why never tapau the acar LOL

  14. SK

    You wanna join or not? can be the "uncle" there :p

  15. Pete round I think better invite you along. Sure to get more nice food :D

  16. STP

    Wanna go kill yourself ah...wait 1st ah...make sure put my name as beneficiary for all your harta pusaka ya LOL

  17. Wyson

    LOL...kepunanan time join us then wont kepunan lo

  18. Wai Kitt

    hahaha next time join us la

  19. Claire

    wah your plans is so elaborate ah...hahahaha

  20. Jenn

    Not only yummy but also the company :D

  21. Wah, wah, Potluck! Oh, dear I'm late for the party. The food is so delicious, looks like finger licking good. So sorry, sometimes I disappeared because have to do a lot of non-blogging job-lah :(

    TQVM to Mamarazzi for visiting my blog and the komen-komen. BTW, who is your dear ah?

  22. wahseh, shiok nyer! *drrroooool*

  23. Autumn

    hahaha..quite quite late...happen last week. Mamarazzi just sorted the photos to post LOL

  24. Wow look at all the spicy good food! You all meet quite regularly for makan2... so shiok! :)

  25. Chloe's Mummy

    we kaki makan one hahahaha. Pasal makan number 1 :p

  26. Wow ...potluck nasi lemak makan makan session..tsk tsk many foods!

  27. Yumm... i am drooling now...

    Pot luck is always fun...

  28. all food looks yummy wor... all very good cooks :-)

    like the last picture... very cute.

  29. Boey Joey

    All except from Mamarazzi :P


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