
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 27 June 2010

Bedtime Stories And Prayers By Enid Blyton-The Beggar Who Shouted and Durian

Last week Auntie Claire posted a very tempting post in her blog, titled "Football Fever Versus Durian Fever". Mamarazzi really beh tahan looking at the creamy durian. Lappie all wet from all the drooling. Thus she dragged me to the Pasar Malam and borong a tub of durian home.

Apa lagi, arrived home I also happily went to the kitchen and took my small bowl. Fast fast cekuk a piece of durian before Mamarazzi wallop all.

This one is mine. Don't curi makan mine ah.

But one sad thing hor...we saw there are beggars at the Pasar Malam. There was this old lady beggar holding a baby. Mamarazzi said maybe the baby doesn't belong to the beggar. Seems that there are syndicate that arrange all these "accessories" for the beggars.

Maybe there are no more honest beggar like Bartimaeus anymore.

It was said in Enid Blyton's "The Beggar Who Shouted", that long ago there was a blind beggar name Bartimaeus. He had to beg for a living as he was blind and can't do work.

One day while he was sitting at the roadside begging, he heard the sound of a lot of people rushing by. He was curious and asked.

One of the beggars told him that Jesus of Nazareth is passing by there and they are waiting for him

Bartimaeus was surprised and delighted as he knew that Jesus is a great healer and he hope that Jesus will be able to see him and help him.

Then Jesus came. The crowd forgot about him. Everyone were rushing to see Jesus.

Bartimaeus lifted up his voice and shouted "Jesus, have pity on me!" "Jesus, have mercy on me".

The crowds were angry at Bartimaeus shouting and tried to make him stop. But he would not and shout even louder.

Jesus heard that anxious and desperate voice and stopped. He instructed Bartimaeus to be brought to him.

Then Jesus asked what Bartimaeus wanted and he told Jesus that if only he can see. Jesus healed him.

Guess this teach us that we must doing something also instead of depending on praying.

If Bartimaeus didn't take the initiative to shout out, Jesus might not have noticed him. Ask, and you'll be given...provided that you must take the initiative steps.

Tak kan la nak tunggu Durian Runtuh. Jom makan durian!


  1. that was a good story. nanged!

  2. You are making me drool now (yummy durians)...haih. Good bedtime story.

  3. Ya, I heard a lot of stories about beggars...even blind ones, with syndicates behind them. Give to charity through the proper channels better... Wah! All the durians...I thought you were going to make a cake or a dessert with it. LOL!!!

  4. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE27 June 2010 at 12:17

    Mammarazzi "slip" some bible story in between certain posting..Ermm Joshua didn't gain weight, right?

  5. Hi SK, I love durians and we get ours frozen from Thailand.
    We have Malaysian friends here with kids born here and they can't stand the smell, ha ha.
    Parents ear when the kids not home, then spray air freshener before they come home.
    You boy sure loves his durians....ha ha.
    Have fun, Lee.

  6. my fridge got one more tub.. so i m safe from torture.. tapi now i see durians also scared liow.. :p

  7. Mummy Gwen

    Hahaha durian season. Time to wallop durian

  8. Nina

    The durian story ha? kekeke

  9. STP

    Cake? On no...Mamarazzi don't know how to bake cake. Those leave it to the expert like Cyn or Ling

  10. MRC

    Yes, growing boy mah. Of stagnant then cham liao.

  11. Claire

    scared ah...DHL over la.

  12. Uncle Lee

    Kesian them...have to hide and eat. But then I have tried freeze the durian. Taste arent the same as eat there and then

  13. ok ok i shout loud loud.
    hope prayers answered! :D
    answered i tell you k!

  14. Love the lessons that come with books!!!


  15. Ann

    Durian season leh.urian everywhere...yummy

  16. Tuti

    Revenge is sweet...shout louder. Let your neighbours buy ear plugs pulak this round.

  17. Kelvin

    Must be your neighbour having durian

  18. he is so cute!
    i like the way he eats durian!


  19. much of durians seems...I want! ^^

  20. yummy durians. My son just can't accept and always telling us very smelly. haha...

  21. Faisal

    Sedap tu durian. Managed to eat Durian Kijal?

  22. mNhL

    Maybe later he will want to eat durian. Last time I also dont like to eat Petai but now loves it

  23. uLi

    Durian season is here again lor. Get ready all the air Badak and 100Plus :p

  24. Durian season? Hmm it has been a long long time since I eat durian puas puas... coz I scare after eating will get heaty.

  25. Chee Yee

    Get heaty then drink more water lor...I usually takes 100plus :p


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