
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday 16 October 2010

I Did Passport And Money Laundering

Cham...Papa was not joking. He really brought me to Balai Polis coz I did passport and money laundering.

I was only trying to be helpful mah. Mana tau it's wrong wor.
Normally Papa come home from work he would put his pants on the floor and go to take his bath. I would pick up the pant from the floor and put into the washing machine. 
I didn't know that the his wallet is still inside the pants.
The next thing I know is that Papa found these floating in the washing machine. Said I did passport and money laundering lor.

To get a new Passport, Papa had to make a Police Report.

 Then go to the Immigration Department to submit application for a new passport.

Wanna hear the good news? I tarak masuk jail for the passport and money laundering.

Wanna hear more good news? Good news for me la...not for Papa. The news is that Papa is grounded for a month. La~la~la~ I get to go McD daily lor.


  1. Poor Small Kuching...Then the last pic showing his chicky face!HAHAHA... Got his new hair cut ya!

  2. ha ha, smallkucing can do laundry liao!

  3. Hahahahaha!!!! You look so cute in that last photo. Aiyor...your papa's passport and money! You did not iron the ringgit notes kah... Then you keep all the money to take me to Dan De Noh when I go to KL...

  4. omg..passport ruined..but i hv done money laundering before :)

  5. Pete

    Want me to help you do "laundering" LOL

  6. Angeline

    Very cheeky lo this kid

  7. STP

    Muhahaha...ya hor.. KLIA have McD

  8. money laundering usually involves coins and RM 1 notes only hehe.. at least there was no Vanish in the load .. then all the money can vanish too..hehe

  9. awww....poor little kucing! Get him a toy...hahaha...

  10. Chamzzz.... lucky la... lucky... they tarak sumbat u into jail... if not ah, very cham la, Smallkucing... Your papa lagi cham... terperuk at home. Kekekekek!

  11. hahaha funny post! washed the passport and money too!!!

    have a lovely weekend!
    jen @

  12. goshhhhhh!!! what a disaster!! hahahaha... blessing in disguise, hor? now papa is "jailed" in the house!

  13. Small kucing now a big timer ~ got passport to do money laundering biz. No more calling small but taiko kucing aka big mafia meow meow! haha.

  14. oooo.....the laundering was done on purpose. So papa can be with you for 1 whole month. haha....

  15. Lol, so happy when ur papa is grounded.

  16. Auntie Cleff

    If they sumbat me in jail, you come rescue me la

  17. Bananaz

    You want? Me help you do? *Evil grinz*

  18. Claire

    Maybe lor. Now Papa have to bring me to swim swim and McD liao

  19. Kelvin

    Of course la coz then Papa can spend more time with me

  20. Hi SK, love your humour. And I love women with humour especially.
    Now the $45 dollar the heck did the passport and money end up in the washing machine?

    That cute boy's mother never check pockets before dumping clothes in? Ha ha.

    Last year, one lady did similar thing, only it was a $15 million lottery ticket.
    Fortunately she found it and then decide to check, wet ticket and all....and that was it! An instant millionaires.

    One husband here forgot about his churi ayam date with his secretary, left the restaurant bill in his pocket, wife found it, discreetly checked with the restaurant, and game over, ha ha ha.
    Have a nice weekend, Lee.

  21. boy oh.... it's very very very troublesome to get all the procedures done right?? My husband kena once before. He throw his own passport to the wasing machine!

  22. Uncle Lee

    Mamarazzi usually tarak check the pockets one. Papa normally will take out everything one. But dont know why Papa forgot this round. Then ask me to put the pants in washing machine. I also guai guai put la.

  23. Serene

    Ya lo have to wait 1 month ...have to go for interview

  24. lol,cheeky smallkucing! the passport and money looks so cham in the photo,kena bully ady!

  25. Beii

    Cham ah? Not cham oh...hancur oh

  26. A Mom's Diary

    Really laundering lor...but this one is legal one :P

  27. Oh, dear, anyway, it will be a good lesson and reminder for everyone in the house - to the person who wears the pants, the person who dropped it into the laundry basket, and the person who wash it! ^_^

  28. Alice

    coz everyone was tried lor :( Nobody checked

  29. Oh dear... I dread this the most! Even tissue papers left in the pockets spells disaster. The money still usable? Hope they are not torn but poor papa had to fork out rm300 for the new passport?

  30. Aiyo, next time must ground him for sure! Look at him, so cheeky! haha...

  31. Chloe's Mummy

    Ya the money still useable :D


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