
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 21 June 2010

Oh Bring Back My Bonnie To Me~

Last week the was a gathering at Hantu Land in honour of an important visitor. Little Meow was invited to the gathering.

Early that day, Little Meow ding-donged here and there. Preparing. On top of looking forward to meeting the VIP, Little Meow also looked forward to seeing his dear once more.

When will I see you again~
When will our hearts beat together~
Are we in love or just friends~
Is this my beginning or is this the end~
When will I see you again

What shall I say to her when I see her?

Where is my dear?

*sigh* she didn't show up. Her Mummy said she went out gai-gai with her Grandmother. Must be my fault. She must be still angry with me for holding her hand the other day.

That's why I am the last one who post up this post lo. Too sad.

Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry~

Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves with all the lovely home cook food..Char Kuey Teow, Poisoned Pulut, Coke Chicken and Chicken Fried Rice.

Also have non-halal fried rice, ondeh-ondeh, keropok and cake. I have no appetite. I ate just a bit only.

Makan keropok enough la. Sitting style also ganas a bit la since my dear not around.

Mamarazzi loves this dish cooked by Mommy Ling

Haiz..I tengah broken hearted, all these hantu still have the mood to take photos. Some more all standing like in beauty pageant pulak. Isk isk isk...

At first everyone were guai-guai, prim and proper when having their photos taken.

Haiz...when the Poison Pulut start working..all their tanduk came out pulak. Scary.

Isk isk isk these hantu ah...enjoy la since got new visiting hantu.

Alamak...don't know what these two were doing. No eyes see.

But thank goodness there are still two sane non-hantu person around. Many thanks to this Lengchai and Lenglui for babysitting me.

While the hantu from Hantu Land enjoying themselves, I guai-guai play by myself lo. What to dear didn't attend.

Vroom vroom..nice car car. Like SMART car la. I wonder if I ask Papa nicely, would he buy for me.

Look here...I am riding a bicycle. Acah aje. Not tall enough yet.

This one is more suitable for me.

Thank you very much, Mommy Ling for letting me play with all the toys and messing up the house ya.

Auntie Cynthia, thank you for giving Mamarazzi and me a ride. Hope to see Breanna soon.

Auntie Claire, please thank kor kor Aaron and Jie Jie Fernie for babysitting me ok. Come and visigt again soon.


  1. ok ok... next time I bring your 'dearie' out again ah... we go durian ok?

  2. Hmmm... see la... nottie summore... usik ppl's dotter, see, now she cabut wif her granma liao... tsk tsk tsk!

  3. Auntie Cleff

    okie I wont usik ppl's daughter. I usik u can ah? bring me to Dan Neh Noh . Buy me Ribena okay? :p

  4. Auntie Cynthia

    YAy! bila? Bila? kakaka

  5. Aiya..too bad kucing's gf could not make it. But Mamarazzi sure had a swell time and great food too. :)

  6. *pengsan* Dan Neh Noh? Dan Neh Noh dun wan la... other thing can? Kikisi... or ice cream... or mebbe sotong goreng?

  7. Hahahaha!!! The mother tak suka u lak, kucing...keeping your girlfriend far-far away from you! Hahahahaha!!! Wah! This Ipoh queen...really VIP hor...go KL, everyone belanja big makan. Yum! Yum! LOL!!! That COKE chicken...must be Cleffairy's. Not surprised...she likes anything that sounds like that! ROTFLMAO!!!

  8. hey, small kuching, how was your father's day celebration?

  9. this kucing really have a lot of creativity! something like a hindi movie liow, got songs, got drama only no dancing but got cycling!
    hahahaa..... so...
    when shall we see each other again? in Penang? :p

  10. Come come...anytime to mess around.

  11. waaaaaaaaaaaaa so enjoyable....:)

  12. U guys seems had lotsa fun there! Great gathering :-)


  13. Haha....all the "evils" out there ya... ^^

  14. oooh, what a pity smallkucing, can't see the dreamgirl and the mood so down.. such a big gap when seeing all the aunties and uncles playing around happily~~

  15. Mummy Gwen

    Yup...everyone were so noisy. Lucky the neighbours didnt call the police :p

  16. Auntie Cleff nid..wan dan neh noh

  17. STP

    Sob sob....hold hand only mahhhhh.....

    That Aunie Fairy ah...haiz...Eat all those weird stuffs one.

  18. Mommy Ling

    Thank you thank the place lotsa car car to play punya :D

  19. Claire

    Penang ah...hmm..we go serang that Eugene. One whole convoy go , k :p

  20. Manglish

    when coming back Msia..we can cook up a storm and makan..kakaka

  21. Dora

    Yup it was ...really gila gila there

  22. SK

    had to sing "Lonely..I'm so lonely~"

  23. uLi

    and it's not even 14th days of the 7th month yet! :p

  24. nice gathering!

  25. wow, you ladies had lots of fun!!!

  26. Aiyo poor kucing, kena stood up. But it's ok, perseverance pays! Keep it up!! LOL!

  27. 2Ma

    it was fun. Have to do it more often

  28. wah...wat a nice Hantu gathering. I want I round include me, can ah?

  29. LOL, if i am ur son, i will sue u of fabricating stories.

    U had made him a Casanova XD

  30. Kelvin

    sue me no use. Me no money. kekeke

    And he did kept asking for "Anna leh?"

  31. Jenny

    Have to appky for membership wor :p

    Joking la

  32. waaaaaaaaah so nice gathering!

  33. hahaha...smallkucing missed his darling. poor boy.

  34. Hahaha...another mmmy bloggers' meet up. Joshua, don't be sad....her mummy will surely tell her that you are broken-hearted by her absence! :-D

  35. wah...must join in next time...kekeke

  36. mNhL

    he had to sendiri entertain himself loh. Lucky Claire's son and daughter play with him

  37. Irene

    Ya lor...a bunch of "ngoh Gwai" gathering kakaka..whole house wiwa gwai kiew

  38. Alice

    More like "hungry Ghost" gathering than Mommy gathering. Wanna join this club or not? Must be a hantu and be able to eat a lot punya

  39. Prince and Princess Mum

    Enjoy till "someone" nearly forgot to go back office kakaka

  40. Vialentino

    Most welcome. Bring a long some of those delicious food that you have been snapping :p

  41. Wow...nice foods, nice aunties around, too bad 'she' wasn't here....:)

  42. U girls really pandai enjoy lah! Eh, Mommy Ling's two little angels not around to play with smallkucing meh?

  43. Eeee... auntie where got eat weird stuff wan, smallkucing. Ur mamarazzi baru la tak normal. Makan dong guai... eeeeee! Scary!

  44. Auntie Cleff

    Dong Guai good leh

  45. Chloe Mommy

    The two Jie jie have own programme

  46. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE22 June 2010 at 16:59

    Joshua still have lot of time on his hand...(singing my heart will go on)...In another 10 -15 years, see if two of them got something going or not :-)

  47. MRC

    entah la...kept asking for anna at home

  48. MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE23 June 2010 at 20:44

    LOL - Alamak this Joshua

  49. Wah wah wah!! Fun gathering and with so so much food!! Make me drool. :(

  50. Annie

    Hahaha....all hungry ghost :p


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