
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 18 October 2010

LEX Slide, Empire Shopping Gallery

 Went to the Empire Shopping Gallery. Found this "new" thingy. Not exactly new as it had started since 1st October 2010. It's the World's Tallest Indoor Tube Slide.

 See! How many floors down ah?

 I wanted to have a go at this. Should be fun. Headed to the Ticketing Booth Counter.

Tak aci! Papa don't let me play. And the lady at the counter say I am too small. Am big boy already ah. Not baby anymore.

 Tak kasi I main tak apa. I go exploring la. Upstairs found a play room for kids. Not much toys there. Someone left his/her school bag there and homework half done.

Then I came down found Papa syok-syok sitting on a Swirling chair there. Mamarazzi also sat down. Said tired wor. I pun revenge la. I turn turn turn Mamarazzi chair till she pening wanna vomit.

Then I drag Papa and Mamarazzi go to Toys R Us and buy me Lego.


  1. hey..never heard of this Empire before.. only seen it from the King Kong Movie.. Empire Building.. hahahaa...

  2. hahaha you very naughty! made your mama want to almost vomit! naughty boy eh!! hhehe

    have a wonderful weekk!
    jen @

  3. wow, that's very interesting leh!! i've not been to Empire before.. so that slide is for kids only?? adult can play or not?? how much is the ticket?? how come mamarazzi never play?? scared ah?? haha.. so many questions~~ :p

  4. This slide looks too scary for me. Aha, you can't play this slide now but never mind. If you listen to Mamarazzi and Papa and do all the things they teach, you'll soon grow tall enough to get in!

  5. Claire

    *pengsan* near Subang Parade la

  6. Autumn Belle

    The slide looks fun wor. Saw many kor kor play. They scream so loud

  7. SK

    It's for adult lor :( .

    For kids, must 5 years old and above baru can play :(

    1 round rm12. But there is a group discount rm48 or something.

  8. Aijor...Mamarazzi pening jor...chamzz

  9. Mommy Ling

    Coz I can't play slide mah

  10. Where's this place? Oooo....vomit? Sure not morning sickness lah? Muahahahahaha!!!!

  11. Wa...Joshua, you pandai merajuk your papa and mamarazzi..managed to get your Lego toys ??? :)

  12. Hahaha....I'm also same as Reanaclaire, don't know where is Empire, but after reading the comments baru I tau.....hehehehe. Wah, the slide looks syiok, I would love to try it if have the chance.

  13. STP

    LOL...if i got a little bro or sis, will u be the god father?

  14. Alice

    The slide for adults but Mamarazzi too chicken to try.

  15. Elin.

    Yup...Papa got me a lego set with cars. I love cars. I am crazy about cars.

  16. I thought ur mama was crying in that photo, hehe ^^

  17. Ha, this place near the Fed Hiway

  18. Choi Yen

    mamarazzi pening coz kena I bullied lor

  19. Ooh, it's finally completed. It's 5 floors, I think... looks fun leh but rm12 is expensive!

  20. I was wondering what is that for. Thought use to shift the goods :P *paiseh*

  21. uLi

    Good idea wor...LOL But RM12 per trip for shifting goods would be expensive lo

  22. Chloe's Mommy

    Once in a lifetime lor. But Mamarazzi scared la see the height

  23. just saw this slide today.... i think it's for adults and bigger kids rite? heard that it's free for now.

  24. Lechua

    Yup for kids 5 years old and above :(

  25. Thanks for sharing this! I didn't know there's something like this in the mall. I want to play too! Wait, next time auntie take you for a ride huh! hahaha.... I think auntie will vomit after that! hahaha....

  26. Kristy

    We also didnt know.Found it unexpectedly


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