
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 21 October 2010

Christmas Comes Early at BookXcess

Well, after spending the RM10 voucher.....Mamarazzi saw in Facebook that BookXcess October shipment had arrived.

So many new and great books, especially children book. Hand start to be itchy.

Sorry ya...when Mamarazzi was at BookXcess, she didn't have time to snap photos of all the nice new books there. Books were flying off the shelves and everyone was trying to grab as many as they could. Saw a woman with a WHOLE BOX full of books and yet she asked from the staff for another box.

She managed to grab this box of wooden Jigsaw Puzzle for me. It's RM24-90 only. There are several other patterns too.

Lucky for me as Mamarazzi e-mailed Bookxcess to reserve this book for me coz by the time we arrived there, Mamarazzi can't see this book on the shelves. Not sure they still have stock or not.

Price RM29-90. Expensive? I say no. You know why?

It got lyrics of Christmas Song. Press a button and it will play the Christmas Song. After it finished playing the Christmas Song, there is a red light/dot to guide me note by note on how to play the song. Also for more advance kids, there are colourful musical notes there for them to follow and play. 

Good leh?

This round Mamarazzi kira "guai" already. She only bought two books for herself. 
Once she arrived home she started reading "The Lovely Bones". Hmmm...I wonder whether it's related to "Pai Kut" or "doggy bones" but Mamarazzi said no. It's a lovely sad story and she had reviewed the book in her blog.

Now she is reading the Betty Neels Christmas Treasures book.

Hmmm....Seems like BookXcess is preparing for Christmas early lor. Saw a lot of new arrivals with Chrismassy theme. There is an inspirational cute Christmas bear book costing RM9-90 that I wanted too but Mamarazzi said I have too many already. So she didn't get for me.

Wanna know the sad new? When she arrived home she saw BookXcess just updated more new delicious book in the Facebook ...sobs sobs.....


  1. What a good buy! Kiahahaha~! No worries, you can always go back to BX to grab more books for yourself and Joshua!

    (Yawn~!) It's getting late liao, have a nice day ahead ok?!

    p/s: Wah~! Joshua is holding a big scissor to snip snip, auntie is so scared!o_O

  2. eh.s fast christmas ah? didnt even think of it.. bookexcess cannot close shop la like that.. people grabbing books off the shelves.. next time u open one shop beside them and sell discounted books from Bookxcess.. sure good biz!! hahaha...

  3. oh, that musical book is kind of interesting leh.. teaching smallkucing to play the song with the "piano".. cool!!

    oh, "The Lovely Bone" ah?? you enjoy reading that?? i think it's boring for me leh..

  4. Really great buy. Small Kucing sure enjoy all those books

  5. Aiyo, I'm targeting for the Mickey Mouse magnet and scribble book as what they showed in their Facebook page. Don't know still got or not by now. haiz....scared drive all the way there, in the end find there's nothing much of interest left.

  6. Wah the Mickey book really looks good wor. Too bad I did not reserve. Coz earlier I did not know when I can go there. I manage to grab the Elmo one. And bought a book for myself. Must be "short" jor. LOL!

  7. We just had some good buy at MPH last two weeks. So, didn't drop by BX this round.

  8. Hahh!!! So you've got your presents already. No more, come Christmas!!! Eng...eng...eng...!!! Muahahahaha!

  9. I love these musical books. RM29.90 considered very cheap lo, cos outside selling rm59-89! Almost wanted to grab one for C but she has too many of such books already. I saw a lot there that day (all Christmas theme) but the ones with "piano" was limited...

  10. Alice Law

    Kiasu wor...scared by the time arrive habis liao :(

  11. Claire

    Later BX boss cekik me ah LOL

  12. Wenn

    yes, you can. Just e-mail them at

  13. SK

    Cried a rier reading that book :( sobs

  14. Alice Phua

    Fast fast email them to reserve for you now la. They will hold the book for you for 7 days punya

  15. Chee Yee

    Ya hard also coz they reserve for 7 days only.

    Stuill many musical books left ka? Great to make as gift for Christmas

  16. Shenny's Mommy

    Thi round a lot of books for kids. Musical books. But by today am not sure coz the other day theose books were flying off the rack

  17. STP

    Preparing early for Christmas lor

  18. Chloe's Mummy

    Mamarazzi saw musical books like these before. Sold at those famous book store at Rm70 or RM80 one

  19. I am really curious abt this BookXcess that you have written about in many posts...
    will check it out amcorp right???

  20. Leona

    Ya it's at 3rd floor of Amcorp Mall


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