
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 25 October 2010

Big Bad Wolf Warehouse Sale & Pao Xiang Bak Kut Teh, Glenmarie

Bad news for Mamarazzi. TheBIG BAD WOLF WAREHOUSE SALE is back. It will be at South City Plaza from 12-17 November 2010. Won't be able to go as have to balik kampung for wedding. Not my wedding ah...later my Dear misundertood me then I cham liao.

Arghhhhh!!!!!!!!! of the 365 days in the whole year....and the two events have to crash.

cos every time i seem to fall in love
crash! boom! bang!
i find the heart but then i hit the wall
crash! boom! bang!
that's my real middle-name
it has always been the same
that's the call that's the game and the pain stays the same


Well....since Mamarazzi monyok-ed and no appetite, Papa brought us to eat "Oink! Onik!" one of her favourite food.

Not long ago, Prince & Princess Mum introduced this Pao Xiang BKT in her blog. We ventured to 1U to have a try. Then found that Glenmarie also have another branch. Hence we went to Glenmarie branch lo. Ample parking and no need to pay parking fees.

This branch the place is very clean and the workers and taukeh very attentive. Just too bad they don't have cutlery for kids. All are breakable plates, bowls and spoons.

 We ordered the pork stomach and the intestine. Yummy but a tad oily.

Also the Goh Hui and the Luen Kut. Papa likes the Luen Kut but not the Goh Hui coz the meat not that tasty.

These small bowl/pots cost RM9-50 each. Rather expensive. Unlike the one at 1U, Jusco Card member gets discount.

 The bowl of Yau Char Kuai  cost around RM3. Rather expensive. Mamarazzi saw it looks more like "Ma kiok" instead of YCK. Nevertheless, the YCK was still crunchy and nice.

Then comes the Yau Mak. Not bad.

The good part about this branch is that it opens 7 days a week .

So what is the best thing to do after eating BKT and it's already evening time?

Here is the address just in case you wanna have a try there No 20 Jalan Jurureka U1/40, Section U1, 40150 Shah Alam Selangor


  1. Small Kucing, BKT oint oint meat is good for you to build muscles and have more energy to run and play. Aiyoh, they gave you horse legs instead of fried devils! Did they do some magic with the flame under the porcelain container? The flame comes from some gel and not candles.

  2. Hehehehehe!!! And that's when I will go to KL. Tak ada jodoh lah, we people... LOL!!!

  3. Hi SK, Warehouse sale? Ha ha, we have that too here....but glad my wife don't really go for these....why? Because I try avoid driving past it, heh heh.
    Love those pork dishes. I miss them.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  4. So,..tell us..what is the best thing to do after a meal?? I think tidur!! hahaha...

  5. aikss..u balik kg no wonder i tried call ur mamarazzi tarak dapat.

  6. Small Kucing, Shenny jie jie also could not go for the Big Bad Wolf Warehouse Sale.
    Yummy, Shenny jie jie loves the bak kut teh soup, not oink oink meat ler. How about you?

  7. Wah u balik kampung for the whole week ah? Btw I manage to find some time to read. Finish 50% of the book liao. So maybe I will go get more books for myself. Which means more hole in the pocket. >.<

  8. Don't worry mamarazi, I'm sure Alice Phua won't mind to blog about the event for you, lol!^-^

    Have a rgeat day and enjoy 'your' wedding dinner!;)

  9. Autumn my muscles so that i can run faster when Mamarazzi chase me with a ROTAN .

    Ya lor...that is "horse legs" right?

  10. STP

    ya many events fall on the same dates

    Eh Papa just told me that the "Aero-train" at KLIA under maintainence wor...Errr....hope your girl girl can get around without much trouble when she arrive

  11. Uncle Lee

    This one can be counted as the most awaited Books Warehouse Sale. Coz the books are dirt cheap. From previous experience most are less than RM8

  12. Chee Yee

    You going there 1st day?

  13. YuM! I love love yau char kuai!!

  14. You really never miss to get cheap books!

  15. I should try the bak kut teh there someday.. it looks nice.. :P

  16. Hello ! Long time no comment. sorry sorry :P The Big Bad Wolf Sale !!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh ..... me likes me likes me likes!

  17. i love yau char koi so much. but i got nightmare!

    few months ago me and my friend bought a lot. i think we ate like 10 each and end up both of us got food poisoning. i'm not sure whether those yau char koi only or because of the too much oil intake!

    i vomited and diarrhea for whole day! scary... so i've ban this food for this moment hehehehe.

  18. Kesian Mamarazzi had to miss the warehouse sale. maybe next time.

    The oink oink look really good to me. Yesterday I watched Ho Chak on AFC..Klang got alot of nice places to eat wor. First time I saw got sea cucumber BKT leh. *drooling*

  19. Ish, ish, about the Big Bad Wolf Sale, this time's timing is also not very good for me. For the first 3 days of the sale, my faculty is holding an off-site meeting at Cherating, Kuantan. And then for the remaining 3 days of the sale, I still don't know whether I get to go or not becos hubby is on leave on Monday and Tuesday, and you know-lah he doesn't like warehouse sale where the place becomes jammed up and crowded, some more he will say I already bought a lot of books for Juan Or and myself before and still haven't finish reading them, so why have to spend money buy some more? Hehehe....that's why if I still want to go, maybe on the 6th day of the sale when hubby's already working, then only I can go, but by then don't know whether still got anything substantial in stock or not. *Sigh!*

  20. Lenglui Witch

    hahaha you same like Papa :D

  21. Prince and Princess Mum

    What to do. Poor people can't afford full priced book. Have to depend on the lower price bookstores for supply lor

  22. Joanna

    Sobs so far away. Can ask people to borong for you lor

  23. Shirleen

    Try the branhc at 1Utama coz if you are J-Card member you will get extra discount

  24. Mummy Gwen

    Mamarazzi saw that episode also. But doesn't it feel weird having "Hoi Sum" with BKT?

  25. Faisal

    Too much oil la. Haiyo!! why suddenly eat so much. Nice to have it with a cup of Kopi O right? hehehehe.

  26. Alice Phua

    Ya lor...coz 1st two days is weekend. Sure people sapu-ed a lot already. But I expect on the final day they might have "Fire Sale" like last round. All books goes for RM5. But the last day sure to be a lot of people coz public holiday

  27. Oops, I forgot, the last day of sale is Hari Raya Haji, which means hubby is still around.Urrrgh.....this time cannot go already! *Sigh*

  28. Alice Phua

    Like that might as well stay longer at Kuantan and enjoy the place. Would be a nice place to explore. We will be passing around there too . Maybe we will bump into one another :D

  29. We tried this Pao Xiang BKT at one utama two weeks ago. First time trying, but we don't quite like it. Small portion and expensive and taste so so only. Maybe we still prefer the soup type.

  30. Annie

    Eh they didnt give you soup ah? hmm....last time we went they gave soup and we ask for tambah. But tarak mushroom and vege la


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