
Mama Kucing Blogs

Tuesday 8 June 2010

What Is Your Ambition?

What is your ambition? Mine is to be F1 Driver. One day I will be F1 Driver. And if that failed then I want to be a Mat Rempit.

The reason I am asking is because the other day, Mamarazzi was blog walking. And she chance upon a blog post titled "The 10 Worst Nurses of All Time". It was a very funny and hilarious post.

Then Mamarazzi told me something unbelievable. know what? One of Mamarazzi's ambitions when she was young was to be a Nurse.

Why? Usually people will answer to help people, serve the society, help the injure and etc. But for Mamarazzi she love the Medical Uniform. Wearing Medical Uniform is so cool. The uniforms are always very white and clean looking. Isk..isk..isk..typical woman.

Mamarazzi got curious and browse thru their website and found that they offer a wide range of medical apparels like White Lab Coats, Scrub Sets, Scrubs Pants, Scrubs Jackets, and Scrubs Top.

A further search, Mamarazzi found that this website is practically a Medical Uniform Superstore. Haiz...all along Mamarazzi thought Medical Uniform are issued by the hospital only and not available online. That just shows how blur Mamarazzi is.

The founders of this website are from medical professional families. Thus, they surely know what they are talking about when comes to Medical Apparel Products. Of course they will understand those who are involved in the medical profession are committed towards delivering the best patient care possible. To show that they have confidence in their product, they even give 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee.

Mamarazzi is drooling on this White Princess Seam Dress from their Catalog. Just too bad she is not a Nurse.

Interested? Checkout their website at


  1. I wanna conquer the world since i was 6.

  2. Wah F1 driver wannabe? Got potential, got potential so can forget about Mat Rempit hehe...

  3. weiiiiiiiii u said the 10 nurse one funny scary i read the deaf one nia oredi eye big2 liao hahahhaaa

  4. Nurse dress??? Why nurse suddenly geh?

  5. Kelvin

    seem like you are going to achieve it soon by blogging :D

  6. Manglish

    Not funny such scary nurses wor...If Mamarazzi..she would be the 11th.

  7. uLi

    Don't you start getting "ideas" kakaka

  8. no need nurse also can get the uniform.. i'm sure ur hubs would like it *wink*

  9. Little Lamb

    *pengsan* kakaka

  10. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE8 June 2010 at 17:03

    My "advise" to Joshua : All those BIG $$$ earning career - F1 driver, professional sports personality or actor.. :) Aim high while still young?

  11. Would you want to become a nurse, kucing? Many boys take up nursing these days...but of course, their uniforms are different. LOL!!!

  12. nurse apparel online?never noe dat

  13. STP

    Hmm...I think Mamarazzi saw some nurse uniform for male leh at that website

  14. Ravishing Peacock

    We didn't know this too till now

  15. hahaha, then mamarazzi can just buy those lab coats and wear them at home.. uniform fetish huh?? hhehee :p

    errr, what is Mat Rempit btw??

  16. dun...f1 dangerous leh, though got a lot of pretty sexy gers besides you before every race.

  17. SK


    as for your question on Mat Rempit, according to wikipedia is "A Mat Rempit is a Malaysian term for "an individual who participates in illegal street racing", usually involving underbone motorcycles (colloquially known as Kapcai) or scooters.

  18. Chris

    Many lenglui wor. Just look at that Shoe Maker. Become so kaya. Even Ah Chim also fell in love with him


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