
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 9 June 2010

The Green Hantu Bungkus Who Made Mamarazzi Realise Her Folly

Note : This is not a Paid nor Sponsor Post. More like another of Mamarazzi's mad ranting post. Read on at your own risk. All photos with exception of one are plagiarised from a friend's website

When I was in Mamarazzi's tum tum, many people had asked Mamarazzi whether she is going to use "cloth lampin" or disposable diaper.

To Mamarazzi who was ignorant then, she thought Cloth Diaper is a white piece of cloth which need to be folded in a series of complicated steps.

Alamak! How to fold lah? Looks complicated. Some more need to use safety pin to pin the Cloth Diaper. So troublesome.

Use Disposable Diaper easier lah..or that's what she thought.

That is until when she got to know this Hantu Bungkus who go Green with Cloth Diaper . See how nicely the cloth Diaper are "bungkus-ed".

Even then, this lovely lady was rather low profile. Not one of those pushy marketing sort of lady. She have a lovely store, selling Cloth Diaper and various go green barang. Check out her store at

Thru her lovely blog, Mamarazzi got to know about Cloth Diapering and how Cloth Diapering is good for the environment. Going Green. The Disposable Diaper are like plastic. Even when throw out, it will take Earth a long long time to "digest" them.

Though the initial "capital" to buy Cloth Diaper is very high, but if calculated and compared to Disposable Diaper, it's still a much cheaper option on the long run. Average a packet of Disposable Diaper is RM30. Assuming 1 packet per month...usually will use more than that. If for two years, already cost RM720.

See how this lenglui smile hugging her Cloth Diaper.

Why lah Mamarazzi didn't buy that for me. If not, now would have saved nearly RM3K on diaper alone.


  1. hahhahaahah never too late...make another baby hahahahahahha

  2. aiyoh..really got diaper like halloween style one ah? ok, i will buy from that lovely mama when i get my cucu-s...can wait that long or not, i wonder...

  3. LOL.. the leng lui looks like the mummy alot lah! OMG... Auntie Cleff wanna meet this little leng lui, can ah, Smallkucking?

    ps: You dun go ngorat this lenglui or her sister ah...later the mummy bungkus you kow kow! And auntie heard, your gf oso use these cloth pad. LOL...

  4. Thought you're already practising folding cloth diapers because you're planning to have another kucing... LOL!!!

  5. Somehow lazy mummy like me still prefer to use those disposable diaper....teruk hor...

  6. Great write out...I remembered those days I used cloth diapers for my two Piggies and now they arte 22 and 20 respectively. Passed down from Jo to Josh haha you can say I saved more than that. It is better to use cloth diaper for it is much better for the babies. Those disposable are not so good for the baby skin though you can save a lot of work and bad for the environment :p

  7. Hahahahaha! Hantu bungkus la pulak! J now fully diaperless liao meh? If not, still not too late to get some what!

  8. Joshua don't "lao-chang" la....^^

  9. Auntie Cleff

    Wanna buy some for your cucu?

  10. Lil Bulb

    Mamarazzi also coz doesnt know how to fold

  11. STP

    Gave up folding Cloth Diaper...Just tapau

  12. Elin

    Coz didnt know how to fold the old type of CD. With the new type easier. Got buttons

  13. I used to use the "old fashion" CD for Lynn. Not that difficult to fold nia..... I never use pin also. At that time, didn't know ahout this modern CD yet.

    Now the boy almost diaperless lor...

  14. Wahaahhah...pengsan...i guess never too late, at least u have spread the msg to love our green the green hantu more..kekekekke

  15. ha ha ha, have to make another baby toddler already learned to go to the toilet....LOL!

  16. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, can't stop laughing looking at the last pic XDDDD

  17. Chee Yee

    I fold and fold and it seems to automatic will unfold by itself kakaka..haiz..

  18. Kelvin

    Isk isk isk...kecil kecil already know how to merajuk

  19. Pity Smallkucing only.. missed out on cloth diapers.. hehe his expression also shows that! Cute! :P

  20. truly agree with u...with cloth diaper...can save lots of money compare to pampers ... yve also selling cloth diaper in her bbshop and many orders coming in...cause it is colorful and trendy...and feel comfortable for babies and can last longer...

  21. Oh, give me a real scare, I thought it was a real hantu bungkus photo! :p

  22. so cute for the Hantu Bungkus^^ haha

  23. Vialentino

    Indeed heard many good things about CD

  24. Lenglui Witch

    Pity Papa and Mamarazzi's pocket leh

  25. Mandy

    isk isk isk....hantu bungkus diaper

  26. BB Hwiyee

    hahaha..and for those who are going to have babies soon

  27. I checked out the website. The designs of cloth diapers are really cute! It will really save someone lots of money when you use cloth diapers because the next child can also use them.

  28. Anney

    Yup very cost effective

  29. The panda one is so cute!! Wah, really need RM3K to buy disposable diapers meh? Let me go tit tit tit my calculator and see :p

  30. Chloe Mummy

    Got ah..including those Drypants. Those are more expensive and less pieces. have to use double the amount...sob sob..

  31. Small kucing's brother or sister can use CD next time. :P

  32. Hahaha... It's never too late if you want to make another one ;p Thanks for dropping by. So you are SmallKucing, I didn't recognize since u're using another name in my blog hahaha...


  33. Irene

    *Horrified* Making is easy..but the rest of it...haiz...

  34. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE11 June 2010 at 12:44

    Ok learn new thing on this cloth diaper :-D

  35. MRC time can use for your kids


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