
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 29 October 2010

Service with A Smile?

Went to makan at Pizza Hut, Subang Parade not so long ago. Papa was craving for their Cheesy Pizza.

 Ding Dong! Am ready to order.

Waited and waited and waited..still nobody came to take our order.

Restaurant not crowded what!Why nobody come and take order one? Not peak period pun.

Grrr....Auntie Cleff even suggested that we go online and order the pizza to be delivered to Pizza Hut, Subang Parade. Pizza Hut Delivery Service would have been faster than Dine-In.

Well, somebody finally came and take our order.

The soup came first. Mamarazzi had two spoon of this soup and she said enough. It's that bad.

Usually the Garlic bread would come together with the soup or nearly the same time. But this one not. We had to wait and wait till the soup was cold and Papa had to remind the Waiter, they baru bring us the Bread.

Hmm...really spoilt my appetite

Also had to wait long time for the Pizza to arrive. Does anyone know whether the 15 minutes waiting time applicable for Lunchtime only or is it throughout the day?

Taste? So-so only.

 Forgot what is the name of this thingy. Mamarazzi didn't eat that coz stomach full already from all the waiting.  The "sausage" also "kedut" already when it arrived our table.

 Mamarazzi's order of Chicken Wings. I think it's Honey BBQ Wings. Tasted too sweet. Much of sugar instead of honey.

 After makan, we saw a booth promoting UniFi. Papa went and enquire whether our area have this service or not while Mamarazzi brought me to meet the Clown.

The "smile" on this Clown face really pasted on. He "smile" with paint instead of mouth and eyes. Well, maybe it have been a tiring day for him but's his job mah.

 Anyway, he made me this "pink" coloured sword. "Pink"? 

 Then we went around the corner and saw this smiley Clown at Sime Darby booth. He is one Jolly fella. A bright smile on his face. Very much different from the Clown at UniFi booth.

Maybe he kesian me with my pink sword. He made me another sword. This one is blue colored. Thank you very muchie!

Now I have TWO swords. It's time for LITTLE BIRD and ALIEN hunting! Sword fights!!!


  1. haha, very true, i think the delivery service is a lot better than dine-in service.. but normally we order domino's~~ :p

  2. firstly...i am so sorry that i am out from blogging for weeks and did not visit here. so sorry. work really killing me off lately.

    wah...i thought if take long time to hut will give free pizza. btw, unifi is fast and reliable.

  3. pizza hut always like that lor..I never like dining in! Delivery the best! XD

  4. wow..hoe choi the clowns made your day, Joshua... next time dont go eat pizza, ok? go for domino instead..

  5. hrm..and I thought Pizza Hut service in ALL outlets in KK is teruk...there also the same....sudah la seldom go Pizza Hut, service never improved even after a year since my already vow don't wanna go there already....if i am craving for pizza, I'd go to any italian restaurant outlets here..of Little Kitchen...affordable, generous with the portion and cheese and friendly service. =)

  6. definitely you had fun with the sword!

  7. haha, he clown should laugh instead.

  8. pizza hut outlet at our side here also very poor service. Slow as snails.

  9. What's wrong with the soup? Diluted, salty, cold? Very teruk hor this Pizza Hut? Remember I posted about the broken English in the kid's activity booklet? I still prefer Domino's when craving for pizza.

  10. It really sucks when the service at a restaurant is bad.

    Last time I order takeaway from Pizza Hut, they took more than 15 minutes so I ask them "So I get this for free since you take longer than 15 mins?" The server just smiled sheepishly then faster lari to the kitchen.

  11. Beii

    Didn't know their service so lousy mah.

  12. SK

    We seldom take Pizza one. Saja Papa saw the Cheesy advertisement. Thought wanna try lo. Germ betul at the service

  13. Claire

    Ya time domino :D

  14. Vialentino

    No need to be so "hak hei" and apologise punya. When you free then baru drop by this blog la.

    Maybe not counted as "late" coz they put the soup on the table 1st. So they "kira" that as served already gua. But the rest of the food very slow to come. Even when wanna pay bill also very slow.

    Checked already.Unifi just arrived at our area. But have to pay RM200 for the "alat". Now waiting for their next promotion.

  15. Wenn

    Grumpy clown. Could be one of Snow White's 7 dwarfs come out to do part time :P

  16. BBO

    Muhahaha....pirate in the making :D

  17. Chloe's Mummy

    salty. Really just like bancuh strait from all those instant soup. :( Mushroom also tarak nampak :(

  18. mNhl

    Huh...seems like bad service at a lot of places ah...

  19. Baby Sumo

    But we dine-in. Dare not say much. Scared also that they might put "extra" topping into the food hahahaha

  20. pizza hut's service is generally very bad!

  21. =( Pizza hut dine in service is really, really bad. not worth the service tax' we're paying. usually, Pizza Hut Delivery is much better. They're usually very punctual. Unlike when we're dining in their restaurant. Sometimes, wait 30mins oso nobody come and take your order. Sickening!

    ps: Yalorr... that day we should have 'called' Pizza Hut delivery, and ask them to deliver to that Pizza Hut outlet. Mebbe will be faster kot. That day waited there more than 30mins oso nobody take order! Cis! The staff not friendly oso. Grrr! But, thank you Papa Kucing for the belanja. Euntie enjoyed the food even though the service was bad. (no eye see mah, makan oni)

  22. LOL!!! Your papa's tummy just like mine... Pizza Hut has all those things kah? I seldom go...but the last time I went here, the service was very good. I know over there, some outlets no good...and no quality control on the food also - not nice, some of the things.

  23. Ah hungry dy!! What a cute clown!

  24. Really teruk ni. Will mark this branch an 'X'. Never step in this one if happen I am craving for a pizza. :)

  25. Pizza Hut sucks. Domino's delivery takes half an hour only.

  26. oh .... so glad to saw a smiley clown finally :) The service in Pizza Hut is really that bad huh??

  27. ha ha ha, better let the clowns be the server......always smile mah!

  28. Auntie Cleff time go there again and we go and call the Delivery Service . See what happens *evil grinz*

  29. STP

    Really "geram" at this outlet lor. If peak hour then acceptable la. But this one not peak hour. pressed the "ding dong" so many times till I also gone ding dong already. The Waiter/waitress still dont come and take order.

  30. Lenglui Witch

    Order Pizza hut delivery better.Dont dine - in.

  31. Mummy Gwen

    Haiz....entah la....really no eye see. Last time Pizza Hut used to be good punya. Long time didn't eat. Now service so bad and even the mushroom soup taste horrible

  32. Mommy Angel that smiley clown. Very friendly

    as for that particular Pizza Hut Branch...haiz...*shake head*

  33. Pete

    Errr...dun wan...coz if they become server then i wont get balloons.

  34. not just the service but also the foods there are not as nice as before.


  35. I seldom go pizza hut. We always online order from Domino - coz we like the NY Crust base and the special sauce. And online order got 50% discount on 2nd pizza. So if we wanna eat pizza, will be whole day pizza day - lunch and dinner. A little expensive though so we only do this once a month. Within 30mins, we get to eat the pizza. You can also specify the time for the pizza delivery (if don't want them to deliver immediately).

  36. Chee Yee

    Oo can specify time one ah? didnt know

  37. Brave boy!
    If Sarah saw the clowns, sure run away and cry somemore!

  38. Joanne

    How come? Coz the face weird is it?


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