
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 15 October 2010

Restaurant Vicchuda, Kota Damansara

The other day went and play water in the Swimming Pool with Papa again. After that Papa said wanna have Tomyam.

That's why we were at Viccuda again. tummy playing drums already. Play water really takes up a lot of energy.

Lucky my Jumbo WaterMelon Juice arrived first. Can drink while waiting for food.

We had Sotong Goreng Kunyit. Yummy! The sotong very fresh and bouncy.

Next come the Tomyam. Really a lot of things inside,. Very delicious.

This is the first time we had this Ikan Siakap 3 Rasa. Taste so-so only and the fish have mud smell. time won't order this  anymore. Very costly too. RM40.

Mamarazzi's usual. Kerabu Mangga. Hmm..this round not that nice coz the sesame seed got old oil smell.

Baby Kailan. I tasted...hmmm...maybe they name wrongly kot? Maybe should be Old Man Kailan. Haiz...what happen??? Usually the food here is very good wor.

This round we ordered white rice instead of the usual fried rice. The white rice came in this lovely pot. It's up to us to scoop how much we wanted.

Overall, it was an average meal. Not super duper delicious but also not super duper bad.


  1. Eh, eh... you look like King Triton wif water around u like that.

  2. Auntie Cleff

    where is my "fork" lol

  3. Small Kuching, you are certainly a good kid! You can sit still and enjoy the delicious food with the adults. Mamarazzi will be very proud of you. I like Tomyam too but is it too hot for you?

  4. The fish looked the nicest...but mud smell? Eyewwwwww!!! I hate that! Pond fish - reared, not caught fresh from the river or the sea.

    Btw, after swimming, cannot drink cold drinks! Drink MILO...or something hot. Bet you'd love that! Hehehehehe!!!

  5. Hi SK, love the dishes.
    From your various, many restaurant food displays I am keeping up with latest Malaysian dishes.

    Here we get Shanghai, Yunan, Beijing, Mongolia, Vietnam, Thai, Indon etc.....

    One thing I can say all our o/seas visitors very impressed with the wonton mee here, and always get a big shock see the wonton, size of golf ball. They always count the no. of udangs inside. 7!!! Full udangs, not sliced up as in KL, they tell me.

    And again, everyone said its the best they have ever eaten....and always last day here before return to wherever, they ask me take them, "eat for the last time", ha ha.

    Have a nice day, Lee.

  6. i thot this is an Indian restaurant by reading the name, haha.. yalor, that fish is very expensive at RM40 woh.. fuyoh~~

  7. seems like the sotong and tomyam looks good only eh? i love sotong too but high in cholesterol, right?

  8. i want the juice!!!!

  9. Tomyam with white rice is enough for me. Yummm.......

  10. kota damansara eh.....*take note* hehehehe...

  11. Autumn Belle

    Actually am a rather restless kid. That's why Mamarazzi plong me into baby chair when we go "makan-ing". So that I can't run around and they can eat in peace.

    I can take a bit of spiciness but not too much. Sometimes I purposely take a bit of cili then say "hot hot hot" so that Papa will give me ice. I love Ice

  12. STP

    Got mud smell lor :( Unlike the fish from Temerloh .

    Sakit hati betul coz the fish very mahal leh

  13. Uncle Lee

    Wow....I've gotta get a taste of that. 7 udang in a Wanton?

  14. I like kerabu mango too. I tot Indian restaurant tim..hehe. The food jatuh standard? Looks good wor. What a disappointment.

  15. SK

    Their other dishes are good but just too bad about the fish. Expensive tak apa but with mud smell is a no no. Wont order that anymore

  16. Claire

    ya lor...but usually their food taste good punya

  17. mNhL

    They have all sort of Tomyam but we usually order Seafood Tomyam

  18. Stay aside,David Hasselholf, here come small kuching taking over as the lead,,," Bay Watch" edisi 2010.... kekekekek.

    take care now and have a great weekend, hopefully can have somemore pictures of the pools instead of the foods, hahahahahahah, just kidding

  19. wah, both of u order so much! Can finish meh?

  20. Emm! Kerabu Mangga! Good! I like!

  21. You know what, I actually love the "mud smell". Like that baru taste like fish ma haha. Weird hor?

    The 1st pic of smallkucing swimming, the water effect is so special... at one glance, I thought he was holding two plastic bags haha.

  22. Oh... i love clear tomyam. dislike the usual orangy colour tomyam. and kerabu mangga is so best too!

  23. Eugene

    LOL hoping to go exploring during weekend then maybe have more outing photos instead of makan photos

    Happy weekend to you and your family too

  24. Mummy Gwen

    Maybe different chef :(

  25. Angeline

    Usually this shop food quite nice one

  26. Boey Joey

    This one is clear one. Mamamarazzi also like clear Tomyam...except during steamboat time

  27. Chloe's mummy the mud smell?

  28. Wow...water play is fun in the pool :)

    Kathy, have a look at the thong sui I made the other day with your 'sea bird nest' at my other blog. Will try it out next time just put in 5 mins before we off the heat :) but just the same, it tasted nice when it dissolved into the soup :)


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